Permanent Experience Search Results

How To: Make an eye pin for jewelry making

In this jewelry-making basics tutorial, learn how to make an eye pin. To create an eye pin, you will need wire. Size 24 or 22 gauge wire is the best kind of wire to make an eye pin. The thicker the wire, the more difficult it may be to work with. To begin, straighten out your wire and cut the length you need to make your eye pin. Taking some round nose pliers, you will bend the wire up while rolling it toward yourself. Do not pinch the wire too tightly with the pliers because it can leave per...

How To: Draw a graffiti version of Slimer from Ghostbusters

In this video you will learn how to draw a graffiti version of "Slimer" from the movie "Ghostbusters". The materials you will need are a writing utensil (the artist in the video uses a permanent marker) and some paper to write on. The artist begins by drawing the eyes and the pupils (the pupils appear cross-eyed). Then you draw the nose, the mouth and start outlining the area around the top of the eyes. Then draw the outline of the ghosts body then continuing around the left arm to the hand. ...

How To: Make altered paper jewelry

Looking for a stylish new look without the price tag? This video tutorial will teach you how to make jewelry on a budget, with your main material being none other than paper and plastic tubing! This step by step instructional video by craftside shows you how to recycle old card stock, paper, and cardboard to make a holder for a plastic tube necklace. First they show you how to make a "matchbook" holder by just folding the card stock around the cardboard that create a little card that will hol...

How To: Create Halloween gore makeup with household items

Halloween is by far the most fun holiday we have all year. When else can you dress up in crazy costumes, run around the neighborhood and be given candy for it? The key to a great Halloween costume is to make it as scary as possible, and nothing is scarier than bloody flesh wounds. This tutorial will show you how to make these scary lacerations with nothing more than things you probably already have in your kitchen and bathroom. Follow this step by step and you will be winning costume contest ...

How To: Create and start a group on Facebook

This video is about creating a group on Facebook. Groups on Facebook join friends and people with similar interests. Go to the dialog box and choose groups, create new. You then bring up the form. Choose a name and describe the name. Scroll down and choose the group type. Click create group. You can also add a photo of the group. Scroll down and choose enable photo, video or links. Then you decide who has the responsibility for making changes to the group-members or an administrator. Decide w...

How To: Draw Mewtwo from Pokemon

In this tutorial we learn how to draw Mewtwo. Start out by drawing the outline of the head and the rest of the body with a light pencil. Then, start to add in the details of the body and the face. Once completed, you will draw the permanent outline onto the picture over the first one and erase the first one. Next, you will color in the skin and clothing that Mewtwo is wearing. Add in shading around the character to make it look more realistic. Also make sure to use different colors on the ori...

How To: Draw a scary werewolf in the moonlight

In this video, we learn how to draw a scary werewolf in the moonlight. First, you will draw the outline for the face and the body. Give the werewolf a hunched back to make it appear more human-like. Then, draw the permanent outline over this, including additional details on the body. From here, draw on the facial features and then start to add in lines to show the fur on the outside of the body. Use shading to create a more life-like appearance and then add in some color. When you are finishe...

How To: Reduce stretch marks with the Fraxel Laser System

In this video, we learn how to reduce stretch marks with the Fraxel Laser System. This happens when the skin thins and the makes marks when the skin is stretched out too quickly. The laser has been used as years as a skin tightener and now is being used for stretch marks. First, the skin is numbed then the laser pokes tiny holes in the skin, removing the stretch marks. It makes new collagen in the skin, creating a new surface on the skin where the stretch marks used to be. This is a permanent...

How To: Stencil a t-shirt with inks

This video shows you how to stencil a t-shirt with inks. Tape the t-shirt onto a piece of cardboard with masking tape. Lay the stencil on the t-shirt and tape some blank paper at the edges to ensure that there is no splashing on the sides. Some mist paint in blue Hawaiian is used. You do not need to apply a lot of it. Add some orange paint too. To make the print permanent, you must take out the cardboard put the t-shirt on the ironing board with the design uppermost. Cover the design with a c...

How To: Draw a tiger

This short video provides a clear example of how to draw a tiger. It begins with a skeletal foundation, with each line clearly mapped out in green pencil – easy to draw. This foundation is then built upon in a different color thus developing the face, claws and tail. The development is drawn over with a pen to stay permanent and finally the green foundation is erased. In just 20 seconds, this video shows – in four simple steps that you can follow – to draw a tiger. Go to [www.howtodrawfantasy...

How To: Treat hirsuitism or excessive female facial hair

Women who suffer from excessive facial hair (or hirsuitism) can feel extremely self-conscious, but the condition is not uncommon and affects up to 15% of women. In this exclusive video guide, Dr Harper discusses the symptoms and causes of this condition, as well as the best treatment options available. Excessive facial hair can be embarrassing, but there are plenty of ways to remove it, either temporarily or on a more permanent basis. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to treat hirsuitism.

How To: Do Arabic Mehndi Design for Hands

If you are a tattoo enthusiast and love trying new designs but apprehensive about a permanent one, Arabic mehndi design is for you. The designs in this form are not ethnic, conventional or traditional but modern and jazzy. It is made using intelligent spacing that not only enhances the design but gives it a trendy look. They are bright and add a lot of glam to the hands as they are made using different coloured henna- brown, red and black and sometimes even glitters. These are the best form o...

How To: Get a commercial driver FAST card for US & Canada

FAST is an expedited travel program for commercial truck drivers that travel between the US and Canada. FAST cards are available to citizens or permanent residents of Canada or the US. The FAST program is viewed as a privilege by both Canada and the US. You can be denied for the FAST program if you do not have a clean driving record and a clean record with the Canadian Border Services and The US Customs and Border Protection. Things such as being caught with undeclared items and having a crim...

How To: Remove a Participant in a Zoom Video Call & Ban Them from Joining Again

As more and more people use the video conferencing service Zoom, the chances of trolling behavior and attacks only increase. But it's not just "Zoombombers" you need to worry about. A heated discussion between family, friends, or colleagues could turn sideways real quick, and sometimes the best course of action is to remove the participant from the group video meeting altogether.

How To: Fix the Worn Out Heel Linings in Your Ragged Shoes & Sneakers—MacGyver Style!

The worst thing about running shoes is that they're expensive, but you're supposed to abuse them. Even if you're not a runner, everyday wear and tear takes its toll. No matter how well you take care of them, if you use them enough, they're eventually going to wind up looking like this: And it's not just running shoes. I have a pair of Vans that I've worn for almost four years, and the heels are just about ripped all the way through.

How To: Circuit bend a battery-powered toy

Take your old electronics and make them scream with glitchy goodness. This an extremely easy project and makes a great project for first-time solderers. Circuit bending involves taking electronic devices that make multiple sounds and wiring in switches to set off glitches or loops. Using an out-of-tune toy, the first part of this video series demonstrates how to apply a basic pitch bend using a potentiometer. In the second part, you'll learn how to bend the same toy by applying body contact. ...

How To: Get Twitter's Emojis on Any Android Phone

The art of emoji — the next level beyond the simple text-based emoticons we used once upon a time in the not so distant past. We rely upon emojis so much in our always-connected world of today simply because they help portray emotion into our typed out words. They've not been around very long, but have taken the world by storm just as quickly as they made their first appearance in our society.

How To: Remove Stock iOS App, Without Jailbreak (iOS 6)

At first glance, the iOS home screen looks nearly identical to the original release back in 2007. Though those experienced with the evolving iterations of iOS will tell you that the features have changed. Furthermore, with the App Store continuing to explode with (lets face it) better options than the stock software, these included applications are only causing clutter across the springboard.

How To: Put together a resume as an ex-offender

Eric Mayo teaches us how to put together a resume as an ex-offender. Your resume should be a one page paper of all your skills and work experiences. If you don't have a lot of experience writing resumes, get help from friends who have experience. When you write it, add your name, address and telephone number onto it so you can be contacted. After this, you will want to list: objective, work experience, education/training, skills/strengths, and references. Remember not to list your references ...