Planet Production Search Results

How To: Change your iphone email notification sound

If you're an iPhone owner tired of have the same email notification sound as every other iPhone owner on the planet, check out this video to see how to change it to what YOU want! You will need to have a jailbroken iPhone, you'll need a little program called Green Poison, and you'll need to have the iPhone jailbroken app Cydia to get it all done. So go for it and tweak it today!

How To: Reuse glass jars

You don't have to throw out those glass jars! Every little bit counts, so you can feel good about making a small different if you start reusing your glass jars. Show Me The Curry has all the guidance you need to ensure that you get the most out of your glass jars and do your part to protect the planet. This video will show you how to resue glass jars.

How To: Build a galaxy scene from scratch in After Effects CS5

Learn how to create a stars-and-planets galaxy scene from scratch when using After Effects CS5. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular motion graphics and compositing software or a seasoned video professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with CS5's new features, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started making your own starscapes, watch this free video guide.

How To: Use Google Earth and explore the universe

This video shows how to download and use Google Earth. To download it, go to and click “Download Google Earth”. Then follow the directions according to where you want to save it, and it will automatically be installed. You will see an icon pop up on your desktop. Double click on the icon to open Google Earth.

How To: Take a Green Shower and Save Water

Bathing is one of the most enjoyable and least environmentally responsible part of many people's days. Fortunately, showers use less water than baths, so we're better off than we used to be. This video will show you how to green your shower even further, reducing your water usage as well as your water and heating bills, and increasing the longevity of our water supplies and planet.

How To: Use compact fluorescent bulbs to save money

Switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs doesn't just benefit the planet. It will also benefit you personally. Compact fluorescent light bulbs last a lot longer than regular bulbs, and they burn much less power. That adds up to save you a lot of money in the long run. In this video, Mark Donovan of shows us a few of the benefits of using these bulbs.

How To: Create rotating planets and moons in Photoshop

Pixel Perfect is the "perfect" show to help you with your Photoshop skills. Be amazed and learn as master digital artist Bert Monroy takes a stylus and a digital pad and treats it as Monet and Picasso do with oil and canvas. Learn the tips and tricks you need to whip those digital pictures into shape with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. In this episode, Ben shows you how to create rotating planets and moons in Photoshop.

How To: SETI Needs Your Help Renaming Pluto's Newly Found P4 and P5 Moons

In 2006, everything that revolved around my world shattered into tiny pieces as I learned that scientists had decided to rescind Pluto's planetary status. Given the ol' Jeff Probst treatment, Pluto was officially voted off our solar system in the blink of an eye, leaving us with only eight planets and a whole load of useless textbooks. The primary reason that Pluto was demoted down to a "dwarf planet" was due to Pluto's largest moon, Charon, being about half the size of Pluto; all the other p...

How To: Add Interactive Live Wallpapers to Your Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy S3, or Other Android Device

When it comes to live wallpaper for your Android device, the choices are pretty much limitless. Anything from a planet's elliptical orbit around the sun to a school of fish swimming across your screen are just a click and a download away. With the advancement of smartphones, live wallpapers have greatly improved. What once used to be a bit of snow falling down the screen has now evolved into very complex animations, with some that are even susceptible to your interaction with them.

How To: Make no yeast pizza dough

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's bizarre. Still, pizza is one of the most beloved foods on the planet and this how-to will let you make a great pizza crust recipe without using yeast at all. The crust is considered the trickiest part of the pizza, but let's be honest, it's where it all begins. So, watch the vid and get it right.

How To: Make Green Modifications to Your Toilet to Save Water

Toilets are one of the greatest boons to public health of all time, but they do use a ton of water when they flush. If the old adage "If it's yellow, stay mellow. If it's brown, flush it down," disgusts you, but you still want to find a more green way to flush, then watch this video. I will show you how to modify your toilet at home, making it use less water without sacrificing flushing efficiency. Don't waste money on a low-flow toilet or destroy the planet. Watch this video.

How To: Cheat to find the Hologram Tool in Spore

Here it final is. The video of the hologram tool people have been asking about. The search for the answer to weather or not you can get out of your space ship is over. It's yes and no, depending on what you interpret as getting out. The hologram allows you project yourself onto the planet. You're free to look around and move a little bit, but you cannot interact or do anything.