Nulls Crack Search Results

How To: Repair stucco cracks

Stucco cracks aren't just unsightly. They can also create structural problems for your home. In this tutorial, you'll learn a few of the different ways to repair exterior stucco cracks. Doing a small repair now can save you a whole lot of trouble later.

How To: Hack MD5 passwords

This episode of Full Disclosure demonstrates how to hack/crack MD5 password hashes. MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) is a hash function commonly used by websites to encrypt passwords. MD5 is a one-way hash; therefore, to crack the password you most try every possible dictionary word and if that does not work, every possible letter/number/symbol combination. The programs used to crack the passwords are Cain and MDCrack-NG.

How To: Crack a WPA encrypted wireless network

In this how to video, you will learn how to crack a WPA encrypted wireless network. To do this, you will need the Air Crack package for Linux. First, disable the wireless adapter and enable monitor mode. Next, identify the channel in the wireless network and Mac address. Once you have this, you can listen to the traffic coming to and from this point. Wait for the handshake or disconnect something in order to force it to reconnect. From here, you are ready to perform the attack. With any encry...

How To: Easily crack a coconut

You will need a butcher's knife to crack the coconut. Notice the coconut has a seam in between the two "eyes" of the coconut. Hold it over a bowl with the seam running lengthwise along your palm. One tip should be facing you, and the other should face away from you. Take the knife in and strike the center of the coconut several times, while turning the coconut in your hand. It coconut will crack open neatly. If you follow the steps in this video, you should be able to crack a coconut easily.

How To: Crack an egg so you can preserve the shell

Learn how to crack an egg so that you can preserve the shell in simple steps. First take an egg and a butter knife and you have to make a hole at its top. To make the hole gently tap the top of the egg to make a crack. Now insert the knife in the crack and peel its top out. Pour the egg yolk in a container and rinse the shell several times with hot water. Spray an anti-bacterial spray to kill any germs in it and let it dry for sometime with its hole facing downwards.

How To: Caulk a crack in your home

In this video, we learn how to caulk a crack in your home. First, take your favorite type of non-silicon caulking tube. Then, take a knife and cut the tip off of the caulking tube at a 45 degree angle. Then, take a coat hanger and stick in the tip of the tube to break the seal that's inside. Next, take an open frame gun with a spring release lever and install the tube into it. Now position the gun in a 45 degree angle to the crack and slide it along the length of the crack. Wipe the tip of th...

Hacking Gear: 10 Essential Gadgets Every Hacker Should Try

If you've grown bored of day-to-day hacking and need a new toy to experiment with, we've compiled a list of gadgets to help you take password cracking and wireless hacking to the next level. If you're not a white hat or pentester yourself but have one to shop for, whether for a birthday, Christmas present, or other gift-giving reason, these also make great gift ideas.

How To: Animate a crack on a plane in Blender

Learn how to create a simple cracking animation when working in Blender. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this free video software tutorial. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look!

How To: Hack into WEP encrypted wireless networks

Check out this video tutorial on how to hack into WEP encrypted wireless networks. The aim of this video is to show people how easy it is to crack a wireless network with WEP encryption. Seriously, if you know how to do it, even a little kid could if you showed them how. Now that you know this, you should upgrade to WPA! It is much harder and takes much longer to crack.

How To: Crack a Master Lock No5 Padlock with a soda can shim

Here is a short instructional video describing the weakness of large Master brand locks. See how to crack a Master Lock #5 with a soda can shim. It is so easy to hack and crack open almost any type of lock if you know its weaknesses. The only tool you really need to open a lock is an aluminum can shim made from a soda can. Check out this how-to video and embark on your new career in delinquency.

How To: Crack WPA & WPA2 Wi-Fi Passwords with Pyrit

Pyrit is one of the most powerful WPA/WPA2 cracking tools in a hacker's arsenal, with the ability to benchmark a computer's CPU speeds, analyze capture files for crackable handshakes, and even tap into GPU password-cracking power. To demonstrate how quickly it can hack a WPA/WPA2 password, we'll use it to play a Wi-Fi hacking CTF game anyone can practice for less than $10.

News: Null Byte's First White Hat Award for Technical Excellence Contest Has Closed

The first White Hat Award for Technical Excellence tutorial contest ended last night at midnight! We had many excellent articles submitted, once again re-affirming what an incredible community we have here at Null Byte! We had quite a flurry of great articles in the last few days. Thanks to all of you who submitted such high quality material to our community. Your efforts are appreciated and you have the undying gratitude of our community. We will not forget your efforts. I'll be reading and ...

How To: Use QPR's All-In-One Melter Applicator for sealing small cracks

This video provides the operating instructions for the RTH08 All-In-One Melter Applicator, which is a hand-agitated, 10-gallon capacity sealant machine designed to effectively and efficiently execute small crack-sealing tasks. You'll learn about the safety procedures when using this Melter Applicator, startup procedure, sealant loading, heat settings and sealant application on pavement, as well as the shutdown procedure.

How To: Choose a safe password

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a safe password. Passwords are essential, and need to be safe for when browsing around the internet. Other people aren't meant to be able to nose around your information, so protect your information with an indecipherable password. Don't choose a password that is easy to crack, never use personal information. A random number in the phone book isn't a good idea either, software used by hackers can crack these. Make sure your password is 8 characters long ...

How To: Crack open a resilient coconut

Coconuts are delicious, but such a pain to break open… why is that? Though that mystery may never be solved, the mystery of cracking open a coconut can be. This video teaches you just how to crack open a coconut. He does struggle through his attempt, showing you that it is a very hard task, but gives you a very successful alternative to opening it when all else fails.

How To: Get rid of pests in your home and yard

In this tutorial, Lisa Quinn tells us how to get rid of pests in the home. First, walk around your home and look around the foundation to see if there are any big crack or crevices on the foundation. To solve this, go to the hardware store and grab some caulk to fill in any cracks. Next, check your windows to make sure they don't have any cracks in them, if they do, fill it in with weather stripping. Now, go into your kitchen and cabinets and make sure your pantry is free of crumbs and your c...