Lose Weight Especially Search Results

How To: Measure your body parts

Trying to lose some weight and inches off your belly, bottom, or legs? It is essential to measure your body before starting an exercise program. In this video, learn how to accurately measure your body parts for the purpose of monitoring your weight loss' progress.

How To: Lose weight without giving up carbs

Need to lose weight but the thought of giving up all your favorite foods like pasta, white bread and starch make you queasy? Don't worry! Modify your diet with these great tips, and you won't feel like you're giving up a thing! Why don't you try adding more vegetables and protein, so you won't eat as many carbs? It's a great way to fool your body into eating better.

How To: Lose weight using the facts and numbers

In this Made Fit TV podcast, Jennifer DiDonato provides you with examples of foods that you eat or, should be eating almost everyday of the week. But, she break it down to show you just how many extra calories you may be eating based on portion and selection, and how you can eliminate 3,500 calories - one pound - a week, from nutrition alone. Just don't forget to workout, too! With this you'll start losing weight in no time.

How To: Tie off a suspension ring for rope bondage

If you're planning on doing some bondage knots, you better learn how to do it right. This video shows you how to properly tie off a titanium suspension ring for use in your bondage activities. This video is clear and straight forward, using a large piece of rope, making it easy to see exactly how it's done. Remember to be careful with your S&M knots, especially if you're suspending someone's weight.

How To: Avoid dangers of low water crossings

Flooding occurs in a low water area and often appears to be safe. Motorists who drive through flooded areas risk losing control of their cars. People have extreme confidence in the size and weight of their vehicles. Flooding kills more people than any other natural disasters. Don't drive quickly through flooded streets because it increases the chance you will hydroplane and lose control of your car.

How To: Lose weight using Photoshop's liquify filter

In this video, we learn how to lose weight using the liquify filter on PhotoShop. Before beginning, open up PhotoShop and the image you want to adjust. First, click on "filter" then "liquify". Next, use the forward warp tool and adjust the size of the brush to the body part you want to change. click on the body parts to make them smaller. Push in the body parts you want to be smaller, pushing in small parts one at a time. If you do too much, the picture will become blurry and it will not look...

How To: Know how long it takes to lose abdominal fat

This video describes the ways people hold onto fat. There are three main types of bodies. There are naturally skinny, round with an easy time gaining weight and overly round with a hard time losing weight. Each person is different but in certain body groups there is an easier time to maintain a lean appearance. Fat cells in your body also play a part in you getting fat and staying thin. It is said that all of your fat cells have been fully grown in your puberty years. There are some new studi...

How To: Lose weight with a healthy after workout meal

Darin Steen of Major League Health explains how to lose weight with a healthy meal after a workout. What you put in your mouth composes 70% to 80% of fitness fat loss gain. Meals that you eat after intense workout sessions are very important. Eat a meal that is predigested and absorbed quickly like whey protein and a banana. Eat your meal 30 minutes to 60 minutes after your workout. For people weighing 120 pounds to 140 pounds, use 15 grams of whey protein and a half of a banana. For people w...

How To: Dress 10 pounds thinner

This video shows the viewer how they can appear to lose weight by simply wearing different clothes. There are a number of suggestions in the video. The first is to wear a belt as this draw attention away from the hips. The second is to wear an outfit with short sleeves as this makes the outfit both office appropriate as well as giving the thinner look. Another suggestion is to wear a cardigan with long sleeves, or bell sleeves as this outlines the silhouette. The final suggestion is to wear h...

How To: How To Lose Weight Fast - Like 20 pounds in 3 weeks!

Adrian Bryant shows you the 5 things to do to lose weight fast. You should be able to lose 20 lbs in 3-4 weeks. The first thing you should do is eat four small meals a day 3-4 hours apart. Before you eat each of your meals you should eat 2 raw vegetables and drink 1 serving of whey protein. You should next eat a meal that consists of no more than 300 calories based on your hunger level. You should avoid sugary foods like candy.

How To: Gain weight on a vegan or raw diet

Kevin Gianni of the Renegade Health Show interviews vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke. Since a vegan diet doesn't consist of any dairy products or meat, vegans can often find themselves losing weight. Robert Cheeke shares his secrets on how he gained weight while following a vegan diet and how he gained muscle mass. Robert says that the toughest challenge is putting the time and effort into gaining weight by eating the right things at the right times and being consistent. Hard work will pay off.

How To: Do exercises to trim your hips with Brooke Burke

Want to slim down? Feel the burn with this easy, five-minute exercise sure to help you trim or otherwise tighten up your hips. For complete instructions, including a step-by-step overview of this simple exercise, watch this home fitness how-to. Lose weight and feel great with the routine demonstrated in this free video guide from Brooke Burke.

How To: Lose weight in your face with a face workout

Feel like your face is starting to droop and sag a little bit? Get your tone and youthful appearance back without botox or quick fixes by exercising your face muscles naturally! In this video, 48-year-old instructor Elaine Bartlett demonstrates how you can tone your chin and jaw by doing simple exercises using your face muscles. You might even find out you've got some pretty strong you never thought about using before!

How To: Do three exercise moves to firm your butt

Every gal has her trouble areas, but it seems that most girls cite their belly and butt as the hardest areas to tone. After all, scientific studies have shown that these areas are the first place to gain weight and the last place that gets smaller when you're exercising to lose weight. Sad but true facts.

How To: Lose Weight with Smoothies & Shakes

It should come as no surprise that, according to Details Magazine, nearly half of all people who make New Year's resolutions pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, and/or get fit. There are innumerable companies out there that are ready and willing to take advantage of this momentum: from those hocking "magic bullet" pills that will increase your energy or reduce your belly fat to the myriad shake- and juice-based diets that put you at a near-starvation calorie input—and will probably have you...

How To: Lose Stomach Fat in 10 Steps?

As our lives grow busier, we get secluded in our indoor activities, consuming all types of fatty junk food and what not. Obesity is a very obvious yet unfortunate outcome of our unhealthy living standards. With it comes the predictable rush towards efforts to lose weight. Consequently, we have designed hundreds if not thousands of ways to lose fat and grow slimmer. To ease out your choice of ways, here is a list of the best ways to lose stomach fat. Step 1: Don't Eat Sugar