Lubricate Collagen Search Results

How To: Use a saw for making jewelry

This video tutorial is about basic sawing techniques. Before practicing it you need to wear safety goggles for protecting your eyes. First of all, make a practice sheet. Draw three lines in a metal piece. One line is straight, one is curve and another is zigzag. Lubricate the saw blade and start sawing. Hold the saw straight and move forward. Blow the dusts away. For making curve don't move the saw, rotate the metal piece to cut it. Hold the metal piece tightly when you sawing it. Addie kid h...

How To: Drill into metal to make jewelry

This video by one of the editors of Art Jewelry magazine, Addie Kid, will show you some basics on how to too drill into metal. Though this video does not show you how to make a specific jewelry design, but does teach skills so you can make your own design. First you'll need a piece of metal, a steel plate, and a small drill with a small bit. First you'll mark the place you want to drill, and punch into the metal with a center punch. The final part is to drill the hole with the drill. You'll n...

How To: Do the splits using the yoga Monkey pose

Splits are easy when you're a little kid and flexibility is your friend. But joints and muscles naturally stiffen as you get older, making extreme stretching - including splits - increasingly difficult. You also get jipped of that wonderful hyperactive playtime called recess, when such physical tricks usually take place.

How To: Start a fire with the "fire piston" method

Nick Spadaro shows how to make a fire with a fire piston. This device creates fire by compression, just like a deisel engine. You can find these online. Lubricate the gasket with just about anything, including chapstick or animal fat. Then put it in and make sure you have a nice fit. Pick your tender, preferably birch tender fungus, a nice spongy material. Put it in the piston, and put the piston on your leg. Your going to want to strike the piston sharply, straight down, so as not to break t...

How To: Spray paint properly

Try to use the same brand of spray paint throughout the project, read the instructions, follow them. Different brands may have different instructions, this is why we advise against mixing brands. Begin by lightly sanding your project with 600 grit sand paper, anything lower can potentially scratch your project. Use a sturdy tape to cover the parts you want to leave unpainted. Use a very light coating of primer, sand it with 600 grit sand paper (lightly). To add 'special effects' to the job, u...

How To: Replace fishing line on a reel for deep sea fishing

Mark the Shark demonstrates how to replace fishing line on a reel for deep sea fishing. First make sure to thread the fishing line into the guide ends and that you don't miss any. Put the rod in the rod holder so that you have two free hands to work with the line. Thread the line twice in the spool and make a knot to hold the line in place. Pull the line tight so it's snug against the reel and snip off the loose ends. Turn the crank and make sure that the line feeds into the spool very evenly...

How To: Simply roast a chicken

Chris Dickerson demonstrates a simple way to make a delicious roast chicken. He believes that the single most important thing in cooking chicken, or any meat, is to start by searing it. For this he recommends using a pan with a heavy bottom and an ovenproof handle, which can be transferred directly into the oven for the roasting.

How To: Maintain a knife by sharpening it monthly

This video demonstrates how to sharpen a carbon steel knife using a whet stone. Depending on how much you use the knife and how you use it, the knife might need to be sharpened once a month or every other week. First the whet stone should be lubricated using water. Then place the knife on the whet stone at an angle as shown in the video and drag it up and down while applying ample pressure to sharpen it. Do not twist the knife. Depending on the hardness of the knife and the roughness of the w...

How To: Sharpen kitchen knives

Kirkwood Community College's Chef David shows you how to sharpen knives in this episode of gazetteonline presented by Gazette Food Editor Anne Kapler. Chef David takes you through the process of sharpening a knife using a whet stone highlighting common misconceptions associated with knife sharpening. He also speaks about the options available to lubricate a whet stone. The sharpening process is explained in great detail including the stance, angle of sharpening, application of pressure, using...

How To: Tune up a riding lawnmower with Lowe's

Lowe's knows that riding lawnmowers are a big investment for your home and garden. This video shows the proper tools, and safety equipment needed to perform the maintenance needed. Lowe's explains how to replace the air filter on the mower, replacing and testing the spark plug, and how to lubricate the moving parts of the machine itself. The narrator also reminds viewers that when performing maintenance, to do so in a well-ventilated area. Following the steps in this video will make sure your...

How To: Perform a nasogastric tube insertion

This medical how-to video demonstrates the simple steps for inserting a nasogastric tube. A nasogastric tube is more commonly known as a NG. Follow along and learn the basic protocol for doing this procedure. To do a NG tube insertion you will need 14-16 French gauge nasogastric tubing, water soluble lubricating jelly, catheter tip syringe, suction drainage system, and hypoalergenic tape. For your patient, you should have ready a cup of water with a straw, emesis basin, and a towel.

How To: Maintain the entrance steps on an RV

Keep your RV Entrance Steps in tip top condition with this instructional RV video. This tutorial demonstrates how to maintain and repair your recreational vehicle entrance steps. Most RVs have electric steps, which are fairly maintenance free. The biggest component is lubrication. Make sure to lubricate once every thirty days using a lithium-based grease and spray every point. Learn how to inspect the wires underneath your RV and make sure everything is secure. Just follow the simple steps in...

How To: Reduce stretch marks with the Fraxel Laser System

In this video, we learn how to reduce stretch marks with the Fraxel Laser System. This happens when the skin thins and the makes marks when the skin is stretched out too quickly. The laser has been used as years as a skin tightener and now is being used for stretch marks. First, the skin is numbed then the laser pokes tiny holes in the skin, removing the stretch marks. It makes new collagen in the skin, creating a new surface on the skin where the stretch marks used to be. This is a permanent...

How To: Make a smoothie for healthy, glowing skin

In order to make a smoothie that will give you healthy and glowing skin, you should begin by considering the nutritional value and restorative nature of certain fruits. To make a smoothie that will support your collagen, elasticity, and your complexion, combine the following fruit in a smoothie: blueberries, oranges, strawberries, mango, bananas, and water. These will also provide beta keratin and antioxidants.

How To: Deal with acne scars

Suffering from acne scars that are as noticeable as the pimples that caused them? You can find an effective acne scar treatment, from laser resurfacing to collagen injections. Here, the skin care and scar removal you may discuss with your dermatologist.

How To: Use the Derma Roller for Acne Scars

Hey dolls, just giving you my review of the Derma roller. The good and the bad! Firstly, let me just say OUCH! This bad boy hurts, it's pain level is very close to Fraxel laser the only difference is, that you're doing it to yourself, instead of being in a clinic. I did get emotional in this video because I just couldn't believe how painful the device was on my skin. Most videos and reviews on the next say it's "pain free" and this just isn't true.

How To: Tighten and firm loose skin after pregnancy

Pregnancy can take a typically fit body and throw it for a loop. Your body will change so dramatically during those nine months that you may be left with stretch marks, extra fat and sagging skin. So, after you've had that beautiful baby, why not check out this tutorial? In it, you will get tips from expert physical trainer, Kathy Kaehler. Kathy has three children and knows everything there is to know about toning a post-pregnancy body. Kathy is also an author and celebrity personal trainer, ...

How To: Do 20 warm-up exercises to build heat

Whether you're preparing for a thirty minute bout of interval running or for an intense weight lifting session, warming up is vital to building heat in your body so your joints are lubricated and there is less of a chance of injury. Warming up before exercising also boosts your metabolism so you get your heart rate up early and burn more calories during your workout.

How To: Easily use a Neti pot

This video demonstrates how to use a neti pot. This simple device is used to pour warm salt water up one nostril where it can clean out your sinuses and is then drained out the opposite nostril. This is a natural treatment for colds and allergies. You will need a neti pot, warm water, salt, a bowl, tissues and sesame oil. Dissolve the salt in the warm water in the neti pot. Turn your head to the side and pour the water into the top nostril. The water will come out the other nostril. To get th...

How To: Simply solve the Rubik's Cube

Want to solve the Rubik's Cube? Well, watch this how to video to know all about solving the troublesome Rubik's Cube. This three-part tutorial will go through seven steps to mastering the Cube. You'll need to lubricate the Cube first, with silicon spray, so it's lubed up nicely, for maximum speed. Then, start the steps.

How To: Restore a headlight

Wipe headlights clean. Double tape around the headlights. Use two layers of tape around the headlight lens to protect the paint. Insert the backing plate into the drill. Attach the foam interface pad. Use a spray bottle of water to lubricate and keep headlights clean while sanding. Completely remove the old UV coating. You'll see heavy sanding marks in the headlight lens. With the 500 grit sandpaper, remove oxidation and pitting. Use uniform movements of up and down and side to side with mode...

How To: Get rid of stretch marks, scars and acne blemishes

This video will show you how to get rid of stretch mark scars and acne blemishes. Your treatment options depend on the type and severity of your scarring. One way to improve the appearance of a scar is through a collagen injection, given by your dermatologist. Corticosteroids can also be injected to a hypertrophic scar to flatten and soften the raised area. Another technique is laser treatment, which reduces redness and evens out the scar tissue. Skin surgery is used in severe cases to remove...

How To: Transform hair from frizzy to smooth

Do you watch women with sleek and shiny hair with envy? Now you can transform your frizzy hair into a silky smooth style. This isn't magic and does take a little more time than toweling dry. But with a few products, a blow-dryer and a little extra time in the morning you can achieve this look.

How To: Silence Your Obnoxiously Squeaky Bed with 4 Easy MacGyver Style Fixes

Any living creature will die if deprived of sleep for long enough. The longest documented occurrence of a person not fully sleeping and surviving is only 11 days. There is a rare disease where deep sleep is never achieved, affecting roughly 100 people worldwide. Patients usually only survive between 6 to 18 months after the onset of chronic insomnia, and only 3 to 9 months in a parasomnia state without any real REM sleep.

How To: Make Eggs That Slide Right Out of Their Shells

There are a million (okay, slight exaggeration) ways to peel an egg, and countless numbers of tips, tricks, and hacks that are supposed to make that deviled egg appetizer you agreed to make for the party an absolute snap. More often than not, though, experiences vary... and pock-marked, greyish-yolked boiled eggs find their way into your collection whether you like it or not.