Nerve Toxin Search Results

How To: Dissect a human to see the superficial face

You can begin your dissection of the human face if you would like. This video tutorial will help you through your tough times in your anatomy class. It will show you the correct steps to dissecting the superficial face of a human being with your scalpel, to see the musculature. You will also see the branches of the facial nerves. Science is a great step towards learning more about ourselves, so educate yourself with this anatomical look at a corpse.

How To: Do trigger point massage

Trigger point massage is a good technique to bring immediate relief to conditions like frozen shoulder, stiff neck, tennis elbow and headaches. Trigger points form whenever a muscle or joint is stressed beyond its capacity to recover. They are usually believed to be the result of an accumulation of toxic waste around a nerve ending. Active trigger points will create pain and discomfort.

How To: Use a Neti pot aka saline sinus wash

Learn how to use a Neti pot, otherwise known as a saline sinus wash to help clear out your nasal passages. This is a homeopathic remedy for sinus problems or any issues you may have with your nose. Take the packet that comes with your Neti pot, and dump it in. Fill the pot to the guideline with lukewarm water. This will create a saline solution once mixed. Stick the end of the Neti pot in your nose, and tilt your head to the side, allowing gravity to send the saline solution trough one nostri...

How To: Say "fruit" in Polish

Fruit is a must-have in any healthy diet. Not only is fruit a great source of fiber, but is great for your skin and is a natural diuretic... that will flush you of toxins stored in your body. Learn how to say "fruit" in Polish with help from this video.

How To: Attack the pressure points of the leg while fighting

Disabling your opponents legs is the fastest way to make sure that you can get away from a fight situation without killing your opponent. Attacking the pressure points associated with the large blood vessels and nerves in the legs is an effective way to do that. This two-part video features an extensive walkthrough of the legs pressure points and ideas for attacks that can be used against them to get your fight over with as quickly as possible without risking killing someone.

How To: Clip your chihuahua's nails

This video shows how to clip your Chihuahua’s nails. Since the dog doesn’t weigh that much you may need to clip the nails more often then a heavier dog. If you can hear the dog’s nails clicking on the floor, then it is time for a clipping. Use cat nail clippers because they are smaller. If your dog has white nails, then just clip of the edge that is clear. If you look farther into the nail you will see there is a pink part. The pink part is a nerve. If the dog has black nails then just be car...

How To: Practice a yoga back bend routine with Deborah York

A healthy back is the key to a healthy body. Yoga backbends stimulates the spine and spinal nerves, relaxes the lower back and strengthens the legs. Deborah York guides the more experienced yoga viewer in a healthy backbend routine, which stretches and tones the abdominal region, stimulates the spine nervous system and helps to release tension in the lower back. Watch this video yoga tutorial and learn how to do a back bend routine to keep yourself healthy.

How To: Improve acne by drinking water

In this tutorial, we learn how to improve acne by drinking water. Water is great to hydrate the body and it flushes the toxins out of the body. This will make your skin far less dry and it will keep your skin glowing. You can also eat the right foods to help keep your skin looking great. Tap water is alright to drink, depending on the different areas you are in. Filtered water is ultimately the best water for you to drink, because it will be clear of chemicals and be the best for your body an...

News: Dying Cells Do Tell Tales & What We Learn Can Help Us Stop Cancer from Spreading

As our cells age, they eventually mature and die. As they die, they alert nearby cells to grow and multiply to replace them. Using a special imaging process that combines video and microscopy, scientists have observed the cellular communication between dying and neighboring cells for the first time, and think they may be able to use their new-found information against cancer cells, whose damaged genomes let them escape the normal dying process.

How To: Make a Simple Superfood Shake

Hey there I'm Lyfe Riley and I am here to show you how to make a really simple super food shake thats not only good for you, but can taste great!. Drinking this everyday will give you more energy, increase your metabolism, remove toxins from the body, and boost your immune system. Chances are you have most of these products in your kitchen now! Check it out! Let me know what you think. If your would like to see more videos on nutrition hit the subscribe button!! I really Hope this Helps.

How To: Prepare fish fillets safely to avoid exposure to contaminants

The Fish Contamination Education Collaborative (FCEC) has made this video to reach the public about fish preparation safety, to make su. It's important to prepare fish in a certain way, because some species of fish have contaminants that pose health risks. Those contaminants are stored in the fatty portion of the fish, so by cleaning and cooking the fish in a certain way, you can reduce your exposure to those toxins.

How To: Perform a general neurological exam on a patient

As a doctor, sometimes it will be necessary to perform a neurological examination of your patient to rule out any neurological disorders. Your objective is to identify abnormalities in the nervous system, to differentiate peripheral from central nervous system lesions, and to establish internal consistency. This is a great video less that outlines the complete neurological exam procedure. It's great for medical students or doctors, and even nursing students can learn a thing or two.

How To: Do the Master Cleanse detox diet

This video tutorial will take you through all of the necessary steps of the Master Cleanse. The Master Cleanse is a fast that has been around for over 60 years. Created by Stanley Burroughs, the diet is based on the idea that we are constantly putting toxins into our systems and need to periodically flush them out.

How To: Tea-tox

Feeling like you need to rid your body of a few toxins? A nice, hot cup of tea isn't just soothing; some varieties have health and diet benefits. See which brew might be right for you. Learn how to tea-tox with help from this video.

How To: Cycle a fish tank

Getting a fish? The first thing you'll need to learn in order to keep it alive, is how to prepare your aquarium and its water. Ensure a healthy, balanced environment in your aquarium by following this simple process.

News: Bacteria Turned into Factories, Supplying Critical Enzymes to Make Cancer Drugs Cheaper & Save Endangered Yew Trees

Cytochrome P450 (P450s) are proteins found in nearly all living organisms, which play roles that range from producing essential compounds and hormones to metabolizing drugs and toxins. We use some of the compounds synthesized by P450 in plants as medical treatments, but the slow growth and limited supply of these plants have put the drugs' availability in jeopardy and jacked up prices.