Pics Pussy Search Results

How To: Wait... Photographing Your Meals Actually Improves Them?

Last year, The New York Times wrote that certain restaurants in Manhattan and Brooklyn banned patrons from taking photos of their meals. That means no flash photography, no standing on chairs for a better angle, not even a quick pic for your Instagram followers before the first bite. Little do these restaurants know, this ban can actually make their customers' food taste worse, so to speak.

How To: Send Self-Destructing Spy Messages via Google Docs, Texts, and Private Links

There's really nothing safe about transmitting sensitive information electronically, but even if it gets there safely without being seen by prying eyes, there's no guarantee what happens to it once it reaches its destination. And let's face it, there are some things that you just don't want floating out there forever. So what can you do? Whether you want to send an email, a text, or a link, there are ways to send messages that self-destruct so that once they're read, they immediately vanish. ...

News: DIY Origami Christmas Tree

This is how my version of an origami Christmas tree turned out based on the instructions I posted awhile back. Cory also made a version from white glossy paper, which looks great. I opted for the green and brown look, but it wasn't easy.

How To: Open Your iPhone Camera to Portrait Mode Every Time

Every iPhone Apple currently sells, including the brand new iPhone SE, ships with Portrait mode, injecting DSLR-like depth effects into your Camera app. If that's the shooting mode you use more than any other, it may feel tedious having to switch to "Portrait" from "Photo" every time you open the app. But you can fix that, and there are a few different ways to go about it.

How To: Steal Your Friends' Cool Instagram Stories Effects

When watching stories in your Instagram feed, there's a high probability that you'll come across an AR filter that you'll want to try out for yourself. A quick browse and search in the Effect Gallery will bring up nothing in most cases. But all of that unproductive work isn't necessary because there's a faster and simpler way to get the AR effect in Instagram Stories, and it works all of the time.

Coming Soon: Share Instagram Comments in Direct Messages, Stories, or Other Apps

Sometimes, you'll see a comment on Instagram that you really need to share. Maybe it's something funny, possibly offensive. Whatever the case, the only thing to do is screenshot it and share that, right? Hopefully, not for long. Instagram is currently testing a feature that would allow you to share comments with others via a direct message and maybe even to stories and other apps.

Coming Soon: Notification Filters in Instagram Will Help Organize Your Activity Alerts

Does your Activity page on Instagram feel cluttered? You're not alone. Instagram lumps all alerts into one long, chaotic timeline, so if you want to see comments or likes, you have to weed through everything else including shares from other users, memories, recommendations, and new follows. Instagram knows its a mess, and the company plans to add notification filters to sort things out.

How To: Make a Stool from Recycled Wood.

How to make a stool from recycled wood. The rustic wooden stool l'm making in this video is dual purposed. Initially it's for a child but it can also be used as a step stool. I made this stool from hardwood fence palings but you could also use pallet wood. It's a very simple stool to build and should only take a couple of hours or so to make.

How To: Build a Coffee Table

How to make a rustic coffee table from reclaimed pallet wood. My coffee table is a combination of pallet wood for the legs and frame, and an old painters plank for the top. The coffee table has a drawer which is perfect for the remote controls or the TV Guide. You could even use this coffee table as a TV Stand. I tried it and it looks really good.

How To: iOS 8's Hidden Gallery Shows Every Pic, Video, & Attachment from Your Texting History

Viewing all of the attachments in a message thread within iOS 7 has never been particularly easy. To see every single picture and video dating back to the beginning of the conversation, you have to manually scroll through the entire conversation and refresh it until all of it appears on your screen. Depending on how long the conversation is, that could take some time.