Medication Addiction Search Results

How To: The Apple Health Feature Every iPhone Owner Should Be Using (Even if They Don't Like the Health App)

Your iPhone's Health app has a new medications hub that can be a one-stop destination for all the medicine, vitamins, and supplements you're taking. Adding new entries is easy and well worth the effort to get reminders to take your meds, learn about drug interactions, easily share your routine, and track your history to see what is and isn't working for you.

How To: Recognize alcohol and drug addiction

In this online video you'll get tips for recognizing signs of drug & alcohol addiction from a former addict. John DePalma explains how drugs can affect the brain and the long-term affects of addiction on the body. He explains the symptoms of several types of drug use, from alcohol and marijuana, to harder drugs like cocaine, crystal meth and heroin, and warns of the dangers of abusing prescription drugs like pain killers and anti-anxiety drugs as well. He then explains how to approach an addi...

How To: Develop a skincare routine to get rid of acne

This video shows how you can develop a skincare routine to get rid of acne. You start by cleansing your face with Purity to remove makeup. Use "Dermadoctor Ain't Misbehaving" at night and "Philosophy Microdelivery","Zirh" or "Peter Thomas Roth" cleanser in the morning. Next use a toner with "Doctor Brandt Blemishes No More", the "Proactive System", or the "Peter Thomas Roth Max Complexion Correction Pads" for medicating and removal of blackheads and impurities. Next use "Murad T-Zone" for acn...

News: Monthly Injection Has Potential to Replace Daily Handfuls of HIV Drugs

People infected with HIV take many different types of pills every day to decrease the amount of virus in their body, live a longer and healthier life, and to help prevent them from infecting others. That could all be in the past as new clinical trials testing the safety and effectiveness of a new type of treatment — injections given every four or eight weeks — look to be equally effective at keeping the virus at bay.

How To: Heal a sprained ankle

Looking to heal your sprained ankle and not sure what to do? Don't panic. A sprained ankle can be quite painful, as well as prevent you from getting where you need to go. You can heal more quickly with proper care.

How To: Keep Your Smartphone Usage in Check for Android & iPhone

We're living through the technological revolution, and while devices like the iPhone 6 or Galaxy S5 have made life easier and more entertaining, it's possible that sometimes our smartphone usage can become uncomfortably excessive. In your own experience, think about how anxious and off you feel when you leave your phone at home—Cell Phone Separation Anxiety or Phantom Phone Vibrations shouldn't be a real thing that we deal with.

How To: Deal with a Stiff, Achy Back?

We've all been there; waking up in the morning with a stiff, achy back. Maybe you overdid the yard work this weekend. Perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic on the Nautilus circuit. Could be the long hours spent hunched over your computer are catching up with you. Perhaps your back pain is indicative of something more serious. Unfortunately, unless you've really injured your spine, your doctor isn't going to be much help; the best he can do is offer you pain medications and tell you to rest ...

How To: Understand the field of psychiatry

If you're wondering about the field of psychiatry, this video will teach you what you need to know. Dr. Ogan Gurel talks about the field of psychiatry and how it works. Psychiatry is a field of medicine that deals with mental disorders and looks at signs and symptoms. As you begin to understand the different aspects to the behavior, medication is entered into the equation to help out the behavior of the person. He explains that you must understand the biological symptoms of people as well as ...

How To: Do self-inducing labor techniques

Does that baby just not want to budge? If you are towards the end of your pregnancy, or long overdue and nothing seems to be working, check out this tutorial. In this video you will receive tips from Dr. Lisa Gibbons, an OB/GYN at Cascadia Women's Clinic in Vancouver, Washington. Dr. Gibbons will share with you all of her expertise on how to make that baby come faster and give your body a break.

How To: Reduce cold sores (herpes simplex)

This video shows you how to reduce cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus. You will see small blisters, or cold sores, on your lips. Most people are infected with this virus as children. It can recur at any point later in life. This is type one. There is a second type called type two, and this causes blisters in the genital area. The first symptoms come with in two or three weeks of first contact. The blisters usually last for seven to ten days and will subside on their own. Topical me...

How To: Get rid of acne by elimating fruit

In this video, we learn how to get rid of acne by eliminating fruit. If you notice your skin breaking out and you have a lot of fruit, try cutting it out of your diet to see if that is what is causing your breakouts. Eliminate different foods from your diet to see what is not agreeing with your body. Also, try cutting out all the sugar in your diet, because this could be causing breakouts to occur on your breakouts on your face as well. This could also be caused by allergic reactions with med...

How To: Do leg stretches to increase your height

This video shows you how to get taller through stretching. This video shows you how you can grow taller by stretching your body daily. It also explains how stretching exercises help your body release high amounts of Human Growth Hormone which helps you grow taller. In this video you will learn what kind of daily exercise routine you will have to follow to achieve success. This is a good video for people that are looking for some ways to grow taller naturally without any medication.

How To: Get rid of acne with 5 easy steps

Acne is a problem for many individuals and by following these 5 simple steps, you can be on your way to nice, acne-free skin. First, cleanse your face gently and not more than twice a day. Do not pop your pimples, which could spread the bacteria and allow them to get deeper into your skin. Avoid using too much acne medication, which could cause your skin to become too dry and irritated. Also make sure that you use noncomedogenic products. Finally, a healthy diet that has the correct blend of ...

How To: Master Asian beauty secrets

The alluring beauty of Asian women is celebrated around the world. And they often look years younger than their true age. Ever wondered what the secret was to the gorgeous skin of Asian women? We’ve uncovered a few.

How To: Get ten yards quick with a go-to play in Madden NFL 08

To be the best at the Madden NFL video game, you have to be willing to get advice, but not just any old advice... professional advice. To beat everyone, you have to be ruthless and know all of the strategies and gameplay tricks. To master Madden 08, check out this quick, football game, video tip from Madden Nation (EA Sports and ESPN) with video game pro PG-13 (or Sheila Barger).

How To: You’ve Been Taking Pills Wrong Your Entire Life—Here’s How You Should Be Swallowing Them

It's a rare person who enjoys swallowing pills—and equally rare to find those who can toss a pill back easily and effortlessly without gulps of water and coughs. The transition from liquid medicine to pills, tablets, and capsules can be a rough one, and some of us still struggle well into our adult lives. Yet the reason your pills are getting caught in your throat may not be the medication's fault—it's all in how you swallow.

News: Doctor Says Google Glass Saved His Patient's Life

There's been a lot of discussion lately about the practical uses of Google Glass. Sure, you can use them for translating text instantly or further engraining yourself in social media, but how about saving someone's life? That's precisely what Dr. Steven Horng of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center has says happened with a recent patient of his. After launching a Google Glass pilot program late last year, the device was seen as a critical factor in saving the life of a patient in January.

How To: Use Urban Decay eyeshadow palettes

This video shows how to use Urban Decay eyeshadow palettes. You will learn how to use purple and blue together. Start by using a gel turquoise eyeliner as a base. Using a brush, apply evenly over the eyelid. From the Urban Decay Book of Shadows, apply the color Shattered over the eyelid. Now using the color Ransom, use a Mac #217 to the crease of the eyelid. To blend those two colors use a color called Fishnet, which is a hot pink. Use a highlight color from Mineral Magic to apply to the brow...