Metasploit Search Results

Hack Like a Pro: How to Save the World from Nuclear Annihilation

Welcome back, my newbie hackers! Hackers often are associated with clandestine and illegal activity, but that is not necessarily always the case. Hackers are increasingly being used and employed for law enforcement, national security, and other legitimate purposes. In this installment, we will look at how a single hacker could save the world from nuclear annihilation.

How To: Scan for Vulnerabilities on Any Website Using Nikto

Before attacking any website, a hacker or penetration tester will first compile a list of target surfaces. After they've used some good recon and found the right places to point their scope at, they'll use a web server scanning tool such as Nikto for hunting down vulnerabilities that could be potential attack vectors.

News: What to Expect from Null Byte in 2015

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers, and happy New Year! Now that your heads have recovered from your New Year's Eve regaling, I'd like to grab your attention for just a moment to preview 2015 here at Null Byte. I hope you will add your comments as to what you would like to see, and I'll try to honor as many requests as I can.

How to Hack Databases: Running CMD Commands from an Online MS SQL Server

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! There are many ways to hack databases, and most of these techniques require SQL injection (SQLi), which is a way of sending SQL commands back to the database from a web form or other input. In this tutorial, we will use SQL injection to get access to the underlying server. So instead of getting access to the database and its data, we will use the database as an intermediary to gain access to the underlying server.

How To: Make a Trojan Appear Legitimate

So, we all probably know that when you run a trojan made by Metasploit, nothing will appear to happen. This is a sign for me to immediately check my Task Manager, but for an unsuspecting victim, it will just seem like a broken file. It is likely that they will delete this "broken file" once they see that it "doesn't work." In order to prevent this, we need to disguise the trojan.

How To: Do a Simple NMAP Scan on Armatige

How to do an NMAP scan on Armitage to find IPs within a certain range. Armitage is a gui interface of Metasploit, and advanced hacking/exploiting program. It can be downloaded from and and you will need NMAP.

How To: Hack TOR Hidden Services

A lot of people think that TOR services are unhackable because they are on a "secure environment", but the truth is that those services are exactly the same that run on any normal server, and can be hacked with the same tools (metasploit,hydra,sqlmap...), the only thing you have to do is launch a transparent proxy that pass all your packets through the TOR network to the hidden service.

How To: Brute-Force FTP Credentials & Get Server Access

Hackers often find fascinating files in the most ordinary of places, one of those being FTP servers. Sometimes, luck will prevail, and anonymous logins will be enabled, meaning anyone can just log in. But more often than not, a valid username and password will be required. But there are several methods to brute-force FTP credentials and gain server access.

How To: Use Websploit to Scan Websites for Hidden Directories

Websites are often misconfigured in ways that allow an attacker to view directories that are not ordinarily meant to be seen. These directories can contain sensitive information such as private credentials or configuration files that can be used to devise an attack against the server. With a tool called Websploit, hackers can scan targets for these hidden directories without difficulty.

How To: Run Kali Linux as a Windows Subsystem

Kali Linux is known as being the de facto penetration-testing Linux distribution but can be a pain to use as an everyday OS — even more of a pain if that means carrying around a second laptop or the constant frustration of using the finicky Wi-Fi on virtual machines. But there's another option: installing a Kali subsystem on your Windows computer as a convenient compromise.

How To: Create an Undetectable Trojan Using a Domain Name

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to create an undetectable Meterpreter Trojan using a Domain name. I have taken a few guides/tutorials and built it into one. The first part is creating the DNS Payload. The second part is creating the Executable file. Part 3 is using both in Shellter to create your undetectable Trojan. Part 4 is setting up your listener using Armitage.