Lock Icon Search Results

How To: Turn Off Your iPhone with a Broken Power Button

As one of only three hardware buttons on an iPhone, the Sleep/Wake button gets a lot of use day in and day out. If you've had your iPhone for a considerable length of time, this button—which is also used to power down the device, as well as turn it on—may begin to malfunction or stop working completely, leaving you confused on how to now turn on/off your iPhone.

How To: Unlock your Blackberry Storm like an old Blackberry

This video shows the method to unlock Blackberry Storm like an old Blackberry. The Blackberry does not come with a top button to lock or unlock your keypad. But you can download one from App World. Just slide your finger across the screen and your Blackberry will be unlock it. You can lock it by setting a convenience key for this purpose. Just go to the download icon and press it. Now, go to App World and browse through the applications. Some of these applications are paid and some are free. ...

How To: Back Up & Restore Your Home Screen Layout & Icons on Any Samsung Galaxy

In the past, if you upgraded to a new Galaxy or if you had to factory reset your existing one to fix an issue, you had to restore your home screen layout manually. Your wallpaper, widgets, icon placement, and launcher settings were all dependent on you to be put back in their place. Thankfully, this isn't an issue anymore.

How To: Fix a frozen, locked up iPhone or iPod Touch

Look at the Main Menu on our screen. If the Icons on the screen do not respond to your commands, it means that the system is corrupted. To fix this problem, hold and press down the Power and Menu button at the same time for about 6-8 seconds or until you see a black and white Apple logo right on the middle of the screen; after the icons disappear. This means that your system is rebooting without losing any of your original data. This ensures the system functioning properly again as soon as yo...

How To: Get Back Lock Screen Widgets in Android Lollipop

Being fixated on all of the great additions to Android 5.0 Lollipop, it can be a little difficult to take notice in the features that went missing. For instance, lock screen widgets. It's speculated that the lack of practical use for lock screen widgets and the implementation of the revamped Lollipop lock screen may have lead to their departure, but some of us want them back!

How To: Get Rid of Persistent Wallet Suggestions on Your iPhone's Lock Screen

When it comes to paying with Apple Pay, showing your rewards number or coupon at a store, or paying for your coffee with a digital gift card, Apple Wallet is as convenient as it gets. But one issue you'll probably experience at least once on your iPhone is a persistent notification on your lock screen to view or use one of your passes — even if you're not somewhere you can actually use it.

How To: Pick any lock easily

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to pick a lock. The material required for picking a lock is a tension wrench and pick. Begin by inserting the tension wrench into the bottom left slot of the lock. Put some pressure on the tension wrench as you pick the lock. Now place the pick into the lock hole and experiment with it. Continue fidgeting and raking the pick in the lock hole until the lock opens. This video will benefit those viewers who have lost the key to their lock, and would like...

How To: Turn Vista into Windows 7 for free

This video demonstrates how to turn Windows Vista to Windows 7 for free. Make sure that you are running your PC on a Windows Vista OS. First, unlock your taskbar by right-clicking on it and unchecking the option. The space where your smaller application icons are located can now be made wider. Re-lock your taskbar once done. You can also right click and select View>Large Icons to make the icons look bigger. You can also download a free application at RocketDock which will make your Vista task...

How To: Pick a warded lock

In this lock picking tutorial video series, I explain and demonstrate how to pick warded locks. Warded locks can be identified by the unique keyway they have. Warded locks use a very simple design. This allows the lock to be inexpensive and minimizes jamming from dirt and grime. Use these lock picking videos to learn how to pick a warded lock.

How To: Change List Colors & Icons in iOS 13's Reminders App for a More Customized Look

In iOS 13, Apple is taking the Reminders app more seriously. With its long list of helpful new changes, the app finally stacks up to other task managers like Todoist or Wunderlist. One of the changes is small but mighty — the ability to add custom icons to lists. Doing so lets you personalize each collection of reminders to your liking and can help you identify lists with just a glance.

How To: Pick a lock

This is a lock picking video which demonstrates how to pick a tumbler lock. Of course the only way to really open locks is to practice. But this is the basic info to picking locks. This lock picking tutorial also covers security pins and clear instructional animations to demonstrate. Learn how to pick a lock and use this video to understand lockpicking, security pins, skill tension, and bump keys. See all about how to pick a tumble lock & understand lock security pins.

How To: Crack and open a combination lock

This video won't show you how to crack a safe but it will show you the next best thing: cracking a combination lock or master lock! We do recommend only trying this on a lock you have forgotten the combination to and not other unlawful purposes. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to retrieve the combination from a lock. Hack your own lock or your friends and you have the potential for great practical jokes.

How To: Your Android Phone Comes with a Face ID Feature Built In — Here's How to Use It

The iPhone X has a new unlocking mechanism called Face ID, which replaces the old Touch ID system since the phone no longer has a fingerprint sensor. The way it works is simple — you just look at the phone, it recognizes your face, then the system unlocks — so Apple deserves the praise they're getting for it. But did you know you can get almost this exact same feature on any Android device right now?

News: 5 Great Lock Screens That Put Your Android's Default to Shame

When it comes to customization, you just can't beat Android. Not only can you replace your home screen, switch your default apps, and apply icon packs, but you can even replace your entire lock screen by installing a simple app. Considering that the lock screen is the first interface you encounter when you pick up your phone, that last one might even be the biggest change you can make without root access.

How To: Make Your Mac Look & Feel More Like Your iPhone

Is your Mac starting to feel messy and sluggish after using iOS 8 on your iPhone every day? Even with all of the iOS-friendly features built in to Mac OS X Yosemite, your Mac can still feel kind of "old" in comparison to an iOS device—but it doesn't have to. Using the tips and tricks below, you can easily make your Mac desktop or laptop look and feel like iOS 8 in no time.

How To: Open a locked bedroom or bathroom door

Getting locked out of a bedroom or bathroom can be a real bummer. Fortunately, these locks are easy to "pick" and get yourself in. This how to shows you clearly what to do to get yourself back inside so you don't feel frustrated all day long. This excellent video takes you step by step through the process. This video talks about 2 different types of locks and the two different types of tools you'll need.