Orthodox Union Search Results

How To: Block Those Annoying Cookie Consent Notices from Appearing on Websites in Safari

As a means to combat annoying and intrusive advertisements in Safari, Apple added native support for content blockers on the iPhone. Instead of being bombarded by notifications, banners, and pop-ups, content blockers prevent them from opening, which can also be said about those annoying cookie consent notices that many websites now have.

October 30: The OnePlus 6T — What's Rumored & What We're Hoping For

OnePlus will be releasing a new phone in the second half of 2018, specifically, an upgrade to their T-series. Over the past two years, #T versions have come out about five months after their predecessors and have included small updates that fix any problems from the previous OnePlus device. While we do know a bit about OnePlus 6T, what it could be is much more exciting.

How To: Here's How You Can Make a Real Difference in the Aftermath of the Michael Brown & Eric Garner Grand Jury Decisions

In the aftermath of the unindicted police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, we've been told that the system worked as intended. When our legal system's outcome is at conflict with what a majority of Americans believe is just, it's clear that some changes are needed. But what specifically needs to change? And what can an average citizen with a moral and just cause do to prevent these kinds of tragedies from repeating themselves again and again?

How To: Which Stores Accept Apple Pay? The Always Up-to-Date List

Apple Pay has been available to use in stores, as well as in select apps and websites, ever since its first appearance in iOS 8.1. Now, with iOS 12, there are currently 13 different iPhone models that support Apple Pay functionality without the use of an Apple Watch, and the list of partnered stores that accept Apple Pay has only grown. Here's our always-up-to-date list to keep you in the know.

How To: You Don't Need Safari to Add Web Apps to Your iPhone's Home Screen — Try These Browsers Instead

Safari isn't the only web browser on your iPhone or iPad that will let you add icons to your Home Screen for progressive web apps and website bookmarks. Apple gave developers the key to its "Add to Home Screen" feature, and your favorite iOS or iPadOS web browser may already support it.

How To: Apple's iOS 17.5 Gives Your iPhone 32 New Features and Changes — Here's Everything You Need to Know About

Apple's latest iPhone software update — iOS 17.5 — is finally ready for prime time. Released on May 13, it includes at least 32 new features and changes you need to know about, from a new game and offline news access to new wallpapers and anti-stalking capabilities.

How To: The Hidden Meaning Behind Those Mysterious, Nonnumerical Dialer Pad Keys on Your Phone

You might have missed it, but the virtual keypad you use to enter phone numbers in your smartphone's dialer and contacts app isn't all numbers. Take a closer look, and you'll notice a few mysterious buttons you've likely been tuning out unconsciously. But it's time to stop ignoring them because each has a particular purpose that could come in handy one day.

Weds Night Pick: Hot Hot Heat @ Bootleg Theater $12

Hot Hot Heat / Voxhaul Broadcast / The Union Line @ Bootleg ($12) Hot Hot Heat continues it's Wednesday residency at the Bootleg Theater and the shows are so good. I went last week and had a great time dancing to songs like this one! And yes, they played Bandages for the encore! (Free parking in the lot across the street, look out for the sign in front)

How To: Kick in rugby

How to kick the ball in a game of Rugby Union. With help from Esher Rugby Club, here is a great guide to kicking, helping you to improve your game. Kick in rugby.

How To: Hire cast and crew for your independent film

Ben Lyons (Producer) gives expert video advice on: What is 'scale', what different unions will I work with, how can I get actors, make-up artists and crew to work for little or no money? What if the actor or actress belongs to an agency? What safety precautions should I take while shooting my independent film? Hire cast and crew for your independent film.

How To: Quickly boolean objects in LightWave 9

Using LightWave 9 Modeler, Speed Boolean options allows you to quickly boolean objects in a single layer. You start by selecting the object you want to do the Boolean work, select Speed Boolean (where you choose from the normal list of add, subtract, intersect, or union) and the object you have selected will be booleaned with the non-selected geometry. We will use the "subtract" function in this video tutorial. Quickly boolean objects in LightWave 9.

How To: Make chocolate fondant

A treat for chocolate lovers of the highest order. Omri Shahar, formerly chef at New York's Union Pacific Restaurant shows you how to make an individual sized hot fluffy chocolate cake with a silky warm chocolate liquid middle. It's easy and you can make a Michelin star level dessert at home with no fuss. Enjoy! Savour this Chocolate Fondant recipe. Make chocolate fondant.

How To: Make a Website Out of Chocolate

Sorry guys, despite the headline, this one isn't an actual How To. But the process behind the creation of Portuguese brewer Sagres' chocolate crafted website is fascinating, and we would gladly welcome any lengthy step-by-step tutorial. Created in promotion of the brewery's new chocolate flavored stout, the company's ad agency—Grand Union Portugal—gave Victor Nunes, world famous chocolatier and artistic director of Óbidos International Chocolate Festival, the task of creating a site completel...

News: News Clips - July 10

» Video Blogger Documents Expanding TSA expansion. The TSA is continuing its expansion from airports to train stations and other modes of transportation. On Monday, an independent journalist posted a video documenting TSA agents setting up shop at Union Station in Chicago. Obama Calls on Romney for More Transparency - What about himself?.