Nutritional Supplements Search Results

How To: Avoid eating saturated fats

There's actually several different kinds of fats. You have your unsaturated fats, which are typically heart-healthy fat, which are like olive oil and canola oil. And then you have other fats like saturated fats, which are found in food such as meats, especially any animal product, fatty cuts of meats such as bacon, sausage, butter, lard, high fat dairy products, whole milk, and creams. And saturated fats have actually been linked to increased risk of heart disease. So these are things that yo...

How To: Buy vegetables at the grocery store

Vegetables are the foundation of a healthy, balanced diet, many experts recommending 3-5 servings a day. When choosing your vegetables, it's always best to choose fresh; although, frozen and canned still have nutritional value and benefits as well. Also, look for vegetables that are bright in color like this red pepper, also carrots that are brightly orange and brightly-colored green broccoli. The brighter the color, the more nutrients that are in it. Try these tips for buying vegetables in t...

How To: Overcome depression by increasing your intake of Vitamin D or UV light

Depression can come with physical symptoms - such as poor sleeping habits or aching joints. The theory explained in this video is that there is a relationship between the physical symptoms of an overactive immune system and depression. By supplementing a diet with Vitamin D and UV light, and thereby altering one's immune system, one can allieviate the symptoms of depression.

How To: Lose belly fat for women

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat for women. Menopause can effect a woman's weight because the hormones are decreasing in the body and the fat cells increase. This will cause more fat to store around the organs. Going to the gm and exercising during this time is extremely important. Just a small amount of exercise each day can make a difference for women losing belly fat. The receptors in your brain will respond to healthy foods and estrogen supplements to help keep you on trac...

How To: Gain weight after radiation therapy

In this tutorial, we learn how to gain weight after radiation therapy. Cancer patients will need a strong focus, because most cancer patients just simply forget to eat. The brain does not tell them they are hungry when sick. First, make sure to eat despite changes in taste, try to eat a well-balanced diet. Also, make sure to take a powdered or liquid weight gain supplement which will enhance appetite. Also, eat five or six small meals a day, which will make you more hungry. Changing your diet...

How To: Prepare and cook a meal as a Boy Scout

As a Boy Scout, when the First Class rank is attained, a scout has learned all the basic camping and outdoors skills of a scout. He can fend for himself in the wild, lead others on a hike or campout, set up a camp site, plan and properly prepare meals, and provide first aid for most situations he may encounter. A First Class scout is prepared.

How To: Prevent depression with nutrition

This how to video has whole food recommendations for relieving depression from a nutritional and herbal perspective. Watch and learn how simple it is to prevent and beat depression with a wide variety of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid caffeine and make an attempt to incorporate leafy greens into a diet.

How To: Pack your wallet for an itnernational trip

With all the documents ready, we need to fill our wallet with money for the travel. This video discusses various ways of filling the pocket. That is how to prepare the money for international travel. Over the years credit cards have been widely used by many travelers, which is safer than carrying cash. In this case we need to contact the credit card provider well in advance and notify them about the travel. Also we need to learn about the various fees applicable to international purchases. Th...

How To: Treat an enlarged prostate with a healthy diet

This Diet & Health how to video discusses natural, healthy ways to prevent an enlarged prostrate, erectile dysfunction and more. Treating an enlarge prostate can be as simple as eating tomatoes and broccoli. To aid with erectile dysfunction you could try chili, chocolate, fenugreek, or nutmeg. Watch to learn more about treating an enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction with a nutritional diet.

News: Starve E Coli of Copper to Cure Aggressive UTIs

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) drive over eight million people to seek medical attention every year. Almost all — as many as 90% — of those infections are caused by Escherichia coli. Copper can kill bacteria, but E. coli has found a way to capture the copper, preventing its antibacterial action. Now, researchers have found that, in a cruel irony, the bacteria use the copper it grabs as a nutrient to feed its growth.

How To: Whoa—You Can Make Sprouts from Lentils, Almonds & More!

The sprouts, they're alive! Alive, I tell you—aaaaaaliiiiiive! (Cue dramatic music.) It's true: sprouts are a living food, and they're packed with more nutritional benefits than some raw vegetables. It's easy and fun to grow your own sprouts from seeds, legumes, and grains. Plus, watching them grow is incredibly satisfying—you're bringing new life into the world (and onto your plate)!

How To: Prevent gas

While intestinal gas is a normal occurrence within the digestive process, it can also cause bloating, burping and flatulence. Follow these tips to remedy the problem.