Lips Shade Search Results

How To: Draw children's heads

In this video, we learn how to draw children's heads. For the front view, first draw an oval with a slight point for the chin. Then, draw in the features of the face lightly with the side of the pencil. After this, start to shade the side of the eye in. The child's eye has a large eyelid, larger than an adult's eyelid. The pupil should also be large. For a side view, make sure to show the curves of the chin, nose, and lips. The eye should be soft and the ear should be soft as well. Fill in th...

How To: Draw female heads with Otis College of Art & Design

Kathryn Hagen teaches us how to draw female heads in this tutorial. Start with an oval and dissect it horizontally and vertically. Draw in the hairline, as well as the eyes, nose, and mouth. You can measure out where everything should go by using the lines as a reference point. Add details into the eye, then continue on to add more details to the nose, showing the nostrils. Draw more details on the mouth, then define the center of the lip and shape. Draw on the ears, and add a line where the ...

How To: Create fuller lips in 60 seconds or less

With the proper techniques you can have fuller-looking lips. Start by using a flesh-tone pencil to outline your lip line. This adds volume to thin lips. Then fill in your lips with the same flesh colored pencil. This helps your lipstick stay put all day long. Apply two coats of your favorite moisturizing lip stick. Dot your lower lip with clear lip gloss and press your lips together to blot the gloss. Gloss lips look plumper than lips with just lipstick applied.

How To: Soothe dry lips

This video describes a way to get your lips much softer through various tips and tricks. From lipstick or lip balm made out of natural ingredients such as coconut oil or beeswax. Also shows a way to take Vaseline and using a soft bristle tooth brush stating to brush your lips for about two minutes to add moisture. Drinking water when cold and dry and ensuring that your lip balm has sunscreen as the sun can dry out your lips. This could help out quite a bit if you have dry lips or want to keep...

How To: Draw the 8-Tails Jinchuuriki, Killerbee

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw the 8-Tails Jinchuuriki, Killerbee. Start out by drawing the outline of the character. You want to make sure you draw reference lines on the head so you know where to place the eyes, nose, and lips. Next, you will start to draw in lines to show wrinkles on the face and then the headband on the top of the head. After this, add some shading into the face to add some depth. From here, you will draw in the hair and the band around the head, giving it more de...

How To: Draw Captain America in an action pose

In this video, we learn how to draw Captain America in an action pose. Start out by drawing the torso, then the rib cage and pecks. Continue to draw the outline and small details of the rest of the body. Draw in arms gong out of the body so that they are spread apart, then draw in the head. Draw in lines for where the muscles are, then start to draw in the mouth, nose, lips, eyes, and other facial features. Once you do this, start to add in even more details of the outfit that the body has on...

How To: Draw manga shoes

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw manga shoes. First, you want to sketch the basic shape of the foot. On top of this, you will draw a rough shoe shape with a different colored pencil. Next, draw in the details of where the laces are going to go, and where the lip of the shoe will be. Also draw in the soles and any other details you feel you need. Switch over to a black pencil to draw in darker details and add in shading throughout the drawing. When you are done, sign your name by your dr...

How To: Get super soft lips using sugar

Tisch demonstrates a quick tip on how to keep your lips super softer in this video. Take a lip balm and apply it on your lips and leave them for about five minutes. Then you take sugar that is finely powdered(having fine granules), because finer the granules the more well they are going to exfoliate your lips. Again before applying the sugar apply some lip balm and rub your finger on your lips.Now pat the sugar on your lips so that it sticks on lips. Then run your finger all over your lips we...

How To: Make honey vanilla lip balm at home

Natasha Levitan demonstrates making a honey vanilla lip balm. Ingredients needed are two tablespoons of petroleum jelly, one eighth of a teaspoon of vitamin E oil, one tablespoon of beeswax granules, one teaspoon of vanilla extract, one teaspoon of honey and a lip balm container, tub style, in which to store the balm after it is made. She starts by putting the beeswax and petroleum jelly into a glass bowl and microwaving it for five minutes, mixing after two and a half minutes. When the mixtu...

How To: Draw an emo boy

This video teaches how to draw an emo boy. First the artist draws a standard face. She then adds an earring which appears to be a gauge, and draws long bangs that cover the left side of the face, along with short bangs that cover a little of the right side as well. She then draws an eye on the side of the face not covered by the bangs. She darkens the outside of the eye to look like dark eyeliner, and draws a thin eyebrow above it. She then draws the nose and lips, and finishes shading the ha...

How To: Contour your lips

Sarah long teaches viewers how to contour their lips. First, you will need lip balm. It should be simply used just to moisturize your lips. Now, take a piece of sandpaper and lightly roll it over your lips. This will exfoliate the lips. You shouldn't do this all the time! (maybe only once or twice a week). Now, take Kiss Me Coral Revlon and apply it to your lips with a lip brush. Carefully and evenly place this on your upper and bottom lip. Take tissue or Kleenex and blot your lips. You will ...

How To: Draw manga or anime noses

This video explains how to draw manga or anime noses. Draw a shaded triangle. The straight on nose is usually nothing more than a shadow. Decide where the light source is coming from and draw a black triangle on the half of the face that would be in shadow. In the example, the light is coming from the left side so the shadow is on the right side of the face. Draw a "J" shape. Noses in profile are a little more detailed, but still very simple. For the most part, they are curved "J" shapes plac...

How To: Create a makeup look inspired by the Pussycat Dolls

In this makeup tutorial, Bubzbeauty teaches you how to create a look inspired by one of the Pussycat Dolls. Nicole Scherzinger's smothering eyes are sexy and beautiful smoked using shades of navy & brown. Her eyeliner stands out but is very sensual & femininely cat eyed. Her entire face looks sun kissed and her lips remain understated being nude, soft and kissable. This look is great for a night out with your friends. Feel like a Pussycat doll in smothering sexy smoky eyes. This look is very ...

How To: Prevent chapped lips

Are you constantly battling chapped lips? The right prevention methods can restore lip moisture in no time. Watch this Howcast guide to learn how to prevent chapped lips. Nobody wants chapped lips - lips should be soft and kissable.

How To: Apply a smoky blue mermaid eye look for Asian monolids

This makeup how-to video demonstrates a really pretty smoky blue eye that's more mermaid than dark thanks to a little bit of metallic gold. Try out this look designed specifically for Asian monolid eyes and eyes without a crease. The cosmetics used to create this look are MAC Bare Study, NYX October Sky w. MAC 224, Bella Pierre Mineral Powder in Blue shade w. MAC 217, Ebay Palette Medium Blue color, Ebay Palette Indigo or Navy Blue color, the Makeup Store Purple Attraction Pencil Eyeliner, MA...

How To: Create "viva la diva" lip art

In this tutorial, we learn how to create "viva la diva" lip art. First, prime your lips and blend it out with clean fingers. Next, take your favorite type of lipstick and then use lip liner on the edges. Blot the lipstick on the back of your hand, then apply the lipstick again. Next, grab rhinestones and apply them on your lips using a q-tip and Duo glue. When you are done with this, apply a clear lip gloss to the top of your lips. This will give you a glam look with beautiful rhinestones on ...

How To: Get rid of chapped lips

This video involves beauty tips on how to get rid of chapped lips. The video starts out by listing items needed to take care of chapped lips; the first item listed is chap stick. The video specifically recommends a chap stick that has SPF protection. The other items needed are a tooth brush and a clean towel. The video next explains to rub chap stick on your lips. Next, a tooth brush is used on the lips in circular motions to remove dead skin cells. The purpose is to allow your lips to heal m...

How To: Make lip scrub with olive oil+sugar for healthy lips

This video demonstrates how to make lip scrub with olive oil and sugar for healthy lips. This scrub promotes healthy lips. The ingredients are sugar and olive oil. You also need a glass and a toothbrush. First, add 1 teaspoon of sugar to a glass. Then add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil to the glass. Mix the ingredients well. Use the scrub mixture on a toothbrush to scrub your lips with. Scrub well but gently. Then rinse and dry off your lips with a towel. Next apply a lip balm smoothly over your l...

How To: Safely pierce your own lip

Mark shows you how to safely pierce your own lip. To pierce your own lip, follow these steps: You will need rubbing alcohol, a piercing needle, alcohol swab, a ring, mouthwash, a small bag filled with crushed ice and a cork. Put the ice between your lip and your gum until your lip is numb. Wipe the needle with the alcohol pad to sterilize it. Sterilize your lip as well. Place the cork in between your lip and gum, take the needle and stick it through your lip. Stick the ring through your lip a...

How To: Apply sexy red lipstick

In this tutorial, we learn how to apply sexy red lipstick. Start by applying dark red lip liner to the top lip, using an exact line where your lip goes. Next, draw the line on the bottom of your lip line up to where the crease of your lips meet. After this, smile while you paint on red lipstick with a makeup brush. Apply several coats and move the brush slowly so you don't mark your face. Apply the lipstick to both of your lips and make sure it blends in well with the lip liner you applied ea...

How To: Wear red lipstick to look glamorous

Erin Bried, author of "How to Sew a Button: And Other Nifty Things Your Grandmother Knew," will show you how to wear red lip stick when you want to look glamorous. First, you are going to want to soften your kisser, which can be done by taking a damp washcloth or dry toothbrush and using them on your lips. After, you want to take a tissue and blot your lips. Next, you want to line your lips to prevent your lip stick from bleeding out. Make sure you line your real lips though, don't make your ...

How To: Safely pierce your lip

In this video, we learn how to safely pierce your lip. Start off by using antiseptic to clean off the needle or tool that you are going to pierce your lip with. Then, mark the spot on your lip that you want the jewelry to go. Use a ruler to help make sure it's positioned correctly on your face. After this, place ice on your lip to help numb it for a few seconds. Then, quickly grab the needle and push it through the mark that you made on your lip. Then, you will need to quickly push the jewelr...

How To: Apply ballet stage makeup

Before applying any make-up start by thoroughly cleansing the face and moisturizing after cleansing. Start with a good concealer to cover up and blemishes or dark spots. Apply liquid foundation with a stipple brush to ensure all over coverage of the entire face. Now using another brush apply your face powder, you can try MAC skin finish in your own personal skin shade. For the eyes, start with a white shadow and apply all over both lids. Now, take a medium-brown color shadow and apply to the ...