Planned Method Search Results

How To: Ignore the Future to Make Smarter Decisions

The future: that time that lies ahead, unknown and overwhelming. Whether you're an obsessive planner or someone who can't think more than two days ahead, considering the future can be frightening with all of the "what ifs." Don't let the future keep you awake at night—in fact, the less you think about what life holds in store for you, the better off you'll be.

How To: Reset Blackberry Bold 9000 / 9700 with three methods

This video tutorial belongs to the Electronics category which is going to show you how to reset the Blackberry Bold 9000 / 9700 with three methods. In the first method you hold down the Alt key, the Caps lock key and hit Delete. Your Blackberry will start resetting. This process will take about 2 minutes to complete. The second method is the double reset. Hold down the Alt key, the Caps lock key and hit Delete twice. This method is helpful if your Blackberry is frozen. The third method is cal...

How To: Learn the tongue block and pucker method

In this instructional harmonica video, learn which of two methods to use when playing the harmonica. There is sometimes a debate among harmonica players on which method is better to use: the lip pucker method or the tongue block method. Both methods play their part in helping the beginner become a more well rounded harmonica player. This tutorial teaches you both harmonica methods.

How To: Do the 'quilt as you go' method

Looking for a new way to do your quilting? Why not try the 'quilt as you go' method! With this method you don't finish the whole piece at one time, but instead take various pieces of fabric and use them one by one. This is a great method if you happen to have a big bag of fabric odds and ends you didn't know what to do with. You'll need a piece of backing, thread, pins and of course a sewing machine. Watch and learn how to quilt as you go!

How To: Come up with a restaurant business plan

In this video from yourbusinesspal she talks about starting a restaurant business plan. Do you start with a restaurant from scratch with your own ideas or do you buy into an existing franchise? Starting on your own could be fun because you can come up with the whole concept of the business and use your imagination. Buying into an existing one can be fun and challenging as well. You can already buy into one with a successful record. There's no guarantee of success though. The main way to incre...

How To: Model a house from an image in SketchUp 6

You don't have to have an authentic 2-dimensional CAD drawing to model a house or building in SketchUp, all you really need is a floor plan or good image. If you don't have a CAD drawing to use to create your SketchUp model, learn how you can take an image of any floor plan and quickly turn it into a house in SketchUp 6.

How To: Plan out and organize materials for a toothbrush rug

This video weaving tutorial describes the creative process by which materials are decided upon and how to sequence the fabrics together into the rug. Naalbinding or toothbrush rug making recycles wasted clothes, plastic bags, hosiery, and time into beautiful durable rugs. Watch this instructional video and learn how to plan out and organize the fabrics and materials for toothbrush rug weaving.

How To: Overcome social anxiety

Learn to take back control if social anxiety is getting in the way of your life. The first step is to take control of conversations at social functions by asking questions. This will help you to direct the conversation more and not feel like you have no control. Next, learn to always have an exit plan for any social function you might attend. Planning an exit strategy beforehand will help you to relax. Finally, be kind and loving to yourself. Don't beat yourself up and take the time to be mor...

How To: Shoot like a pro as a newcomer to digital video

Learn the basics of shooting videos in this video. This funny and informative video from Vimeo's excellent Video 101 series of tutorials demonstrates the importance of things like always carrying extra batteries, holding on to the subject for at least 5 seconds, using the rule of thirds to compose the shots, and planning the shots ahead of time.

How To: Model a head in 3D using Maya edge extrusion method

Modeling a face using Maya or any other 3D art program is tough to do without having the result end up looking like a zombie. See the film Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within if you don't know what I'm talking about. This six-part video will help you avoid this problem in your own 3D models by teaching you how to 3D model a face using the head extrusion method in Maya. You'll need a photo to start with (the creator does not supply the one he used here) but once you have that you should be able t...

How To: Make a survival whistle out of a willow twig

If you're out in the wilderness with only one or two other people, it's easy to get separated. Even worse, if you planned for the trip to be "all natural" and decided not to bring any electronic gadgets like TVs and cells phones, then there are no lines of communication between you and your buddies.

How To: Properly light a green screen and create the illusion

Ever wonder how to create movie magic right in your own home? This video shows you step by step everything you need to know and do to create the green screen effect, from properly setting up your green screen, to lighting it, as well as your subjects for a successful effect. Filled with tips and instructions this is a great video to watch for filmmakers, and special effects artist of all kinds.

How To: Prepare and cook a meal as a Boy Scout

As a Boy Scout, when the First Class rank is attained, a scout has learned all the basic camping and outdoors skills of a scout. He can fend for himself in the wild, lead others on a hike or campout, set up a camp site, plan and properly prepare meals, and provide first aid for most situations he may encounter. A First Class scout is prepared.

How To: Build a building in Google SketchUp

This video series takes you through every step of building a building in SketchUp and is taken from chapter 4 of "Google SketchUp for Dummies" in case you want to follow along. PART 1 explains how to switch to a 2D view to get you ready to build the floor plan. It's a good idea to have accurate measurements of everything you want to build before starting this project. PART 2 familiarizes you with the tools available in SketchUp to help you create your floorplan. PART 3 shows you how to draw t...

How To: Make a space suit

Are you planning on making your own version of Star Trek, but don't have the kind of money J. J. Abrams has? Don't worry. Indy Mogul shows you how to make a futuristic space suit for less then $50 dollars. Plus special guest Rudy Jahchan of Galacticast!