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How To: Make a beautiful wood rainstick

If you ever wanted to make your own rainstick from scratch, you've clicked the right video. In this tutorial, you'll be taken step-by-step on what supplies you'll need to make this cool looking trinket. It can take up to a day or less depending on your level of handiness in the garage, so check out the video, take notes, and enjoy!

How To: Create an account with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a state of the art barometer of how a website is doing. With this program you can measure traffic, get statistics and anything else you would like to know about your page. This free service is especially useful to business owners and others who depend on site traffic to stay afloat. So, whether you need it for business reasons or are just curious, check out this clip and get started with Analytics.

How To: Select, drag, copy, and move text in Mac OS 10.5

In programs such as Microsoft Word moving text around can save quite a bit of time and for some be easier than re-typing whatever it may be. It's an easy task, but it entirely depends on what kind of computer you own, whether it's a Mac or a PC. In this video tutorial find out how to select, drag, copy, and move text while using a Mac operating system. Enjoy!

How To: Install invisible shelving brackets

Hardware and home improvement expert Ron Hazelton describes his strategies for using invisible shelving brackets. To begin with, he advises that a shelving installation, invisible or not, be installed beginning at the center point, because upon attaching the main support, it will automatically be leveled. Ron suggests that mounting brackets have the same color as the background, so that the brackets depend not only on being hidden for the most part, but that the portions that are present do n...

How To: Make stuffed edam, or stuffed cheese

Chef, Gary Rhodes stuffs a whole edam cheese, making a lasagna-style dish of sorts, with this Dutch-inspired Caribbean recipe. Edam is a Dutch cheese that is traditionally sold as spheres with pale yellow interior and a coat of red paraffin wax. By drilling out the center, it leaves a great bowl type shape to stuff. Depending on how spicy you like things, be careful how much chile you use within this recipe!

How To: Crochet a beret style cap

Berets are a cute and classic way to keep warm, or even to add to an ensemble just for style. Learn how to crochet a beret by watching this video crafting tutorial. The same instructions can make a variety of styles, depending on the yarn and size of needles.

How To: Do the Whipped Running Stitch

Another hand embroidery stitch that's great for beginning embroidery - the whipped running stitch. It's a simple, quick stitch to work. This stitch is one of many line stitches that can be used for bold or delicate outlines, depending on your choice of thread. Watch this video from Needle 'n Thread to see how it's done.

How To: 3 Apps for Getting Your Budget & Finances Under Control in 2017

It's become a routine for many of us to ring in the New Year with pledges to finally get our budgets and finances under control. Unfortunately, it's also quite difficult to to keep those promises. Some of us will just dive into our resolutions and wing it as we move forward, which usually ends in failure. But even for those of us who plan carefully, obstacles along the way can spell doom for New Year's resolutions.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Crack Passwords, Part 3 (Using Hashcat)

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! Continuing with my series on how to crack passwords, I now want to introduce you to one of the newest and best designed password crackers out there—hashcat. The beauty of hashcat is in its design, which focuses on speed and versatility. It enables us to crack multiple types of hashes, in multiple ways, very fast.

How To: Play 'Never Have I Ever' to break the ice at parties

Never Have I Ever (or I Never, depending on which coast you're from) is a fantastic drinking game that requires no equipment or coordination. Just a preferably mixed group of drinkers with secrets to hide. This video will explain how to play this perfect ice breaker game and get to know your friends better than you ever wanted to.

How To: Conjugate common verbs in German

Conjugating nouns in German depends not only on tense, but also on the relationship between the subject and the object. This lesson provides a basic introduction to the methods of conjugating regular verbs in German. You are also given a short vocabulary list of food-related words in German to study.

How To: Glue together pvc pipes

If you have a broken sprinkler system, it's a good idea to fix it as soon as possible. Depending on what the issue is, one of the most common problems involves an issue with being properly connected. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to glue together pvc pipes using easy to find and use common items. Enjoy!

How To: Sew easy darts

Inserting darts can instantly make a baggy piece of clothing fit like a glove. Dart placement, in all cases, depends on your body - you only use darts where you need "shaping" or when a garment needs "curves". In this video, learn how to sew easy darts into a garment that needs adjusting.

How To: Make a dress/top

In this tutorial learn how to make your own top for leggings or jeans. This top is pretty long and depending how tall you are, can be used as a dress as well. This outfit is adorable and the perfect way to accessorize those boring leggings.

How To: Fit a hiking backpack

You literally carry it on your back for miles upon miles (or, depending on your locale, kilometers upon kilometers). Make sure it fits right. This guide will make sure you know everything you need to know to ensure that your hiking pack fits snugly and comfortably.

How To: Activate the quick launch toolbar in Windows 7

Check out this video for info on how to setup the quick launch toolbar in Windows 7. Quick launch makes it easier and faster to access your favorite folders and programs. The quick bar can be activated and deactivated depending on your preference and provides simple access to frequently used objects. This tutorial will show you a quick step by step to activate this handy tool in Windows 7 just like it worked in Windows XP and Vista.

How To: Turn JavaScript on in Internet Explorer

In this video, you will learn the steps to take to enable JavaScript in Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) web browser. Although JavaScript support is typically enabled by default in most modern browsers and many web applications depend on JavaScript being enabled to function properly, some persons and organizations may occasionally disable JavaScript to negate the effects of annoying or insecure implementation of JavaScripts on some web pages (such as pop-ups, hidden tracking links, unwanted...