Nutritional Weight Search Results

How To: Gain weight with a fast metabolism

In this tutorial, we learn how to gain weight with a fast metabolism. If you have a high metabolism, it may be difficult for you to gain weight. Eating more just isn't enough if you want to gain weight, you want to change your habits that will change your hormones. Testosterone has an anabolic or growth effect in your body that promotes muscle strength and breakdown. Include fatty acids in your diet, which are healthy fats in avocados, fish, oils, and nuts. Also, lift heavy weights and use as...

How To: Do a hamstring exercise to build your legs

Fatloss LifeStyle shows you the best way to "blast those hammys!" Using a bench and a weight is all you need to shape and sculpt your legs to perfection. First, lay down on your stomach on a bench and position your ankles around a free weight. Make sure that you do not use a weight that is too heavy. Start light and build from there. Now using your hamstrings lift up the weight that is between your ankles slowly and controlled so that your body is level. Then slowly and controlled bring the w...

How To: Build your side ab muscles for a six pack

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform the best six pack abs exercise. In this video, viewers will be performing the plank and side plank exercises. Users should be straight and have hips pushed down. Pull the belly button up, squeeze the pelvic muscle high, point the chin down and squeeze in stomach. Hold this position for about 30 seconds. On the side plank go in a straight position, squeeze, pulse up and feel the oblique muscle. This video will benefit those viewers who want ...

How To: Lose weight quickly with a raw food diet & juicing

The person describes many different foods you can eat and what you can make from all the diet and healthy foods. The viewer can learn how to lose weight and keep it off with an easy diet. This is important because of the increasing number of overweight and obese people in this country. He describes how to make a healthy smoothie for those who are over weight or just want to be more healthy.

How To: Do front raises with dumbbell weights

Watch this instructional fitness video to do front raise weight lifting exercise. Keep your back straight and your body in a controlled position. Exhale as you lift the weights up and inhale on the way down. This one arm seated row exercise works the anterior deltoid, the front part of your shoulder.

How To: Strength train with dumbbell triceps kickbacks

Dumbbell triceps kickbacks are an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do triceps kickbacks with weights. Begin the kickback by bending over a bench, position your knee under your hip and your hand under your shoulder. Kickback your arm and try not to swing the weight. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing dumbbell triceps kickbacks.

How To: Warm up before lifting weights

Properly warming up is an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to warm up before any weight training workout. Keep watching to learn more about how to warm up your shoulder and knee joints.

How To: Strength train with rear deltoid raises and weights

Rear deltoid raises are an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do rear deltoid raises with dumbbells. Begin in a seated position, place feet together, lean forward and raise the weights up to shoulder height. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing read deltoid raises.

How To: Practice proper barbell squat posture

Barbell squats are an important part of weight lifting. This weights HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do a barbell squat. Begin the squat by having your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed outward and the barbell right below your neck. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for weight lifting.

How To: Make amazing arroz con pollo (chicken with rice)

Cooking on a budget and trying to eat healthy and hearty at the same time can be tough. But thanks to Frugal Chef, your cries have been answered! In this video you will learn how to make an amazing Arroz con Pollo (chicken with rice and veggies). The ingredients are cheap, but the flavor and the nutritional value is far more than you had expect.

How To: Make roasted broccoli with Parmesan cheese

Broccoli is one of the foods that terrifies children but is very popular among adults both for its nutritional value and it hearty taste. This video demonstrates how to cook a recipe for roasted broccoli with Parmesan cheese. Delicious and savory, this is one vegetable side dish that you won't have any problem getting your guests to consume.

How To: Balance your plate to lose weight

In this tutorial, we learn how to balance your plate to lose weight. These are keys that dietitians say are the keys to losing weight. When filling your plate for a meal, always fill half of the plate with fruits or vegetables. Fill 25% off the plate with protein (meats) and the other 25% with grains or starchy veggies. This will help you lose weight and eat more nutritionally when you see more food on your plate, but it's healthier food instead of junk food. When eating breakfast, don't just...

How To: Make raw strawberry pie

Raw foodists believe that to get all the nutritional value out of food, you cannot cook the food. Cooking the food, they believe, eliminates many of the necessary nutrients for our survival and development. In this video tutorial, Jonsi of Sigur Ros and his boyfriend, Alex, shows you how to make a raw strawberry pie, from all raw ingredients. You'll need lots of nuts, lots of strawberries, and a blender.

How To: Make kombucha tea at home

Although there is little information about the nutritional facts of kombucha tea, one thing is certain: people love to drink it. Some say it helps prevent and cure cancer and others think it helps energize the body and revitalize the mind. Whatever the purpose, people keep coming back and enjoying this tasty drink. So in this video you'll find out how to make your own kombucha tea at home. Enjoy!

How To: Make a classic beef stew

There's nothing like beef stew. It takes many nutritional ingredients and mixes them up into a beautifully tasty dish. Another great thing about beef stew is other than the main ingredient, beef, you can add whatever else you like to it and it is sure to taste great! This particular dish features tender beef, beef bones, carrots, and potatoes. Sit back and enjoy this delicious food tutorial.

How To: Make simple scotch eggs

Scotch eggs are the perfect snack to take on a camping trip. Traditionally perceived as an unhealthy meal, this recipe aims to add a few nutritional tweaks. Cook up half a dozen of scotch eggs and you're all set for your next outdoor meal.

How To: Cook an easy spinach quiche

This how to video guides you through making an easy, delicious and elegant spinach quiche. You can serve this eggy dish for breakfast lunch or dinner. Dress up or dress down quiche with your favorite ingredients. However this delicious quiche has frozen spinach to add nutritional value.

How To: Tube feed a puppy for proper nutrition

Dr. Larry and Karen Bernstein demonstrate the procedure for tube feeding a young puppy for supplementation or in case it is weak or an orphan or comes from a too large litter. Tube-feeding will ensure that the baby dog will receive proper nutritional care. Watch this video pet care tutorial and learn how to tube feed a puppy.

How To: Stay fueled and eat right for mountain biking

Proper nutrition is an important part of every strenuous sport, and mountain biking is no exception. This video features a professional mountain bike racer walking you through her nutritional regimen. Topics covered include when to eat before a race, what to eat, and what beverages to use during the race to keep your energy up and improve your ride.

How To: Cook homemade taco shells

Planning on starting a Taco Tuesday tradition with your family? Then don't try to weasle your way out of keeping the meal healthy by purchasing premade taco shells. Usually these taco shells are made from refined, overprocessed flour that has very little nutritional value.