Indoor Gardening Search Results

How To: Properly care for an indoor saintpaulia flowering plant (African violet)

Taking care of houseplants is a tough job, especially if you have more than one kind, because the proper, healthy growing conditions can become muddled. If one of your houseplants is a African violet, which is a saintpaulia flowering plant, then this video will help you take care of it for a thriving plant that will surely brighten up any room. Learn about picking the right environment, watering, fertilizing and keeping pests away.

How To: Use a three-bin composting system

Every day, the average American throws away about four pounds of trash. But a lot of your daily trash could actually be very useful in the garden, as composting. In this episode of Growing Wisdom, Dave Epstein shows you how to use a three-bin composting system.

How To: Use soil block makers to start seeds

A soil block maker is a cool device for starting your seeds. All you do is fill a container with soil and use the block maker like a cookie cutter. Then you'll have little blocks of soil to plant your seeds in, and you can easily transfer the block to your garden. Now stand back and watch your plants grow!

How To: Move houseplants back inside for the winter

If you're like me, you put some or all of your houseplants outside for the summer. Now that fall is here, it's time to think about moving them back in for the long winter ahead. This how to video shows a few steps you can take to prepare your plants for indoor conditions. Following these easy steps should help ensure your plants winter over successfully, so you can get them outside again next spring.

How To: Construct a raised bed vegetable garden

Did you ever want to have your own garden but shelved the idea because there was not much space to work with. Well! This is the video you got to watch then. It’s a very innovative approach to gardening in limited space. After watching this video you would pretty much want to have a garden of your own in your home and what's more, you can have it too!

How To: Build a bio-intensive garden

John White of Southwest Yard and Garden along with Kitty Schafer teach you about bio-intensive gardening. Bio-intensive gardening is the combination of two techniques. Part of the technique involves composting top soil with other coarse organic material into a lasagna style mound. Add 2 inches of straw to the soil and spray with water. Add 2 inches of green material that you have collected from other area of your garden, such as bug eaten greens or specific greens for composting. Then add som...

How To: Identify and control garden pests on grapes and roses

This video illustrates the quick and easy method to Identify and control garden pests on grapes and roses . The process is comprised of the following steps:Step 1:Garden pests are quite common in grapes and roses.Step 2: To identify these gardener needs to keep a very sharp eyes on the plants every day. Negligence may lead to disaster of the entire crop.Step 3:Garden pests can be commonly seen on the leaves on inner side or on the shoots of the plant.Step 4:Randomly select the plant and check...

How To: Build a home garden in a small space

This video explains how to build a home garden in a small space. The video begins with the first small garden example being show, this garden contains corn, tomatoes and summer squash. It is explained that it is very important to shake and loosen the pollen buds on many of the plants to ensure proper pollination. The second small garden shown consisted of tomatoes and various pepper breads. The need to loosen pollen and allow the wind to help the plants get on pollen on the female buds. It is...

How To: Fertilize your vegetable garden with composted manure

If you're working on creating the healthiest, most fertile vegetable garden possible, you might want to consider adding composted cow manure to your soil. Not only is composting great for your garden, it's easy. So easy, in fact, that a complete overview can be presented in just over a minute's time. For specifics, and to get started using fertilizer in your own home garden, watch this helpful gardener's guide.

How To: Design a flower garden

Get your garden started by brainstorming and plannng out the lay-out. The trick to designing a great flower garden that will bloom all season is matching the plant to its preferred growing condition. Learn how to do this with help from expert, Melinda Myers, a world-renowned expert gardener with a critically acclaimed TV show, Melinda's Garden Moment, and a popular radio program, "The Plant Doctor".

How To: Apply a drip irrigation system to your garden

Drip irrigation systems in your garden are centered around a long length of pressure compensating drip tubing. The tubing will also need a pressure regulator and a "Y filter" to keep it clear of impurities. When laying the tubing down in your garden, be sure to keep the kinks out of the line. When choosing an emitter for your irrigation system, keep in mind the needs of your particular garden, and choose either a single emitter or one of various multi-emitters. Depending on the size of your g...

How To: Extract seeds from tomatoes

If you've grown tomatoes from seed, perhaps you've wondered how the seed company extracts those seeds. In this episode of Growing Wisdom, Dave Epstein walks you through a process known as sluicing. Using sluicing, you can extract vegetable seeds yourself.

How To: Set up a hydroponic herb garden on your rooftop

Setting up a hydroponic herb garden might sound like a dauntingly big project but, as this clip demonstrates, it's much more manageable than you might expect. It's so straightforward, in fact, that this gardener's guide can present a complete and thorough overview of the process in just over three minutes' time. For more information, and to get started setting up your own rooftop hydroponic flower or vegetable garden, take a look!

How To: Build a wormery

If you don't have room for a full-scale compost heap, you can always employ the services of some worms. In this handy vermiculture how-to, you'll learn how to build your very own wormery.

How To: Install a simple garden retaining wall

Patti the Garden Girl shows her viewers how to install a retaining wall in her urban garden. Garden Soxx is a product that will allow you to make a retaining wall in your garden that will prevent and fix any erosion problem you may have in your yard. After making a small shelf on the eroding section of dirt, place the round Garden Soxx inside the hole, forming a wall against erosion. Create a second layer of the Garden Soxx that overlaps with the first for maximum protection again any soil er...

How To: Plant garlic in your vegetable garden

Garlic is great for spicing up your meals (and keeping vampires away!) and fall is a great time to grow it. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to grow garlic in your garden. Get some garlic bulbs from a seed catalog, nursery or organic grower, and you'll soon have a garlic crop to be proud of.

How To: Grow vegetables late in the season

Come the fall, your garden is probably going to be looking pretty spare. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are vegetables that will thrive in the fall. In this Growing Wisdom gardening tutorial, you'll learn how to grow vegetables in the cooler months.

How To: Prune plants

Learn how to cut back plants in your garden effectively to encourage new growth and remove dead and diseased branches. Follow this Howcast guide to learn how to prune plants.

How To: Plant garlic in containers instead of the ground

Whether you lack the space in your home garden or simply want to exercise greater control over your plant's interactions with the surrounding environment, container gardening is a great way to go. And it's also easy to do. With this home gardening how-to from Growing Wisdom, you'll learn how to plant and grow garlic in your own container box.

How To: Use chickens to control garden pests in orgainic farms

Curtis Smith provides information on how to use chickens to control garden pests. Using chickens keeps the use of pesticides to a minimum and keeps plants healthier. In the organic garden, chickens are used because they'll eat any insect as well. The process is known as Integrated Pest Management, Curtis explains that its basically knowing your pest. It also reduces the amount of feed that has to be purchased for the chickens because they're eating the insects in the garden. It also controls ...

How To: Build a unique terraced garden

In this episode of Southwest Yard and Garden Curtis Smith shows you how to turn a steep slope into a usable garden. By building walls along the slope using serpentine designs he shows you how to obtain a compromise of both strength and artistic design. Starting with a good concrete footer and rebar you can construct a retaining wall strong enough to hold the weight of the slope. Materials such as wood and railroad ties can be used but may not stand the test of time as the weight of the soil c...

How To: Identify insects in your garden

How to identify insects in your gardenCarol Sutherland explains us in this video of how to identify insects in your garden. She is an extension entomologist and she explains her view on the insects here. To be known is that some insects are damaging, some others we want to be aware of and some are necessary in your garden. Here during the garden season you get to see insects on trees as they form a familiar habitat. Mostly on the split ends and the broken ends the insects gets invaded. She sh...

How To: Make a leaf fence

Autumn leaves may be beautiful, but they can also be incredibly annoying as they pile up around your garden. But there are things you can do with autumn leaves, like mulching them, composting them and turning them into a living fence. In this episode of Growing Wisdom, Dave Epstein walks you through how to make a leaf fence.

How To: Plant indoor winter paper whites and amaryllis bulbs

Domino Magazine editor Cynthia Kling shows you the easy way to plant paper whites and amaryllis bulbs. These are bulbs that you plant indoors in the winter and they bloom indoors in the spring. Paper whites and amaryllis bulbs are incredibly ease to plant. You can prop them in dirt, rocks or sand. Stay tuned for more detailed tips on planting paper whites and amaryllis bulbs.