Medical Characteristics Search Results

How To: Dissect aortic lymph nodes with a robotic arm

This medical how-to video demonstrates a bilateral lymph node dissection in a patient with endometrial cancer using the da Vinci system with the HD optical system. The HD optical system allows surgeons to perform more precise anatomical dissections with enhanced dexterity. Watch and learn how a dissection of a lymph nodes is performed on a patient. This surgical video is intended for medical students.

How To: Put a cone or medical collar on your pet safely

If your pet has recently had surgery or been ill, they may need to wear a medical collar. A medical e-collar or a cone will prevent your pet from chewing or licking an area of their body that they shouldn't be touching. In this video from Dr. Lauren, you will learn where to get an e-collar and how to secure it to their head so that they stay safe and happy.

How To: Perform a general shoulder exam on a patient

In this video lesson for doctors, you will learn how to do a shoulder examination. First, you'll get a review of the procedures for evaluating any joint, and then jump into the basics of inspection of the shoulder, then learn palpation, and range of motion. This is a very general shoulder examination, meant to serve as a refresher course for those medical doctors or medical students who already know the exam procedure.

How To: Care for common cat medical problems

Caring for cats is a full time job, especially if they have diseases or are injured. Learn some basic information to care for cats with urinary problems, heart diseases, and dental illnesses in this free video series that includes how to give cats medication.

How To: Answer medical school interview questions

Medical school, quite the undertaking! You've gotten the good grades and made sure your MCAT scores are good, but interviews aren't your strong suit, are they? Don't worry! In this great video, Dr. Robert Hasty goes over the in's and out's of the interview process for admissions board and what you can do to have the least amount of failure when going in for your interview.

How To: Say important medical terminology in Khmer

Cambodia has had a troubled history, especially over the last 40 years, and as such medical professionals for more developed countries have often felt compelled to journey there and serve the needy. If you are already doing so or preparing to, or work in a community with a Khmer-speaking population, this video could be of help to you. It will teach you all sorts of useful medical technology in the most popular language in the country, Khmer. This should greatly improve you communication with ...

How To: Express "to be" in Spanish using ser, estar and haber

In this tutorial, we learn how to express "to be" in Spanish using ser, estar and haber. When expressing forms such as: am, are, was and were you will say "ser" and "estar" in Spanish. The verb "ser" should be conjugated for each of the different tenses that you are using. Often, "ser" is used to ask questions such as: where you are from, what nationality are you, and what things belong to someone. "Ser" is also used to indicate occupation, religion, political party, event locations, date, an...

How To: Get sun-kissed, beachy summer hair

Summer is beach season, but that doesn't mean you have to hit the beach daily to get that characteristic sun-kissed, scrunched up beachy hair look. Even if you're going to be sitting at your office desk for most of summer, you can still look like you spent a day at the beach by watching this tutorial, which teaches you how to get bohemian waves.

How To: Draw Nintendo's Mario with creator Shigeru Miyamoto

YOUTUBE Shigeru Miyamoto demonstrates using simplistic shapes and lines, how to draw his freehand creation of Mario. Shigeru, without speaking, begins by drawing two ovals for the eyes, and then adds a third oval for the nose, sticking to a very simplistic, shape-oriented method. He works outward from the details of the face, to the surrounding details, such as the facial structure and then finishes by adding the hat with the characteristic capital "M". A few minimal additions, such as shadin...

How To: Adjust your resume to the job

Some people are hesitant about changing their resume and editing certain things in or out; they feel it's like cheating. It's not. Changing up your resume is perfectly acceptable as long as you don't lie or make false claims about your history. Tailoring your resume is about putting yourself in a context the company feels will suit them the best.

How To: List transferable skills on your resume

Learning to highlight transferable skills on your resume is good for recent college graduates or if you are new to a job field because it shows that you have good characteristics that can be applied to your new job. For example, showing your communication skills is very important. Research planning is also critical. Show that you set goals for yourself and that you have clear ideas. Also, giving examples of when you used teamwork in past work experience in your life or in your career is benef...

News: Human Dissection Illustrated in Anatomical Pop-Up Books

Before there was Gray's Anatomy, physicians and medical students used anatomical flap books to explore the inner workings of the human body—a scientific illustrated guide that takes its name from the moveable paper flaps that can be "dissected" to reveal hidden anatomy underneath. Similar to pop-up books, these instructional tools mimic the act of human dissection, allowing doctors and students to study the intricacies of the body normally concealed by flesh.

How To: Identify a mustang horse

This video is a tutorial on how to identify a mustang horse breed. The instructor begins by saying that it is not easy to identify a mustang horse because of the cross breeding characteristics of mustangs. The mustang shown in the video is larger then an average mustang. The instructor shows the mustangs white brand and all the different meanings along with age tagged along with the horse. The mustang is known for having feet that are larger then most other horse species. The most important s...

How To: Diagnose and handle a concussion

A concussion is the most common type of brain injury, often occurring in bike and car accidents or during sports. Many people think that you have to lose consciousness to have a concussion but that is indeed not the case. A concussion occurs any time you have some type of trauma to the head. That can be jostling of the head where the brain is basically just hitting the inside of the skull or it can actually be where you hit your head or somebody that falls and they fall and hit their head. Ki...

How To: Draw video game characters like Mario

The video begins by explaining the characteristics of the video game character Mario. The narrator begins by finding a sample picture to use as a starting point to mirror for accuracy. The first part of the character Mario drawn is the head and facial features. After finishing a simple outline of Mario's Face is to begin the outline of the characters body. After the basic outline of Mario is finished the excessive lines must be erased to give me lively hood to the drawing. One of the last ste...

How To: Write a vision statement

In this video, we learn how to write a vision statement. A vision statement answers the question "where" and explains where the organization is headed. The characteristics include future casting. Which include where you will be, what you will create, and how you will move forward. It's clear and "visible" so you should be able to see yourself accomplishing the goal. The team should be able to see your vision too, go big! Be descriptive, by having a vision statement that is a single statement ...

How To: Attract women with your emotions

In this tutorial, we learn how to attract women with your emotions. Don't make the mistake that being stoic or not showing emotions is a strong and manly characteristic. You want to show a woman that you are emotional, just not too emotional. Show the range of emotions that you feel everyday. Show that a real man will be happy, sad, mad, and anything else! This will make you look more authentic to a girl and powerful because she will see that you are yourself around her. This will make women ...

How To: Check for fake Uggs

In this video, Yourpick09 shows viewers how to distinguish real from fake Ugg brand shoes. The characteristics of a real pair of Ugg shoes include real Ugg fur, which is fluffy and has thick fur. Real Ugg shoes are made in China and has tags stating so. Another indication of an authentic pair is to look at the Ugg logo, which should have an encircled "R" next to the name brand. This apples to the label tag as well as the imprint of the brand name. Fake Ugg shoes have fur that is thin and skim...

How To: Draw Robin from the cartoon series Batman & Robin

In this video tutorial from Drawing Now, learn how to draw the character Robin from Batman & Robin. You will need to first draw a circular shape for Robin's head. Then draw ears as well as a series of lines that looks like hair. These lines will actually serve as the raw form of your character, but will actually be erased once the real lines are drawn. Using a series of lines as shown in the video, you will add facial expressions, shoulders, and arms to your character. Darker lines will add R...

How To: Deal with on again, off again relationships

Youtube user Vanae, the self-proclaimed love and dating coach, answers subscribers relationship questions with passion and careful insight. This near four minute edition focuses on the oh so complicated on again, off again relationship. Vanae instructs participants in these arrangements to seriously consider the pros and cons of continuing this indecisive coupling. She addresses common characteristics of participants in on again off again couplings. Vanae also counters fears that often encour...

How To: Get a general linguistic overview of Frisian language

Polyglot Alexander Arguelles presents a series of videos to provide introductory overviews of the languages of the world. Working diachronically through various language families in turn, he demonstrates how to identify each language, translates a text sample to show how it works, and discusses its genetic affiliation and cultural context. While Frisian is spoken in parts of the Netherlands and Germany, and is in the same language family as both, it has it's own distinct characteristics. Watc...

How To: Choose a hand plane for woodworking

Learn about the most common, and popular, hand planes used by crafts people today. At first glance, the whole subject looks complicated, because there are dozens of major plane types and many different variations within each of those categories. But most accomplished woodworkers agree that there is a core list of planes that any woodworker should consider for their toolbox. This video introduces and demonstrates how to choose and select, and use five of the more useful handplanes used by cont...

How To: Make your garden interesting throughout the year

If looking for a way to make your garden interesting throughout the year don't just concentrate on the flowers, look at other parts of the plant. An example is a Rose bush. After the Roses are finished many have beautiful leaves. One plant has beautiful hips, large seeds pods. They add interest during the summer, then in the fall they'll turn a ruby red creating interest throughout the entire season. Consider the whole plant and its' characteristics during different seasons.

How To: Use a Sentinel Enteral medical feeding pump

If you or someone you love has to use a medical feeding pump, have a look at this video. In this tutorial, you will learn everything you need to know about the Sentinal Enteral feeding pump so that you can make sure you are using it properly. Have the best health possible by making sure your pump is functioning properly with assistance from this clip.

How To: Share Your iPhone's Medical ID with First Responders When Placing an Emergency Call or Text

In the event of an emergency where you can't answer for yourself, trained professionals can view your Medical ID on your iPhone to learn about your medical situation, granted that you have created one. But that's not all your Medical ID can do. With a new feature, iOS can share your Medical ID data automatically with first responders when you place an emergency call.

How To: Add an Emergency Medical Card to Your iPhone's Lock Screen with Important Health Information for First Responders

You can't predict the future, but you can prepare for it. On the off chance that you get hurt in a car accident, take a nasty tumble, fall down a cliff, have a seizure, or get struck by lightning, it's always good to carry up-to-date information about your health in case you can't speak for yourself. A physical medical ID wallet card or bracelet can provide the information, but so can your iPhone.

How To: Dissect a left aortic lymph node with a robotic arm

This medical how-to video details a robotic left aortic lymph node dissection in a patient with endometrial cancer using the Standard da Vinci system. The dissection on the right side of the aorta has been completed and the anatomy is outlined. The dissection on the left side of the aorta is highlighted in this video. Watch and learn how a dissection of a lymph node is performed on a patient. This surgical video is intended for medical students.

How To: Tie a two handed surgical square knot

Are you in medical school an planning to be a surgeon? Then here is a how-to video with various different surgical knot tips. The UT Huston Student Surgical Association (SSA) has put together this surgical knot tying online tutorial. Watch as Dr. John R. Potts, MD. demonstrates the two handed square knot. Practice the two handed square knot surgical suture before going into your surgical rotation.