Larp Search Results

News: Post Apocalyptic Fantasy Garb

Yup, that's right! There is a new larp starting up near me, called Cobalt Nightmares, where the theme is Post Apocalyptic Fantasy. I have to admit, I absolutely adore the Post Apocalyptic genre (especially that awesome Fallout LARP in Poland), and I'm interested to see what happens when it becomes a fantasy game instead of a science fiction game.

News: I love when a costume comes together

I actually didn't do any sewing at all for this costume, just kind of cobbled it together for a fantasy larp I'm in. The green and gold corset was a gift, the lace shirt and brown overskirt I got from a clothing exchange, the white underskirt comes from a thrift store, and the purple wrap was given by a friend. I was going for a somewhat Renaissance Italy style with this costume, and I think it's a great example of what you can put together just by raiding your closet.

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