Junk Automobiles Search Results

How To: Lose belly fat by avoiding junk food

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat by avoiding junk food. If you eat too many bad fats, they will store inside of your body and cause several health problems for you. The more you eat, the more your body will store and it will be harder for you to burn off, causing you to become overweight. To achieve a flat stomach, you will just need to make sure you are eating healthy foods. Make sure you are not eating foods with a lot of high sugar content or quick burning carbs. Once you s...

How To: Revamp a junk shop dress

In this tutorial, we learn how to revamp a junk shop dress. First, you will need to measure out how short you want the dress to be while still wearing it. After this, take the dress off and pin it where you want to sew it. Cut off excess fabric, then sew the hem of the dress where you want it to be. Next, place the dress back on and pair it with some cute leggings. You can buy a cheap dress and make it look nice without having to pay a lot. Pair this will some cute accessories and you will ha...

How To: Report a car theft

The first thing that comes to mind when your car is stolen is: ####!! However, once calm, cover these bases when your car is stolen to notify relevant parties and help ensure vehicle recovery or replacement.

How To: Make a pecan crusher out of junk parts

MAKE zine brings the DIY mindset to the technology in your life, encouraging you to break things apart and put them back together in a new and better way. In this video, MAKE and KipKay show you how to build a pecan crusher out of junk parts. Pecans are delicious, but their shells can be maddeningly tough to break into. This video introduces you to an enterprising gent who built a pecan smasher using various gizmos he had around in his garage. Now you can be like him, and use science to show ...

How To: Make a junk journal out of random items

To make a journal made of junk you're going to need a couple of things. First an unbleached linen thread because it doesn't bleed out into your work, you'll need a candle, a binder clip and a stack of papers. The papers you need to fold down the middle and put in four evenly spaced holes down its spine so that it looks like a book. Use the clip to hold the papers together while you measure the thread. The thread needs to be three times the height of your book. Wax this thread using the candle...

How To: Change your automobile battery

Check out this car maintenance video on how to change your car battery in the smartest and safest way. So, get out that socket wrench or crescent wrench and get to work. Take out the auto battery and clean the battery cable connectors for a nice connection to your vehicle's new battery. Then just install the battery.

How To: Unsubscribe from Paper Junk Mail Using Your Phone

The only mail I like getting comes in the form of an Amazon package, but when I go to my mailbox, it always ends up being a pile of credit card offers and catalogs I could never see myself ordering from. Those pieces of junk mail usually end up in the trash, which is horrible when you think about all the trees that had to get cut down in order to produce them.

How To: Make Healthy Homemade Kale Chips, Not Junk Food

Potato chips are cheap and delicious, but terrible for both your body and the environment. They have lots of packaging and nearly no nutritional value. This video will show you how to make a homemade substitute snack that is healthy and delicious: kale chips. Yes, that's right, baked chips made from something that's good for you! Sorry potatoes, but you've got nothing on these guys.

How To: Change the oil in your car to help its engine last

Changing your engine's oil yourself isn't just great for your car, it's great for your pocket book. This DIY auto maintenance guide presents an overview of the standard method for changing a car's oil, a method which applies for most modern automobiles. For a detailed walkthrough, and to get started changing your own car's oil, watch this home mechanic's guide.

How To: Unclutter your kitchen

Is your kitchen out of control cluttered? Do you have paper work, utensils, and junk mail scattered in the one room in your house that should act as your sustenance sanctuary? In this episode of Real Women Scrap, the hub of every household is attacked as well as other ways to unclutter your kitchen.

How To: Fold a letter into a cute heart

Want to give a special someone your heart (and get rid of junk mail in the process)? Make a paper heart using origami, the traditional Japanese folk art of paper folding. This free origami video lesson presents complete instructions on how to make your own paper hearts from a folded letter . For more information, and to get started making paper hearts yourself, take a look!

How To: Get a flat stomach in a week

Are addicted to junk food, beer, and alcohol and now you've got a big old belly to show for it? In this video, you'll learn an easy way to get a flat stomach in a week. Yes, a week exercise and routines you can implement in your everyday life, and even while your watching TV. Work towards your hot body with this easy to follow video.

How To: Turn your old t-shirt into a sexy racerback tank

Want to add a few new pieces to your closet for summer but don't have the cash? Look no further than your "clothes junk drawer". Recycle your old oversized tshirt and reconstruct it into a sexy racerback tank top with help from this DIY fashion tutorial. Get the look you want for zero!

How To: Service and maintain your K&B automotive air filters

Have a K&N Air Filter inside your automobile? Well, chances are that it's going to get damaged and dirty at some point in time, so check out this automotive video tutorial to see how to service and maintain your K&B Air Filters. You will see the necessary steps to cleaning and oiling the air filters the correct way without damaging them, making for one hell of an unhappy car or truck.

How To: Install a car seat properly

Did you know that a large number of car seats are installed incorrectly? This child safety video offers great tips on how to keep your child from getting harmed in an automobile accident. Learn how to install your car seat properly with these easy to do steps and discover some important car seat safety tips.

How To: Wire a radar detector directly into your dashboard

Radar Roy demonstrates in this video tutorial how to hard wire a dash-mounted radar detector. The advantage of direct wiring your radar detector is getting rid of that wire mess going to your cigarette lighter. So, if you don't want another speeding ticket again, install your radar detector the right way, the direct way! All it takes is a little electrical know-how, and maybe a little automobile know-how.

How To: Make a light sensing robot

Mousey the junk bot is a light sensing robot made out of an old computer mouse. Bre Pettis of Make Magazine goes over how the pieces are installed and talks about some mistakes that he wishes he could have avoided. This project requires a drill, a dremel, and soldering skills.

How To: Make an air vortex cannon

You've seen what a vortex cannon can do, so now it's time to build your own! Okay, this air vortex cannon is not huge, but it's definitely a fun thing to construct if you have some junk plastic laying around, and it works really well for its size. Grab a cheap plastic container and follow along to the video instructions and build yourself a homemade vortex cannon!

How To: Feed your family healthy meals on a tight budget

Sure, junk food offers lots of calories for not much money. But you can create your own "happy" meals that are tasty, nutritious, and inexpensive. Certain foods to think about are oatmeal, evaporated milk, frozen and canned vegetables, seasonal fruits, bananas, apples, nuts, meat, peanut butter, beans, brown rice, and tuna. Watch this video nutrition tutorial and learn how to feed your family cheap, healthy meals.

How To: Make a remote controlled engine boat from useless junk parts

Have you ever tried making your own remote-controlled water boat, but were missing all the key parts? Well, now you don't need to worry about expensive ingredients, because this video will show you how to make an RC engine boat with useless junk. You just might have some old used crap lying around, collecting dust, so why not put it to use making this awesome toy? You'll need some basic used parts, a plane toy and power supply fans.

How To: Delete an unwanted contact on the Samsung Galaxy Tab

We've all deleted a contact on our mobile devices, whether we needed to or not, but Android makes it easy to delete those contacts you feel could be dumped in the new Samsung Galaxy Tab. Go to APPLICATIONS < CONTACTS and select the contact you want to junk. Select DELETE in the bottom right, then press OK to delete. That't it!

How To: Properly dispose of old electronic gadgets

The bad thing about Christmas and Birthdays, is the fact that with new gifts, means old junk. Old iPods, video game consoles, and televisions can;t be just thrown away like that. They contain dangerous parts that can be toxic and bad for the enviornment. So in this tutorial from Cnet, you'll find out how to properly dispose of old electronic gadgets. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Start a gravel vacuum for a fish tank

Instructional video explaining how to start a siphoning gravel vacuum. Create a siphon or suction through a tube to clean a fish tank. The carbon gravel will clean the water of junk or debris. Fish tank maintenance is critical to keeping the fish and aquatic life healthy and happy.