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How To: Tailslide a rail on a snowboard

Snowboarding: Hit the Slopes With Style There was a time when simply riding a snowboard made you the extreme guy on the slopes. But now, with more people strapping on a board instead of skis, the stakes have been raised. Fortunately, we've lined up this video tutorial to keep you on the cutting edge. See how to tailslide a rail on a snowboard.

How To: Use the JVC DR-DV5000 Direct To Edit

Check out this cinematography tutorial video that demonstrates how to use your professional JVC DR-DV5000 Direct to Edit (DTE). The DR-DV5000 is designed to mount directly to your JVC GY-DV5100 and turn it into a DV-Disk recording solution. It becomes possible to shoot directly to disk or simultaneously to tape and disk. The DTE capture files are a mirror image of what's recorded. Learn everything there is to know about the DR-DV5000 with this instructional cinematography video and start usin...

How To: Perform a Testicular Self Exam

Testicular cancer is a young man's disease, and yet this is the age group that has the greatest sense of invincibility from the illness. Dr Harper demonstrates the technique you can use to self-examine your balls, and as it's best carried out in the shower, it's a great excuse for taking a bit longer in the morning. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to check testicles for any lumps or possible cancer.

How To: Perform a breast self exam

1 in 9 women will get breast cancer at some point in their lives, and at least a third of women will not self-check their breasts. Early diagnosis is essential in treating breast cancer, and that’s where monthly self-checks come in. If you’re not sure where to start – don’t worry! Dr Dawn Harper’s guide will give you advice on exactly how to self-check your boobs. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to self examine breasts for any lumps or possible cancer.

How To: Make a soldering iron out of a graphite pencil and jumper cables

Now this is one how-to video you probably don't come across often. While most jewelry makers and welders probably purchase their soldering irons, it's actually possible to make your own soldering iron out of graphite pencil, car battery and jumper cables. We know it sounds like you're going to end up lit up like those much-parodied dads trying to set up Christmas lights on the rooftop during the holidays, but this process actually works quite well.

How To: Build a handheld version of the TSA's microwave-based body scanner

With the TSA's full-body scanners occupying a great deal of airports nationwide, the debate remains as to whether air travelers should continue to be subject to immoral security techniques and possible health risks due to the x-ray scanning devices. The "advanced imaging technology" may help keep obvious weapons out of major airports, but scanning naked bodies seems more voyeuristic than crucial to national security. But while the argument continues, one woman is taking a stand… well, not rea...

How To: Make Kyle from South Park your Call of Duty: Black Ops playercard emblem

Forget the callsigns and titles from previous Call of Duty video games, Black Ops gives you something new to play with— playercards. Playercards allow you to create virtually any emblem you can possible think of because they're fully customizable, and emblem images can be colored, moved, rotated, flipped, resized and stacked on top of each other, with up to 12 emblem images layered at once. And if you're making Kyle Broflovski from South Park your playercard emblem, you'll need all 12 layers!

How To: Explore Density, Viscosity & Miscibility with a Colorful Layered Liquid Science Experiment

Ever wonder why Jupiter has those colored bands across its surface? Jupiter's enormous mass is made from an array of different liquids, and those fluids do not play well together because of their different makeup. All of the hydrogen- and helium-based fluids are thought not to be miscible, which means that they aren't homogeneous in nature, resulting in strikingly beautiful bands across the planet's surface. But what about viscosity and how that correlates to the development of planets? What ...

How To: Play Warhammer 40,000 with the basic 5th Edition rules

Warhammer 40,000 is one of the most popular and most derided games on the planet. Very few games are so fun, so harmless, and so beloved, and yet people who play are often labeled nerds and it has never caught in in mainstream America (different story in Europe and Australia, where it's HUGE). If you've been considering playing, you've come to the perfect place. Warhammer 40k is a complex game, but this video series will teach you everything you need to know to start playing. It uses the basi...

How To: Defeat a Terran Bio Ball build with Zerg in StarCraft 2 multiplayer

Starcraft 2 is finally upon us after 12 years of waiting, and it is just as majestic as you would hope it would be. If you're new to the series or just haven't played in five years, the barrier to entry for the unskilled can high, especially if you prefer playing online multiplayer. Fortunately for you, we've compiled videos on just about everything you need to know about the game, including strategies and tips for winning with different races in different modes and situations, and even how t...

How To: Stream media from a Droid X phone to a PlayStation 3

Okay, just because the new Verizon Wireless Droid X comes with an HDMI-out port doesn't mean you're limited to just that. Motorola has made it possible for you to play video, music, and pictures to your television without any wires at all. With the Droid X's DLNA media sharing application, you can easily stream to an PS3 or Xbox, send pics to your PC, and stream videos to your TV. Check out this video walkthrough to learn how to use the DLNA services to connect your Droid X to the PlayStation 3!

How To: Remedy potential earthquake hazards in the workplace

Washington State has a history of large earthquakes, as does California. More than 1,000 earthquakes are registered in Washington State each year. More than 10,000 are recorded in California each year. In an earthquake, non-structural elements, which is anything that does not actually hold the building up, may become unhooked, dislodged, thrown about, and tipped over. this can cause extensive damage, interruption of operation, injury and even death.

How To: Serve in tennis with David Lloyd

If you want to learn how to serve in tennis this is for you. The serve is the most important aspect in the game because the server has complete control. You have two attempts to serve the ball; if both attempts hit outside of the service box the server double faults and their opponent receives a point. When you are serving the ball your front foot should be at a 45 degree angle and your rear foot should be parallel to the baseline. Your weight should be evenly distributed over both feet. The ...

How To: Perform an interrupted and a subcuticular suture

If you want to perform an interrupted and a subcuticular suture you should first make a bite through the skin. In order to make a bite through the skin you should put the needle point perpendicular to the surface, turn your wrist and make sure it arrives at an even point from the entry point. Grasp the needle as it comes from the tissue. Make sure you always keep the needle in view. Then ti e the suture with an instrument tie and form the knot on the side of the wound so it does not effect th...

How To: Fold a frog using origami

Kevin demonstrates how to make a paper frog. Take a regular sheet of construction paper. Fold the outer ends towards the center forming a triangle. Fold a crease at the base of the triangle and cut it out. Open the folds and you can observe two creases. Create two X-shaped creases by bending the opposite corners. Hold the triangles on the side of the X and squash it down such that the other two triangles meet. Repeat the process on the other side. This forms a square with a diagonal cut conta...

How To: Toilet bowl train your cat

In this video, Julie teaches viewers how to toilet train their cats. This is, to clarify, training to use a human toilet. First, you will have to get your cat acquainted with toilet seats. Take a toilet seat (that is clean) and tape it securely to the top of your cat's litter box. Once your cat is used to that, buy a sitz bath (or a similar-sized container) that will fit under the toilet seat but above the toilet bowl. Fill it with cat litter and wait until your cat is comfortable with using ...

How To: Change the SSH root password on the iPhone and iPod

This video tutorial from iDeviceTutz shows how to change the SSH root password for iPhone or iPod.When iPhone or iPod is jailbroken it sets its password to default - alpine.Thus your device becomes vulnerable from a network attack that could steal your information or identity. So you need to change your password as soon as possible when your device is jailbroken.For this you'll need Mobile Terminal program on your device and SSH client (Cyberduck or WinSCP) on your computer.First download and...

How To: Calibrate a Mac display

In this video from MacOSG we learn how to calibrate a Mac display by using ColorSync. Go to apple menu and select system preferences. Then go to Display. In there, click on color tab to access the profiles for your monitor. Click the calibrate button. It will bring up the Calibration Assistant. Make sure expert is checked. The goal here is to make the apple logo match the outside grid as much as possible. Click Continue and repeat the process. Next is gamma selection. In most cases the native...

How To: Write the Japanese character "kuni" meaning "country"

This video tutorial is about Japanese language, and it shows us how to write the Japanese Kanji character "kuni" meaning "country". Our first step is to write a line starting from the top left and finishing in the bottom left. Remember that the order of the strokes in Japanese language are very important; there is just one possible stroke order for every character. After making the first stroke, you will need to make other two lines with only one stroke, starting from the same point than he p...

How To: Paint a traditional puppy dog painting

Everybody loves dogs, but not everybody can own one. Although… everyone can own and enjoy a painted dog. And if you want to learn how to paint a puppy dog yourself, this is the video tutorial for you. Make sure to pause the video after each step and look at the screen every few seconds while you are drawing.

How To: Draw Uncle Sam's pointing hand

A hand is NOT the easiest thing to draw, so don't be disappointed if you need a little help mastering hand drawings. They're almost as bad as feet! Watch this tutorial to learn how to draw Uncle Sam's pointing hand. Make sure to pause the video after each step and look at the screen every few seconds while you are drawing.

How To: Make aluminum nitrate nonahydrate

Aluminum nitrate nonahydrate is a crystalline hydrate - a salt of aluminum and nitric acid - Al(NO3)3·9H2O. It's used for a variety of things such as antiperspirants, corrosion inhibitors, and petroleum refining, or… glow-in-the-dark powder. Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make aluminum nitrate nonahydrate with Dr. Lithium.