Lower Body Search Results

How To: Firm up your upper body while you sit down

In this video, we learn how to firm your upper body while sitting down. This will tone your chest shoulders and arms. Sit on the edge of the chair with your shoulders resting against the chair back. Now, grab your weights and bend both arms pushing the elbows back. Next, straighten your arms, pushing the weights up and forward on a diagonal. Slowly, lower your arms back to the starting position and continue to do this for as many counts as you can. To do the raised blank, place your forearms ...

How To: Define your lower abs with bar exercises

In this video, John Alvino talks about his favorite lower ab exercises. The first is called the lowball pulling. You begin by putting your feet on top of a swiss ball, put your hands in push up position, have good stability and bring your knees towards your chest and then extend it out, all while contracting your abs. The next lower ab exercise Alvino discusses is called the hanging knee raise. With an overhead bar, grip on to the bar and allow your body to hang in a pull up position. Bring y...

How To: Do pushups on your coffee table

Rick Pitts takes us through how to do a push up using a coffee table. First, he starts by doing a push up for shoulders and triceps. You do this by placing your hands slightly wider than shoulders with fingers pointing forward. Keep your elbows near body as you lower yourself towards the table.

How To: Do an Olympic style front squat

Charles shows you the proper procedures and steps to follow in order to do an Olympic style front squat the correct way. He demonstrated the different techniques and the proper way to position yourself no matter what your body shape or build. he explains it whether you are bulky or have long or short arms. He also explains the correct way to have your shoulders and chest positioned as well as recommends that you wear wrist bands to prevent any injuries to your body. He shows the proper techni...

How To: Perform a great exercise for your chest and pec muscle

This man shows how to focus on your chest and triceps when doing dips. He begins with a piece of equipment called the Roman Chair. Lift yourself up onto the chair. Bend your knees before you begin to lower yourself into the dip. As you slowly move down into the dip keep your elbows out to the side and your chin on your chest. This will help put the focus of the exercise on the muscles in your chest. To change the focus of the exercise from the chest to the triceps, you want to keep your body ...

How To: Teach a full-body Pilates routine for pregnant women

This clip demonstrates a Pilates routine ideal for pregnant clientele, one which integrates both the upper and lower body. Whether you're toying with the idea of opening up your own rehabilitative Pilates studio or merely need some help tackling a certain pedagogical or administrative problem, you're certain to be well served by this free video tutorial from the folks at Balanced Body Pilates. For more (and more comprehensive) information, take a look.

How To: Draft a lower torso or skirt sloper

This video tutorial demonstrates the steps for drafting a sloper that shows the exact shape of an individual's body between the waist and the hips. It can be used to create skirts for women, the top of pants for men and women, and body doubles (aka Dress Forms). Learn how to draft a lower torso sloper by watching this video fashion design tutorial.

How To: Become a better runner with basic running techniques

First, as you run you need to maintain good breathing techniques. Therefore, it is important to look straight forward, not clench your jaw but keep it relaxed, and just breath in a natural manner, not worrying about whether you are breathing through your mouth, or nose, nor other respiratory concerns. It is important to remember "that your body naturally finds the most efficient and effect way to run." Consequently, you should let your body guide your style. Next, you need to maintain a good ...

How To: Find the right wedding dress for your body type

In this tutorial, we learn how to find the best wedding dress for your body type. The rectangle or oval shape body doesn't have a well defined waist line, so you will need a dress that draws attention to the hair and face. A pear shaped body is where the bust and wast are smaller than the lower half of the body. You will want to select a wedding dress with ruffles or shoulder pads to draw attention to the top half of your body. A triangle shaped body has a large bust. You will want to select ...

How To: Use a broom handle to get fit with SELF Magazine

You don't need fancy equipment to workout and get a great body. In this how to video SELF Magazine shows you how to utilize a broom handle to stabilize your workout routine. Grab that broom stick and start doing the following exercises: flutter kicks, straight arm raises, side circles, abs dynamo, twist off and sitting pretty. Tone your upper and lower body with these broom exercises.

How To: Do a side leg lift circle pilates exercise

The side leg lift series is part of the classical Pilates repertoire and the circles strengthen the core, flatten the abdominal muscles and tone the inner and outer thighs. If you feel strain in your lower back, bring your legs slightly forward of your body, but for a real challenge, maintain a perfectly straight line and bring your top hand to your hip. Watch this fitness how to video and you'll be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Use an exercise band

This video shows you how to use an exercise band to do bicep curls, triceps extensions and shoulder raises along with some fun extensions of these basic exercises. When doing the bicep curl with the band it is very important to ensure that the band is firmly secured under your shoe, so that it does not slip forwards and snap. Once the band is secure you must curl the arms up towards the shoulders, keeping your elbows bent and close to your sides. The arms are still working in a negative resis...

How To: Do a chIn-up

Looking to better sculpt your upper body? It may seem old fashioned, but incorporating chin-ups into your workout routine is a surefire way to build your biceps and back muscles and strengthen your entire upper body.

How To: Lose belly fat with repitition for the lower abs

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat with repetition for the lower abs. The first exercise you can do is a reverse curl. You will start by laying down flat on the ground with your arms next to you, and bringing your legs into the air, raising your butt in the air. The next exercise you can do is side crunches. This will work your side abs and your obliques. You can do this on a yoga ball by crunching sideways with your arm on your head. You can also do leg raises using a yoga ball...

How To: Draw Husky chibi-style from Anima

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw Husky. First, you will start by drawing the dorsal fin of the character. After this, draw the rest of the body including the lower and upper body. Also make sure you draw the head. Now, draw the arms crossing, then go over the drawing with a harder pressed pencil. Draw in the details of the face, then start drawing in the details of the fins and the upper body. Once the details are in, draw the hair and add in some scales along the entire body. Once fini...

How To: Perform a front flip on a wakeboard

In this how-to video, you will learn how to do a front flip using a wake board. The goal is to take it big and take it out to the flats. Do not cut out as far as you can. Take the handle locked in the same position, comfortably towards the chest. This is held in the same position throughout the flip. As for the body position, notice that the rider is in a comfortable knees bent position. Slowly ride off the edge as you approach the wake. This will lessen the pull of the rope at takeoff. This ...

How To: Work out your lower abs and eliminate that FUPA

Eliminate the FUPA from your body! This fitness video will show you the cure to that nasty "Fat Upper Pubic Area" that most woman have trouble with. That belly flab is a no-go, so start using this abs workout to begin exercising your abdominal area and feeling great again. You don't need to go the gym for this exercise routine… you just need some motivation and a workout ball.