Hospital Search Results

How To: Treat runner's nipple

Runner's nipple is caused by shirt fabric rubbing against the tips of the nipples. Learn how to prevent getting runner's nipple and stay fit in this sports medicine how to video. All you need to prevent runner's nipple is band-aids or petroleum jelly. Watch and see how simple it is to take care of.

How To: Stop the abuse of alcohol

Learn how to stop the abuse of alcohol. Alcohol can take you over physically and mentally, and it is one of the leading causes of death. Here are some steps you can take to begin quitting alcohol: Try to go cold turkey. If you can't go cold turkey, enlist the help of your friends or family to help you. Go to AA meetings or find a support group. Ask family and friends not to drink around you. Set some life goals. Try to be around different people and try new things to do. Seek professional hel...

How To: Make the bed

Having a hard time making your bed? This video shows you how to properly make your bed. Kids, use this great tactic to impress your parents next time they ask you to make your bed!

How To: Live in your car

Whether you have to move into your car or you want to, there are some bases you need to cover. This Howcast guide demonstrates how to live out of your car. This is also helpful for cross country trips.

How To: Remove an Arterial Line in Nursing

Going to be a nurse? Then one of the procedures you are sure to encounter in the hospital is the removal of an arterial line. Follow along in this nursing how-to video to learn how to remove the arterial line from a patient. Remove of you a line is also known as discontinuing the line. In shorter terms many nurses also say DC the line. Follow along and learn the standard protocol for removing arterial lines.

How To: Walkthrough the flash game Foreign Creature 2

In this video, you will be walked through the game Foreign Creature. There are human characters in this one, with word clouds, in an office setting with bulletin board, desks, rolling shelves, and tack boards. In another scene of the game, you will see a hospital setting with nurses, surgery table, patient, medical equipment, and doctors. In this setting, the patient is a foreign creature who blacks out the medical staff and proceeds to stalk the hospital. Police try to capture the humanoid-l...

How To: Decorate with flowers

A recent study from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital proves that a daily dose of flowers helps to promote overall well-being. Find out how to decorate and add life to any room with flowers.

How To: Lead a double life

Whether you want to juggle two wives or keep you alter ego separate from your day job, here are the precautions you must take. Learn how to lead a double life.