Musician Search Results

How To: Install a pickup for your ukelele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to install a pickup for your ukulele. You can amplify the sound of your ukulele in about 20 minutes. Once you get a hang of this technique you will be able to play some easy songs on the uke.

How To: Play moveable minor chord forms on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play three moveable chord forms for minor chords on the ukulele in standard GCEA tuning. These chords have roots on each of the four strings. Once you get a hang of this technique you will be able to play some easy songs on the uke.

How To: Sell your music on iTunes

With the growing popularity of digital downloads, it's important for aspiring musicians to have some sort of download available of their music. If you're an unsigned musician, selling your music on iTunes might seem daunting, but it's actually very easy! Learn how to do it in this video.

How To: Make a humidifier for your ukulele case

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this how to video, Aldrine shows you how to make a makeshift humidifier for your ukulele case with sound effects and 5x action. With this DIY humidifier you can keep your ukulele in beautiful condition.

How To: Play classical music on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial, ukulele master, Gordon Mark shows us one of his techniques for playing classical music on his KoAloha ukulele. Once you get a hang of this technique you will be able to play some easy songs on the uke.

How To: Play "Times Like These" by Foo Fighters on ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play "Times Like These" by the Foo Fighters on the ukulele.Once you get a hang of this beginner song you can impress your friends with this rendition of "Times Like These" by the Foo Fighters on your uke.

How To: Play "Button Up Your Overcoat" on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this ukulele tutorial you will learn how to play "Button Up Your Overcoat" by DeSylva, Brown, and Henderson. Once you get a hang of this song you can impress your friends by playing "Button Up Your Overcoat" on the ukulele.

How To: Play a fun ukulele chord progression

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this how to video, Aaron shows you a real common and fun chord progression on your ukulele. Once you get a hang of this technique you will be able to play some easy songs on the uke.

How To: Play the Hawaiian vamp chord progression

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play the traditional Hawaiian vamp chord progression on the ukulele. Once you get a hang of this technique you will be able to play some easy songs on the uke.

How To: Read sheet music

In this video series, watch as professional musician Eric Williams teaches how to read music. Learn about the musical alphabet, what sharps and flats are, what half steps are, what a musical staff is, how to read the bass clef and treble clef, what ledger lines are, what quarter notes are, what half notes are, what whole notes are, how to play notes on the piano, how to read 3/4 time signature, how to read extended notes, and how to use flats, naturals, and accidentals while reading and writi...

How To: Play the guitar and sing at the same time

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to play the guitar and sing at the same time. Before trying to sing and play, users will first need to know how to play the song well. Learn the song well and play it over again. Do this so that you can memorize each strum without looking at the guitar. Sing and talk to yourself as you play. Keep doing this and practice alone to help you learn faster. This video will benefit those viewers who play the guitar and would like to learn how to play the gui...

How To: Play a Spanish piece on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play Spanish piece on the ukulele. Once you get a hang of this beginner song you can impress your friends with this easy Spanish song on your uke.

How To: Play the Hawaiian song "Moani Ke Ala" on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play "Moani Ke Ala," an old Hawaiian song in the key of D. This song's progression is D A D D7 G D A A D A D (repeat)then a transistion chord for key change C, then key of F. The progression in the key of F is F C F F7 B flat F C C F...

How To: Play the Hawaiian song "Tricky Fingers" on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play "Tricky Fingers," an old Hawaiian song in the key of F. The chord progression in this song is F E Eflat D F C F C and the bridge is A D G7 C. Once you get a hang of this beginner song you can impress your friends with this rendi...

How To: Play "Kauoha Mai The Keyhole Hula" on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play "Kauoha Mai The Keyhole Hula" by Martin Pahinui. The chord progression in this song is E7 A7 D E7 A7 D for the intro and D D7 G D E7 A7 D E7 A7 D for the verse. Once you get a hang of this song you can impress your friends with ...

How To: Play "C-A-T, Popoki Spells Cat" on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play "C-A-T, Popoki Spells Cat," an old Hawaiian song in the key of A. The chord progression in this song is A B7 A E7 A B7 E7 A. Once you get a hang of this beginner song you can impress your friends with this rendition of "C-A-T, P...

How To: Play the ukulele with proper left hand position

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn the correct left hand fingering position when you're learning ukulele or for that matter and stringed instruments with frets. Once you get a hang of this technique you will be able to play some easy songs on the uke.

How To: Play triads on the piano

This two part how to video covers chords on the piano or keyboard. Learn how to play the 3 note solid and broken triad, as well as D major scale, and the song Jingle bells. The triad is one of the most basic concepts that every pianist, or any musician, should learn. Watch this how to video and get started playing the piano today.

How To: Play polyrhythms on the piano

Polyrhythm is the simultaneous sounding of two or more independent rhythms. A common example of a polyrhythm is 3 notes against 2, with the 3 beat pattern being faster than the 2 beat pattern, so that they both take the same amount of time. This how to video teaches the polyrhythmic structures of 2 against 3 and 3 against 4. This is a technique for the advanced musician and pianist. Watch this how to video and you will finally figure out the mystery behind playing polyrhythms.

Real Brain Food: What Geniuses Actually Eat, Part 2

If you've already read the first part exploring what geniuses actually eat as opposed to what the rest of us are told to eat for brain health, you've noticed that there are some big discrepancies. Instead of favoring healthy, wholesome foods high in antioxidants, lots of high-achieving types tend to go for caffeine, sugar, and processed foods. One notable health habit practiced by many: eating breakfast.

How To: Play the piano

In this video series, learn how to play the piano from expert piano player and professional musician Tony Newton. Tony will teach you basic piano lessons such as proper posture and correct hand positions for the piano. Developing nimble fingers is paramount for great piano playing. Our expert piano player will show you how to practice correct finger techniques to enhance your manual dexterity and facilitate muscle memory. However, this series is not solely for beginners. You can learn more ad...

Video: Automate a Camera's Path with the HoloLens and VroomCam

Every day the young world of mixed reality is creating new ways for people to work with with computers. We are looking for, and finding, new ways for these head-worn computers to understand what we tell them. Sometimes it is with our hands, sometimes it is where we turn our head, sometimes it is what we say. In the case highlighted below, it's where we walk.

News: HoloSuit Proof of Concept Uses Full Body Motion to Control the HoloLens

Here at NextReality, we talk a lot about the many different ways of controlling holograms in the HoloLens and other augmented and mixed reality devices; New and creative ways are coming more and more every day. Most recently is something called the HoloSuit. In the 25-second clip below, you can see a woman moving the arm of a jacket which in turn moves a 3D model of Darth Vader on the screen. It's a simple idea with big potential.