Household Vacation Search Results

How To: Find and eliminate hidden pet poisons in your home

A lot of commonly used household items are actually poison for your furry friends. In this clip, learn all about which items can pose a danger for your dog or cat. It's not only chemicals that are bad for your pets, innocent seeming items like fruit, veggies, chicken bones, chocolate, human medications and many other hidden dangers exist as well.

How To: Unclutter your kitchen

Is your kitchen out of control cluttered? Do you have paper work, utensils, and junk mail scattered in the one room in your house that should act as your sustenance sanctuary? In this episode of Real Women Scrap, the hub of every household is attacked as well as other ways to unclutter your kitchen.

How To: Make a solar food dehydrator

Rick van Man of Container Gardening For Food details his techniques for making a solar-powered food dehydrator out of such household debris as scrap wood and old pint cans. The finished product looks amazingly professional! Truly a must-watch for any DIY-inclined gardening enthusiast.

How To: Bake carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting

In this culinary how-to from the Food Network's Ellie Krieger, you'll learn how to bake delectable, almost-healthy carrot cupcakes using whole carrots, lemon zest, canola oil, brown sugar, two eggs, 3 quarters of a cup of whole wheat pastry flour, 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of cinammon, 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg and a 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

How To: Build a Mini Hovercraft

Create a miniature hover craft from the fan, polystrene or Styrofoam plate, batteries and double-sided scotch tape. It really works. Powered by two 9 volt batteries you can use paper plates for the body of the hovercraft if need be. This is a cool cat toy or just a household hack.

How To: Make a jeweled cuff-style bracelet this case also meaning 'economize' as we take an item that would normally have been thrown away & use it to make a cool fashion statement piece! This project is dedicated to the Green Guru Challenge and just uses household scraps headed for the trash, and turns them into a stylish bracelet. Learn how to craft this bejeweled cuff bracelet by watching this video jewelry-making tutorial.

How To: Rip a Penny in Half

No, we're not lying. But before you try and tear a plain old penny in half, you should probably watch this video first or you may hurt your fingers. While ordinary pennies are very, very difficult to rip, if you get rid of the zinc core you are left with only the thin copper shell, which is itself very easy to tear apart.

How To: Make green colored fire flame special effects

You've seen them at Disneyland's Fantasia. And in big budget movies like "Waterworld" and "Lord of the Rings." Spectacular, glowing fire effects that seem to ripple with the wind are a staple of action movies, and though it may seem like you need a super good video editing team to create such light shows, all you really need is some household chemicals.

How To: Whiten teeth in one minute using household items

In this tutorial, we learn how to whiten teeth in one minute using household items. You will need: a lemon, baking powder, and a cup to do this. First, pour baking powder into a cup and then squeeze the juice of a lemon into the cup. After this, mix the two together until you have a paste and all water. Now, rinse your mouth out with this mixture. Do this several times a week and you can get your teeth to become eight shades whiter! This is a great way to whiten your teeth without having to s...

How To: Make iron sulfide with sulfur and iron

In this home-science how-to from Household Hacker, we learn how to create an exothermic reaction by combining sulfur with iron, producing iron sulfide in the process. For all of the details, including step-by-step instructions, as well as to see what happens when these two elements meet, watch this video guide.

How To: Make an safe edible household cleaner with Jenny Jones

In this tutorial, talk show host Jenny Jones shows you how to make a totally edible cleaning solution that is great around the house. The best part is that this is totally safe for kids and pets and can be used for so many different things. Jenny will also show you how to make a dispenser so that it is easier to keep this cleaner around the house and use it. Check it out!

How To: Build anticipation in your relationship

In this tutorial, Donna Barnes tells us how to build anticipation in a relationship. One little trick you can do is leave little notes around the house to have a small scavenger hunts for special treats and presents around the house. Another great thing to do is to send e-mails throughout the day talking about what you are going to do later that night can add more spice to the relationship. You can also plan a secret vacation for you and your partner, which will cause great excitement and ple...

How To: Make Halloween themed cookies

Throwing a Halloween party or looking to send some treats to school with you kids? Look no further! In this video, learn how to make really cool mummy themed Halloween cookies that everyone will love. These little crowd pleasers are perfect for any age and will soon become a holiday tradition in your household.

How To: Build your own Iron Man Repulsor Arm

If you love Iron Man 2 and wish you could have his gadgets or want to have a cool costume for Halloween, you too, can be Iron Man once you're done watching this video. This tutorial will walk you through the steps needed to convert household materials and inexpensive items you can find at virtually any store into an Iron Man suit repulsor arm.

How To: Make your own non-toxic flea killer

Educational Specialist, Jennifer Taggard shows her viewers a very easy and accurate process to making non-toxic flea killer. This flea killer will not harm children in a household or any dog being treated. To make the flea killer, 1/2 of a cup of baking soda and half of a teaspoon of orange essential oil was used. The two ingredients were mixed together and simply applied and rubbed into the dog.

How To: Make hydrogen gas with foil and Liquid Plumr

Learn how to make hydrogen with some household chemicals and items. This experiment is dangerous, so please exercise caution. You will use Liquid Plumr for this science experiment, and be warned, Liquid Plumber and hydrogen are dangerous, maybe not the aluminum foil, but the chemicals, definitely. Fill a balloon with it and watch it explode with a close match.

How To: Install a ceiling fan with Lowe's

Mike Kraft of Lowe's shows you how easy it is to install a ceiling fan. Not only will it keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, but also it can dramatically lower your utility bills. Using common household tools, even an inexperienced electrician can install a ceiling fan within minutes. Working with electricity can be scary, but this video will show you step-by-step how to mount your ceiling fan safely and securely.

How To: Waterproof the inside of a planter box

Back with another great how to tutorial for your home, Ron Hazelton, from Ron Hazelton's House Calls, and is here to bring us another great tip to save us time and money on our household projects. In this video Ron shows us a great way to waterproof the inside of your outdoor planters, which will protect them from water, provide a longer life-span, and help your plants to be healthier, in a quick and easy to understand manner.

How To: Measure food quantities for healthier eating

When eating healthy, try this strategy to feeling fuller on fewer calories. This diet and health how-to video is part of Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger show hosted by Ellie Krieger. Cooking healthy food can be quick, easy, but most of all, delicious. Nutritionist and author Ellie Krieger has created fast and simple healthy recipes for the real world. She'll show you how simple it can be to stay on the healthy track no matter how busy and stressful your life is. Ellie also has strategies ...

How To: Create a full color photo book in iPhoto '08

Don't waste time at the store looking for the perfect photo album to put your vacation photos in. If you have iPhoto, you can do everything right from your computer. This Apple iLife tutorial shows you how to choose, organize and edit your photos, add them to a collection and turn them into a full color photo book. You do the work in iPhoto, then send it off to Apple to be professionally printed and bound - no cheesy Hallmark photo album necessary!

How To: Make a retro steampunk hardware chess set

Steampunk, a vintage Victorian mechanical style, is one of the hottest design trends to date since faux bois. Get in on the trend while creating many hours of fun for yourself and friends by making this awesome steampunk style chess set. This chess set is comprised of various pieces of hardware, a found table, and common household chemicals.

How To: Do the Basic Boogie Steps

It's time to boogie! Get your shoes on, put on your dancing shirt, turn off your phone, and tell your friends you've gone on a permanent vacation! The boogie line dance is a simple line dance - easy enough for a toddler to learn, but hard to forget! This instructional video will get you up and boogieing in no time. So don't be shy, watch this dance video and get your boogie on.