Performing Appropriately Search Results

How To: Perform tap dance steps for beginners

If you're interested in learning how to tap dance, prepare for some fun. Although it may seem difficult or annoying, tap dance is very energetic and will have you sweating. In this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to perform tap dance steps for beginners. They're easy to follow and will cover much of the basic steps in tap. So good luck, get your shoes ready, and enjoy!

How To: Do an Arabian 180 backflip

Epic1 demonstrates how to perform an Arabian 180 back flip. Use a tucking motion when performing the Arabian. Use an up, turn and front flip motion when doing this stunt. The feet will pivot during the execution of the Arabian. Get your back flips down before performing the Arabian. A good trampoline and a foam pit will help you. Be careful of your distance and control because you're not going to see the spot where you're going to land before you land it. You will have to guess where your lan...

How To: Do the multiplying chalk trick

This video is a tutorial on how to perform the multiplying chalk trick. The magician uses two pieces of chalk to perform this trick, although he also suggests using anything chalk-shaped. First, the magician performs the illusion of hiding one piece of chalk in his right hand. The other chalk is visible to the audience in his left hand. He switches the chalk and pretends to put it in his pocket, but in reality he is hiding the piece of chalk. He continues to repeat this action over and over. ...

How To: Perform the card flourish the Scissor Cat Display

Learn how to perform the Scissor Cat Display with cute, female magician Baby Cat. First, Baby Cat demonstrates the methods & then goes into the display. Watch carefully, and with practice you will be able to perform the Scissor Cat Display card flourish trick as well as your instructor. Card flourish is a term magicians use for the skill & technique of card handling. No magic is performed, card flourishes just amaze and display the dexterity of a magician's hands.

How To: Perform a general chest exam on a patient

There's no better way to learn then by visual media, and that's what makes this video lesson on performing a chest exam so great. It's perfect for any future doctor, and great for nursing students to understand the proper procedure for examining a patient's chest. Medical students can easily learn how to perform a general chest exam, because ever step and technique is outlined and shown. A chest examination is very important to determining what's wrong with your patient, and you will be able ...

How To: Easily perform a levitation trick

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform the levitation trick. Before performing this trick, users will need to attach the invisible thread onto their ear. Begin by applying some wax to the left middle finger. Then take the item that you wish to levitate with the wax sill on your finger. Now begin connecting with the spectator and build up a story. Then attach the thread from your ear to the item. Move your hand away from your body. The thread will stretch and the item will start ...

How To: Get off the ground & ollie on a skateboard

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform an Ollie on a skateboard. An Ollie is a basic trick for getting off the ground and allows users to perform other tricks once learned. Place your back foot on the edge of the board's tail and front foot placed behind the front board bolts. Then pop down the tail with the back foot, bend the front foot, flick the board in midair and land on the board with both feet. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in skateboarding, an...

How To: Play drums using the push pull technique

This how to video will teach you how to perform the push pull technique on drums. If you want to throw a double, you can start with a single and get an accent on the double for an inverted double. Just push and grab really quick. For a double, use a controlled rebound. For the inverted double, start with a single and dig out the second stroke of the double. A french grip is useful for performing this technique. This is good for ghostings and shuffles. For shuffles, you can use a controlled re...

How To: Perform a hang-clean to build your traps and shoulders

In this video, Darin L. Steen teaches how to perform the hang-clean exercise, which is a weightlifting technique that is good for working out the shoulders. Learn how to correctly perform this movement so that you can practice it yourself at home. You will also learn tips such as common mistakes, and things to watch out for, so that you can perform this exercise safely and effectively. This video follows Steen's methods of "muscle confusion"; that is variations to keep workouts unique, causin...

How To: Perform a crow pose in Vinyasa yoga

With this free two-part video yoga lesson from Manhattan yogi extraordinaire Sadie Nardini, you'll learn how to get into a simple crow pose while minimizing fear and maximizing success. The key, it seems, is to focus on your foundation and then squeeze into your core.

How To: Learn the "Fishing" move in Poppin'

Shawn Phan teaches how to perform the Poppin' move in the dance technique referred to as Fishing. To be able to perform this step, it requires upper body control. Phan explains what the step consists of and where the move can be commonly found. Phan then shows the tricks to be able to move your body to create the desired effect. He provides examples of how the move is performed and then slowly breaks down the move so that anyone can learn how to perform it.

How to Perform magic tricks: false cuts

Learn the craft of magic. This magic tutorial demonstrates the following trick: false cuts. Jarek is an 18 year old magician here to instruct his love of magic. Magic tricks take time and patience to learn. Watch this magic trick tutorial to master false cuts.

How To: Perform a back handspring with a crazy fellow

A quick disclaimer: this video tutorial will be showing you how to perform a back handspring. This particular trick can be dangerous to perform and could result in bodily harm and even death. So before trying it out, please make sure you understand how to do it and have the right tools needed to perform this. Soft pillows or pads would especially be useful for those beginners out there interested in this video. Once you've perfected this, it should be pretty easy to perform a backflip. Just t...

How To: Perform the floating rice trick

This is a cool trick that creates the illusion that one object appears heavier than the other. Check out the video, and watch Steve Spangler perform this trick and teach you how to do it! This trick, dating back thousands of years, uses two identical bottles of rice and chopsticks. One bottle appears to be lighter than the other and floats up.

How To: Perform a dipping free kick in FIFA 11 on the Xbox 360

If you've gotten a free kick and it's between 24 and 30 yards, there's a way to actually score almost every time using a Dipping Free kick. It takes a little finesse though, and you have to make sure that the player who is taking the free kick has a high Free Kick Accuracy stat. In this video you will get a walkthrough of how to perform this free kick.

How To: Perform a great neck and shoulder massage for anyone

Whether male or female, being able to give someone a massage is great for making that certain someone like you just that much more, or helps to relieve stress in a stressful situation for them. If you only seem to be making them feel uncomfortable when you do it, you're probably doing it wrong. In this video you will learn how to perform a basic back and shoulder massage with tips for location and set up.

How To: Perform a simple scale-based ukulele warm-up exercise

In this clip, you'll learn how to perform a simple scale warm-up exercise for the ukulele. If you want to get really good at playing the ukulele, it stands to reason that you'll need to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in high-quality video lessons like this one from the folks at Ukulele Underground. For more information, including a step-by-step overview, watch this free video ukulele tutorial.

How To: Remove and replace the battery on your Apple iPad

If your iPad's battery is malfunctioning or not performing properly for any reason, check out this clip. In this tutorial, you will learn how to very carefully disassemble and remove the battery from the back of your device so that you can replace it with a new one. Perform surgery on your beloved iPad with help from this video. Good luck!

How To: Perform tutting, fingertutting and digital combos

In hip-hop dance, or any dance for that matter, there are so many different types of techniques and moves it can be hard to keep track of them all. Most importantly, it can be hard to figure out what you like and how to do it. Well, if you're interested in things like tutting, fingertutting, or digital combos then this video may be for you.

How To: Perform the "Drop Spark" Zippo lighter trick

In this clip, learn how to perform the Drop Spark with your Zippo. This trick requires a fast hand and practice but when you do master it, it's pretty cool. Basically, you will be dropping your lighter to spark it, so that it looks like you lit the flame effortlessly. Follow along and impress your friends the next time they ask for a light.

How To: Fix a loose bearing on Shimano Octolink bottom bracket

This video will help you perform a rather elaborate piece of bicycle maintenance, overhauling and fixing a loose bearing in a Shimano Octolink pipe spindle bottom bracket. It is a long, complicated process that requires some specialized bike maintenance tools, but if you have these and are ready to increase the amount of maintenance that you are performing on your bike yourself, this video will walk you through the process in great detail and at a manageable pace.

How To: Do a basic step in salsa dancing

Knowing just the basic steps in any form of dance can get you by if you are going out to a dance club/event that plays music you have never danced to before. In any form of dance you can apply a count to as to how many steps there are to perform a basic move. To perform a basic step in salsa dancing, there is a 7 step count. Practice and you will look like a natural

How To: Perform the "slap it" card trick

Aspiring card shark? Sink your pearly whites into this easy, impressive illusion. In this free video magic lesson from YouTube user experthowto, you'll learn how to perform the "slap it" card trick using simple sleight of hand. For more information, including a step-by-step breakdown of the trick, watch this prestidigitator's guide.