Ios Andperor Search Results

How To: Unlock Apple's 'Dark Mode' in iOS 11, 12 & 13 for iPhone

Apple gave us the ability to invert colors on the screen a very long time ago. Then they gave us grayscale mode in iOS 8, Night Shift in iOS 9, and the red screen filter in iOS 10. While the long-awaited "Dark Mode" finally appeared in iOS 13, iOS 11 and iOS 12 both have a decent placeholder for it you can use on your iPhone.

How To: Use the new features in the Apple iOS 4 SDK

This clip presents a general overview of what's new to the latest version of the iOS SDK. If you're interested in writing apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, you'll need to know how to use the iOS SDK. If you're entirely new to the dev kit, however, never fear: the web is awash in high-quality, free tutorials like this one, which will teach you everything you'll need to know. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started writing your own apps and...

News: Musicians Are Holding Live Online Concerts for Free — Here's How to Watch Them All from Your Phone

Remember concerts? Those were fun. While gathering in large groups to listen to live music might not be allowed at the moment, the live music part still is. Thanks to the internet, more and more musicians are taking the stage each day to perform for those of us stuck in social isolation due to the new coronavirus. The best part? Many of these concerts are 100% free.

News: You're Not Crazy, Your iPhone Is Making Strange Noises

Apple hasn't really changed notification sounds on the iPhone since iOS 7. So how come you hear strange pings, plunks, and doots coming from your iOS device? No, it's not an app you downloaded (although third-party apps can have their own notification sounds). Instead, what you're experiencing is likely the result of updating your iPhone to iOS 13.

News: Apple Just Released iOS 12.4 Beta 6 for Developers & Public Testers

Apple's upcoming iOS 12.4 isn't the company's most exciting release on its surface, given iOS 13's impending fall unveiling. However, anyone interested in Apple's in-the-works credit card, Apple Card, will need iOS 12.4 on their iPhone to use the card, and that day seems to be getting closer. The sixth beta for iOS 12.4 was just released today, July 9, for both developers and public software testers.

News: Apple Just Released iOS 12.3 Public Beta 2 for iPhone, Features Small Updates to Wallet & Date/Time

Apple just released the second public beta for iOS 12.3 today, Tuesday, April 9, one day after the release of the iOS 12.3 developer beta 2. This update introduces new Japanese "Date & Time" updates as well as changes to Wallet transactions. Overall, iOS 12.3 includes Apple TV Channels, premium monthly subscriptions with content available directly in the TV app across the Apple ecosystem.

News: Apple Just Released the First iOS 12.3 Developer Beta Today, Includes New TV App Logo & Apple TV Channels

It's an exciting time to be an Apple fan. Monday saw not only a major announcement of new Apple services and subscriptions but also the official release of iOS 12.2. If you're a beta tester, you probably watched 12.2's evolution over the last two months. Well, get ready to do it all over again — Apple just released the first developer beta for iOS 12.3 today, Wednesday, March 27.

News: Apple Just Released the First iOS 12.1.1 Beta to Developers

Apple wastes no time with betas. Right on the heels of the official release of iOS 12.1, Apple released the first beta for iOS 12.1.1 to developers on Wednesday, Oct. 31. The update comes just one day after iOS 12.1, which itself was in beta development for 43 days this year. The denotation for 12.1.1 indicates it's a minor update over 12.1, and there are only a few things in its release notes.

News: Apple Released iOS 12.1 Public Beta 2 to Software Testers with New Emoji & Chargegate Fix

Public beta testers will be pleased to know that the second iOS 12.1 beta has just become available for iPhones. The Tuesday, Oct. 2 update features an impressive 70+ new emoji for testers to enjoy, including bald emoji, emoji with red hair, gray hair, and curly hair, among many others, as well as a patch for iPhone XS and XS Max devices suffering from charging issues.

News: 13 Reasons Not to Update Your iPhone to iOS 12 Right Away

Apple officially released iOS 12 to everyone on Sept. 17, and while the new iPhone XR, XS, and XS Max will come with the software by default, you have a choice on whether or not to update your current iPhone model from iOS 11. There are a lot of tempting features to want to update right away, but there are also some compelling reasons to wait it out and install at a later time.