Nutritious Teeth Search Results

How To: Sing high notes with Rae Henry

In this tutorial, we learn how to sing high notes with Rae Henry. Remember that it takes time to sing high notes, so give yourself and your body time to adjust. You will use the very top of your throat when you are singing high notes. When you start this, open your mouth and open your mouth like you are yawning, then sigh several times going higher each time. During this, your tongue should be sitting behind your teeth. Make sure you have no tension in your jaw and your teeth are not clenched...

How To: Use Bluetooth to connect your cell phone to your Mac

First open up system preferences, select Blue Tooth and click the plus at the bottom. Make sure that your phone has Blue Tooth on and wait for your phone to pop up. Click continue and enter the number 71057113 onto your phone in the space provided. Once your phone is connect to Blue Tooth, this space should be there. After clicking pair on your phone a Bluetooth set up assistant window should pop up. Click on the x, then click on the settings after selecting your phone. Even though it says no...

How To: Draw Boo from Mario 64

In this video he just draws a simple picture of boo. It maybe takes two or three minutes to make the sketch. First you just draw a circle roughly, and add ears to that. Next add tongue which is very long and outside of the mouth. You just have to give importance to the teeth in this drawing to make your sketch great. Next you just add teeth, which is wide. Next make the teeth highlight. Next draw two small circles like eyes and highlight it with the pencil. Next make the rough sketch into the...

How To: Use & operate swivel clamps to String a Tennis racket

String a tennis racket. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to use and operate swivel clamps. The two main components of the swivel clamp are the tightening teeth and locking down the clamp. The clamp keeps it from moving along the side bar, some are spring assisted, some are not. The tightening teeth is used to keep the clamp attached to the string.

How To: Draw Tooth Fairy from the Movie Rise of the Guardians

RISE OF THE GUARDIANS is an epic and magical adventure that tells the story of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman, and Jack Frost – legendary characters with previously unknown extraordinary abilities. How to draw Tooth Fairy from the movie Rise of the Guardians. For the full tutorial with step by step & speed control visit: how to draw.

How To: Whiten teeth in one minute using household items

In this tutorial, we learn how to whiten teeth in one minute using household items. You will need: a lemon, baking powder, and a cup to do this. First, pour baking powder into a cup and then squeeze the juice of a lemon into the cup. After this, mix the two together until you have a paste and all water. Now, rinse your mouth out with this mixture. Do this several times a week and you can get your teeth to become eight shades whiter! This is a great way to whiten your teeth without having to s...

How To: Grow wheatgrass for your animals

Wheat grass is very nutritious for animals like dogs. In this video, we demonstrate how easy it is. The first step is rinsing seeds with water and letting them soak over night for 8-12 hours. After they have soaked, rinse. Evenly place the seeds on a bed of soil in a tray and cover with a paper towel. Then water thoroughly and cover with another tray. Keeping the seeds moist is very important. You should see results in 3 days when you can remove the extra tray and the paper towel. We then dem...

How To: Take care of your dog's teeth

Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to take care of your dog's teeth. In this video tutorial, they explain the importance of properly caring for your dog's teeth. See what you can do to prevent canine dental disease and how to maintain your dog's teeth through good dental hygiene.

How To: Draw a nerdy guy with glasses, braces and big ears

Portrait drawings are difficult for most artists, but one thing's for sure— drawing nerds is as easy as they come. Nerds are easier to draw because you can stray from the formality of portraits, putting your own spin on it, over-compensating the details, exaggerating the dorky features. It's a drawing class in its own, and Merrill shows you how to draw his version of the NERD!

How To: Split an apple in half with one finger

Apples are delicious and nutritious, but do you ever find that you want to cut one in half but don't have a knife? How will you ever split the apple with whomever you're with? You can. This video will show you how to split an apple in half pretty cleanly using one finger as a blade. All you do is put one forefinger on the top of the apple and bang on it with your other hand a couple times. The apple will split before you finger does, and you'll have to clean halves on an apple!

How To: Grow four easy vegetables in your garden

Fresh veggies are the tastiest way to eat right. They are delicious, as fresh as can be, nutritious and best of all.. free! In addition to all of that, you get the satisfaction of growing your dinner all by yourself. In this tutorial, learn how to plant four vegetables that are so easy anyone can grow them. Even the most inexperienced gardener will be able to make these four veggies grow.

How To: Juice wheatgrass with the Hurricane Manual Juicer

This Hurricane Stainless Steel Manual Wheatgrass Juicer video demonstration and review from Health Banquet will show you the different parts of this best manual juicer, how to assemble the Wheatgrass Juicer and how simply it juices wheatgrass and barley grass. With this durable, tiny, and easy to clean Hurricane Manual Juice Extractor, you will easily be pulling in this nutritious wheatgrass juice into your diet.

How To: Open a Thai coconut

If you love coconuts then you should know how to open one. Properly opening a coconut will allow you to drink the delicious and nutritious water and coconut meat. So watch this how-to tutorial to learn how to open any Thai coconut.

How To: Store breast milk after pumping

Breastfeeding is beneficial both for the mother and child. Properly storing your breast milk can make all the difference in how nutritious and health-boosting it is for your child. This maternity how-to video explains the best ways to pump and store breast milk.

How To: Cook the Korean dish kimbab

For this Korean dish, you will need cooked rice, sea plant, yellow radish pickle, avocado, artificial crab meat, tuna, soy sauce, garlic, sesame oil and seeds, and green onion. All of these ingredients will come together to make the delicious Korean recipe known as Kimbab. Many Koreans love this food.

How To: Draw a smiling graffiti style face

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a smiling graffiti style face. First, start off by drawing the nose, eyes, and eyebrows. Then, draw the large open mouth and hair at the top of the head. Make sure to add in ears and large teeth when you draw the character. Then, shade around the individual teeth so it looks like gums. Then, fill in the eyebrows and hair individually. After this, make two lines underneath the nose so it looks more realistic, then sign your name next to your graffiti face...

How To: Help stretch marks, teeth, cellulite, and scars

Simple but effective tips for a better and beautiful you. For a whiter teeth use a toothpaste with a high fluoride content such as Sensodyne. Brush teeth as usual but avoid rinsing your mouth and do not spit off all the fluoride and let it stay in your mouth. Do this every night. For scars, stretch marks, cellulite, anti-aging, dry skin, use bio-oil. It is pure saline oil and a non greasy formula that has healing properties. Just spray a little bit of bio-oil to the affected area. for underar...

How To: Get rid of chapped lips

This video involves beauty tips on how to get rid of chapped lips. The video starts out by listing items needed to take care of chapped lips; the first item listed is chap stick. The video specifically recommends a chap stick that has SPF protection. The other items needed are a tooth brush and a clean towel. The video next explains to rub chap stick on your lips. Next, a tooth brush is used on the lips in circular motions to remove dead skin cells. The purpose is to allow your lips to heal m...

How To: Repair the remote start system in the ACME RC car

This video is a Hobby Estore Video Tutorial that will show you how to repair or replace the ACME remote start system in your radio control cars. You will know you need to take this step when your RC car doesn't start or when you push the start button and all you hear is a clicking noise. The first step is to remove the remote start system and this can be accomplished by taking the top cover off of the car and then unhooking the exhaust hose from the remote start system. Then take the cover of...