Learn Russian Search Results

How To: Find the under "Ultimatum" glitch in Call of Duty 4

Glitches are everywhere in the video game world, and you can call them what you want... glitches, cheats, cheat codes, hints, secrets or tips. In order to find a glitch, you have to keep your eyes open or follow a recommendation from a gaming friend. Either way, to catch a secret glitch, you need to be ready; the cheats for the taking, whether a weapon or secret passageway, so take it, before it gets patched.

How To: Separate Egg Whites and Egg Yolks. AMAZING!

How to separate egg whites and egg yolks the Russian way. Seperating egg yolks from the egg whites has never been easier! Check this out! The method l'm using to separate the yolk from the whites is via a plastic bottle. Using the plastic bottle an old soft drink bottle will do), dispel some of the air by squeezing the bottle in a little. Place the open end of the plastic bottle over the egg yolk and lightly un-squeeze the bottle . Watch in amazement as the yolk is sucked inside the plastic b...

The Time Traveler's Companion: Surviving the Past and Future with Your Kindle

Not that long ago I wrote an article discussing what it would be like, realistically, if you were to accidentally travel back in time to the Victorian era. At the end of that article, I mentioned that the best thing you could bring with you on a time-traveling adventure is a Kindle, or similar e-reader, stuffed full of the knowledge of the 21st century. Why a Kindle? Well, I own a Kindle, and I love it. However, there's far more to it than that.

How To: Use Google's Advanced Protection Program to Secure Your Account from Phishing

It's easy to have your password stolen. Important people like executives, government workers, journalists, and activists face sophisticated phishing attacks to compromise their online accounts, often targeting Google account credentials. To reduce this risk, Google created the Advanced Protection Program, which uses U2F security keys to control account access and make stolen passwords worthless.

How To: Change Google Chrome's Default Search Engine on Your iPhone or Android Phone

Even if your default mobile browser is Google Chrome, you may not want Google to also be your search engine. Maybe you're not impressed with Google's search results all the time, maybe you want a more private search experience, or maybe you just don't want Google's hands over everything in your life. Whatever the case, it's easy to switch from Google to another default search engine.

How To: Make Cereal Milk—A Momofuku-Inspired Drink

If you have satisfying memories of slurping up the sweet milk left in the bowl after eating your cereal, then this cereal-infused milk will make you feel like a kid again. Although people have technically been enjoying cereal milk since the invention of cereal, it was recently made popular as a standalone drink by the playful and quirky Momofuku Milk Bar in New York City. Created by pastry chef Christina Tosi, it's a "recipe" that is both simple and brilliant. The original Momofuku brand cere...