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How To: Create a multiuser login system in Microsoft Access

The Microsoft Office Access 2007 relational database manager enables information workers to quickly track and report information with ease thanks to its interactive design capabilities that do not require deep database knowledge. In this Microsoft Access video tutorial, you'll learn about creating a multi-user login form to password protect different areas of your database.

News: Are You on Virgin Mobile? Your Next Phone Will Have to Be an iPhone

Virgin Wireless, perhaps best known for Sir Richard Branson and all of his antics, is an affordable cellular option here in the US. Virgin customers can enjoy — if that's the right word for it — Sprint's cellular service, at a discounted rate, however, there are usually some compromises for that. Now, there will be yet another compromise for Virgin customers who don't like iPhones — Virgin will now only carry Apple's phone on their network.

How To: Say hello, please & thank you in German

This video teaches viewers how to say common phrases in German such as Hello, Please and Thank you! To say Hello, good day in German you would say 'Hallo, guten tag'! The portion of the phrase 'hallo' means Hello in German. Hello, Good morning in German is 'Hallo, guten morgen'. Hello, good evening means 'Hallo, guten abend' in German. 'Gute Nacht' means good night in German. If you would like to say Goodbye or See you again in some time, you would say 'Auf Wiedersehen' in German. If you know...

How To: Sharpen a knife like Gordon Ramsay

Chef Gordon Ramsay teaches a customer how to sharpen a kitchen knife. The lesson he gives here is little more than giving the knife an edge with a filing tool which is a short metallic rod the size of a knife. We frequently see chefs using sharpening knives this way although the motions are so fast that we don't know what they are actually doing. Ramsey, through teaching the customer slows the process down so that we can see what is going on and hence, how to do it.

Zanti: Introduction

I've been doing tutorials on Rasberry Pi and I would like to thank everyone that have both read the tutorials and gave me feedback on how well I'm doing. But now I've decided to take a small break and start a mini series that I'm hoping to be at least five tutorials. This doesn't mean I'm gonna stop posting Raspberry Pi tutorials, but since I'm learning so much at the same time I've decided to share some of that knowledge. Hence this tutorial. Please sit back, relax and read on.

Raspberry Pi: Physical Backdoor Part 1

This tutorial is one technique to use the full functionality of your Pi. The small size makes it ideal for inside hacks, but still has the capabilities of a average desktop or computer. I should mention that a tutorial that OTW has done, but I'm gonna take it a step further. OTW made a brilliant article, but only touched on the surface of the possibilities. I hope this article will both show you many the possibilities and also allow you to start causing havoc, but I'm planning on making this ...

How To: Increase TX-Power in Kali 2.0

Hello, *Note This is my first how to post on here, so please correct anything that I have missed and let me know if anything I explained is unclear and I will try to clearify. Also I am a NOOB when it comes to this art, so I might have missed something, if so please inform me so I can better myself*

How To: Weave simple paracord 550 bracelets

Paracord, or parachute cord, is one of the most versatile ropes out there. Originally made for parachute suspension during WWII, it is now used for everything from tying knots during a camping trip to weaving sturdy bracelets as a fun DIY project. The tutorial featured in this video is the latter.

How To: Say "nice to meet you" in French ("enchanté")

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French word for "pleased to meet you": "enchanté" or, for women, "enchantée." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.

How To: Go into a yoga handstand from a split pose

Please don't try this complex yoga move at home unless you are a mid to advanced level yoga practitioner. Yoga is all about flow and one movement melding into another seamlessly, and in this tutorial you'll learn how to do a headstand (with your elbows resting on the floor) from a split pose, then relaxing into a meditation pose.