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How To: Bypass the iPhone 4 passcode lock screen to make phone calls (iOS 4.1)

Want to make a phone call on an iPhone 4 running Apple's iOS 4.1, but don't know its passcode? Not a problem. In this clip, we learn a simple trick that will allow you to bypass the lock screen entirely and permit you to view the phone's contact list and place phone calls to any number you like. This glitch has been fixed with iOS 4.2, so treasure this hack while it still lasts! This will let you unlock someones password on an ipod or iphone touch.

How To: Unsend email with some help from Google

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to unsend emails with the help of Google. Users will need a Google email account. Begin by logging into your Gmail account and click on Settings. Then click on the Labs tab under Settings and scroll down the page until you see "Undo Send". Now click on Enable and click on Save Changes. Now when users send an email, they can undo the email by clicking on Undo once they have sent the mail. Users will only have 5 seconds to undo an email after it has bee...

How To: Install Windows in Your Classic VW Beetle Bug

Windows are an important part of a car that everyone should have. Sure feeling the wind against your face is great and all, but what happens if the wind is carrying bugs, water, or even other foreign objects in the air? The windows are there to protect you from anything that might be harmful. So in this video tutorial, you'll be finding out how to install windows in a classis VW Beetle Bug with no problems. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Remove RC Lexan paint from a model car

To remove the lexan paint, obtain a bottle of brake fluid. Make sure you read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for its harmful effects, and put on a pair of gloves to avoid contact with the hands when applying the brake fluid. To remove a large area of paint, pour a little amount of brake fluid onto some paper towel, and rub the area in a circular motion until the lexan paint is completely dissolved and removed from the area. A Q-tip can also be used to remove smaller areas. Apply as muc...

How To: Remove viruses, malware, trojans or hacks from your PC

If your computer is working slow--or not at all, there could be some unsavory programs running amok in your system. Trojans, malware, viruses, and hacks are dangerous to the health of your operating system. This video tutorial demonstrates the measures to take in order to rid your PC of malicious programs. Stop being bullied by harmful applications and use such programs as AVG Antivirus and Malwarebytes to protect your computer. Once you've cleaned up your system, be sure to configure your se...

How To: Unclog a drain without toxic chemicals

Don't call a pricey plumber! Anyone with a few tools can unclog a drain -- without even resorting to those strong, toxic chemicals. Most of the time, anyway. You will need baking soda, vinegar, rubber gloves, cleaning rags or duct tape, a rubber plunger, a plumber's snake, petroleum jelly, a bucket or pan, and a length of hose. WARNING: Do not try this if you have already used a commercial drain opener, as it can create harmful fumes.

How To: Use HDDHackr to make a hard drive work with XBox 360

HDDhackr is a really cool little software utility that allows you to make any hard drive work as an XBox 360 hard drive. No need to pay a ridiculous premium to buy a cheap hard drive from Microsoft! This video will teach you how to use HDDhackr to set up a hard drive for use on your XBox 360. Now you can backup your game library, download as many movies as you want, and do all sorts of other fun things that the tiny hard drive you had before would not permit.

How To: Count unique items with multiple criteria in Excel

New to Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. With this video tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 368th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet video tutorials, you'll learn how to create and use an array formula that will permit you to count unique items within a column while specifying more than one criterion. This guide uses the SUM, IF FREQUENCY, MATCH, ROW, and ISNUMBER functions (in a somewhat unusual combi...

How To: Make sodium bromate & potassium meta-periodate

This video tutorial is in the Education category which will show you how to make sodium bromate and potassium meta-periodate. This experiment uses toxic chemicals and releases harmful gases. First you have to make a saturated sodium bromide. To this solution then add a small amount of potassium dichromate. The solution now becomes concentrated. Then make the circuit as shown in the video. You need a 3 - 5 ohm resistor in order to reduce the current. Then let the cell run for around 6 hours. S...

How To: Test paint for the presence toxic lead

In this tutorial, we learn how to test paint for the presence toxic lead. You will first need to make up two solutions. One will need sodium sulfide and water mixed together in a small container. Then, add acidic acid and water into another container. Drop small amounts of the mixtures into containers, then add in the paint to the containers. Watch and see how the reaction of the paint is with the mixture. If you start to see a black reaction occur in the container, you will know that your pa...

How To: Make your own homemade, eco-friendly all purpose cleaner

If you've just ran out of all purpose cleaner, hold on to your waller for just a couple of minutes. Most of the all purpose cleaners, or any cleaner for that matter, contains chemicals that can be harmful for you and others. Not only that, but it produces more trash that can easily be avoided. How so? By making your own stuff from scratch.

How To: Get free, non-intrusive virus protection with Avira

In this tutorial, we learn how to get free virus protection with Avira. To do this, first go to Free AV, and download the software. After you install everything, open the program up. Next, you will want to scan your computer for any viruses that may be present already. It may take a while to scan your entire computer, but it will search all of your different files. If something comes up, you can choose how to deal with it and get rid of the virus if you wish. This is also great for any emails...

How To: Clean a Spyder Marker paintball gun

In this tutorial, we learn how to clean a Spyder marker paintball gun. Before you start, disconnect your air source and turn the gun off to a safe position. Now, remove the barrel and slide out the pin. Now, the marker should fall out on its own. Make sure not to lose any of the parts that come out with this. Pull out the string, bumper, and striker as well. Now, use paintball oil to clean all of the parts that you removed from your gun. Only use the paintball oil, because other oils contain ...

How To: Replace a push button water filter on a fridge

Most of the new refrigerators that are being sold nowadays have the ability to provide fresh drinking water with the push of a button. This comes in handy for those who want a nice and cold glass of water quickly. In order to provide drinking water, a water filter is installed in order to catch any harmful ingredients that may be inside of the water.

How To: Replace a refrigerator's turning water filter

Besides being able to keep food cool and fresh for days, a fridge can also do much more. One feature that many are coming equipped with is an area for drinking water. This makes it easier to get a hold of nice, cool water during a hot summer day. But of course you need a filter to get rid of anything that may be harmful to you or others.

How To: Reduce a fever naturally

Dr. Jeanne Galloway shows you how to reduce a fever naturally. The primary goal seems to be is to reduce the suffering. This may have a harmful effect because fevers are the body's natural ways to kill off bacterial or viral infections. If you kill off a fever too soon you may prolong the illness. Some tricks to reduce pain include tepid bath that is not too hot or too cold. Putting lavender essential oil or vinegar in the bath it may bring down a fever. Another thing is to hydrate because a ...

How To: Perform a cool smoke trick with your finger

The commentator tells viewers they will learn how to make smoke from their fingertips. First you must tear the strip off of a matchbox. Then place the strip in an ashtray, facing upside down. Light the strip on fire and let it burn for a little while. Push the burned strip to one side of the ashtray and there will be a brown-yellow residue left in the bottom of the ashtray. Wipe the residue off with one of your fingers and then proceed to rub your fingers together. Smoke will then come from y...

How To: Clear Firefox Browsing Cache and Cookies

Here Danny Beales shows you how to quickly clear your Firefox cache and cookies. To clear your Firefox cache, do the following: Go to Tools Clear Private Data Select which data you would like to have cleared, and click on Clear Private Data. Your cookies and/or cache has been cleared. Remember to do this from time to time, because it will help speed up your browser's performance as well as keep harmful cookies from tracking your browsing.

How To: Quit smoking cigarettes with meditation

Roy Masters demonstrates the hypnotic process behind effortlessly quitting smoking. He explains that if one can meditate and come to a conscious level of smoking, one can realize the harmful effects of smoking. One technique he employs is having a person take a puff on a cigarette but keep the smoke in their mouth. Becoming conscious of the fact that the smoke is poisonous makes it much harder to breathe in the smoke. By practicing this technique, one can effectively quit smoking.

How To: Build a fire pit with Lowe's

In this video, Mike Craft from Lowe's teaches us how to build a fire pit. First, check to make sure there are guidelines permitting you to place a fire pit outside of your home. Then, make sure you have a clear area to place the fire pit. Once you have a spot picked out, you will need to make a paver base for your fire pit to lay on top of. After this, lay a circle of blocks around the cover for the fire pit. Layer three sections of blocks, then line with bricks on the inside and place in the...

How To: Paper train your dog

Dogs have to learn bowel etiquette much quicker than humans, and these helpful steps will make sure your paper-trained pooch becomes man's best friend, not your carpet's worst nightmare.

How To: Safely use a crockpot

Next time you make dinner in your crockpot, be sure to follow these crockpot safety tips. The temperature should be at least 140 degrees. Food needs to cook at this temperature or higher to prevent the growth of bacteria. Do not put frozen foods into a crockpot. All foods should be defrosted before cooking, so the temperature can reach 140 degrees as quickly as possible. Do not lift the lid to stir, especially if you are cooking on the lowest setting. Each time you lift the lid, heat escapes ...

News: Google's Security Report Shows a Clear Pattern Among Malware-Infected Users

According to Google's new Android ecosystem transparency report, you're eleven times more likely to be infected by malware if you're running Android Lollipop (5.0) as opposed to Android Pie (9). The same report shows that if you sideload apps, you're almost seven times more likely to be infected than if you stick to Google Play as your app source. All of the data provided in the report is quite interesting, but there's a clear pattern among malware-infected users.

How To: The Scientific Methods for Boosting Your Willpower

Willpower is a pretty significant word. It's the difference between sticking with a clean eating diet and diving face-first into a plate of brownies. It's what drags you out of bed on Monday mornings and into work rather than letting you stay snuggled under the covers asleep. And, most importantly, it's the kick in the butt we all require to both accomplish goals and make changes.

How To: Perform a cardiovascular exam on a patient

The key to being a good doctor is great patient care and thoroughness, and those are exactly the skills you will learn in this video lesson, as you learn to perform a cardiovascular examination on your patient. This is a great, step-by-step resource for the proper examination procedure. Every medical student should know these techniques, and nursing students could benefit from this knowledge, too. Every cardiovascular exam should include inspection of the pulse, blood pressure, carotid pulsat...