Medications Search Results

How To: 19 Tips for Making the Most of the Health App on Your iPhone

It's not easy staying fit and healthy these days with addicting phones, oversized portions, and long workdays, to name just a few things. To succeed, it takes work, commitment, and an understanding of your mind and body — and your iPhone can help you with some of that. While Apple pushed its Screen Time tool to help curb unhealthy smartphone habits, its "Health" app can help with everything else.

News: 30+ Privacy & Security Settings in iOS 12 You Should Check Right Now

There's always an iPhone in our list of top phones for privacy and security, due in large part to advanced security measures like Face ID, consistent iOS updates, and easy ways to prevent unwanted access and excessive data sharing. However, some of those options actually do the opposite and hinder security. It all depends on how you use your iPhone, but you should at least know everything available.

How To: Pack for a cruise

Cruises are a fun and relaxing vacation but packing for one can be stressful and time consuming. Don’t waste any more time worrying over what to bring and just go through the list grabbing all the suggested items and you’ll be sure to have a great time.

How To: Prepare a storm shelter

Depending on where you live, you will have to prepare for the hazards from different types of natural disasters. You can sleep easy if you have a secure location, stalked with food and supplied you might need if there is an emergency.

How To: Cope with rosacea

Tip 1. First of all you need to maintain a diary to record how your skin has been affected on a daily basis and identify what your triggers are: for example whether it is due to spicy foods or cold weather.

How To: Heal faster after surgery

There are a variety of ways to speed up your body’s ability to heal. Things like keeping the incision clean, resting, nutritious foods and physical therapy will get you feeling strong quickly. Avoid negativity, as it may actually slow down your recovery. No one likes to be laid up in bed after surgery. Follow the advice on your “get well soon” card and be back to your old self in no time.

How To: Assemble a Survival Kit

I am writing this quick post in response to the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that are affecting Japan. As soon as the news broke, and we began to hear of tsunami warning for our area, I immediately realized how under prepared I was for a natural disaster. The thing that drove this point home even deeper was the number of people asking me for advice on what they could do to prepare for the possibility that we are hit by one of the resultant tsunamis. Many thoughts raced through my mind, and...

How To: Remove Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are non-cancerous growths that can be found on the heel or ball of the foot, and in some cases, even on your fingers. They most often are very painful and are hard to get rid of. Most removing methods can be very painful and uncomfortable.

May 21st: End of the World or Zombie Apocalypse?

Could the world really be coming to an end tomorrow? Presuming you believe the biblical prediction from 89-year-old Harold Camping, May 21st, 2011 is undeniably Judgment Day. If you have confidence in that prophecy, you're probably not even reading this because you're too busy either A) preparing for the Rapture or B) sitting in your backyard bunker hoping to outwit annihilationism.

How To: Eat to maintain a full head of hair

Hair loss can be caused by genetic factors, certain illnesses or medications like chemotherapy. But you may be surprised to know that your diet can also play a big role in how much hair you lose. Join our experts as they explain why a healthy diet is an important factor for maintaining healthy hair. Eat to maintain a full head of hair.

How To: Gain control over sleep problems

Once people thought that help for poor sleep only meant sleeping pills that left you foggy. That's all changed. Now there is a range of options. Sleep hygiene aims to change poor bedtime habits and improvements in medications can not only provide natural sleep but also avoid next day side effects. Gain control over sleep problems.

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