Horror Stories Search Results

How To: Make an Alice in Wonderland story board craft

This video is about how to make a story board craft. In this case the story is about Alice in Wonderland. In this case 3 Eco art boards are taken of a suitable size of 2 1/2"X3 1/2" the left edge is decorated with a lace spray painted with Memorie mist spray, the rest of the card is also spray painted. Now from Queen Kat Designs the stampings are selected and stamped on each board as per the story. Whilst stamping Indian stamping ink is used as it does not smudges. For extra decoration paper ...

How To: Survive a zombie apocalypse

Worried about a zombie apocalypse? Of course you are, we all are! This tongue in cheek video divulges the steps you'll need to take should zombies begin roaming the earth. Using clips from horror movies, this video shows you the right way to hide from zombies and even explains who you can trust. Learn what weapons work on zombies and how to cripple them and most importantly, destroy their brain! Nobody wants to get bitten by a zombie, learn how to escape, travel and even how to recognize if o...

How To: Beat the Love Story member quest in Runescape

If you're really into Runescape and became a member to get additional content, you may as well beat every last mission that you get out of it. This video walkthrough will take you through the Love Story member quest from start to finish, telling you all of the info you need to know to start and finish the quest.

How To: Make fake horror movie blood

Realistic fake blood is hard to come by, unless you plan on spending tons of money ordering it from a prop company. Make it yourself! This video features step-by-step instructions for making fake blood at home out of simple ingredients, with a blender being the only tool required. This way, you won't need to resort to drawing it from a real human.

How To: Tell a number story in American sign language

One of the fun and special traditions enjoyed and shared by the Deaf Community is signing stories using number or alphabet hand shapes. In these stories, various hand shapes do not stand for the numbers and letters themselves, but are used as signs or gestures to convey concepts. They are signed in alphabetical or numerical order, and used in amazing ways to sign or act out a story.

How To: Tell an American sign language abc story

One of the fun and special traditions enjoyed and shared by the deaf community is signing stories using number or alphabet hand shapes. In these stories, various hand shapes do not stand for the numbers and letters themselves, but are used as signs or gestures to convey concepts. They are signed in alphabetical or numerical order, and used in amazing ways to sign or act out a story.

How To: Write a hit song

According to hit recording artist Zosia, writing a song is much like telling a small story. The first verse of a song should draw your listeners into the story. Next you'll want to build into a unique and catchy chorus, which will relate your main message. The second verse reveals more of your story and flows into the bridge. In your third verse, you'll want to bring the story to a resolve and summarize the feeling and tone, while leaving a lasting impression on listeners.

Instagram 101: Turn Off Stories from Brands & Followed Hashtags

Instagram integrated Stories back in 2016, and it flew right by Snapchat as a whole, becoming a bigger success itself than the whole entire Snapchat app. Still, the constant bombardment of information can be tiring in Instagram, so much so that you may want to mediate what Stories are shown to you. Fortunately, there's a way to do just that — without unfollowing accounts or hashtags.

Instagram 101: How to Add a Link in Your Story

For the longest time, the only clickable link you could throw up on Instagram was in your profile's bio, and that's still true for a lot of users. The only way to add a clickable link aside from the aforementioned one is in an Instagram story, where users checking out your story would swipe up to load the webpage before going back to finish your story.

How To: Make a costume replica of the Jason Voorhees machete from Freddy vs. Jason

Freddy vs. Jason was one of the greatest film cash-ins of all time, but it was still cool to imagine these two greats of 1980's horror squaring off. This video will show you how to make a replica of Jason's machete from the film, using a real machete as a base. They aren't expensive, and if you're going to a Halloween party where real weapons are allowed this would be a great one to use.

How To: Make a realistic fake severed finger prop

Fingers are the parts of the body most often severed from the rest of it, and if you have any interest in creating violent or edgy films there will probably come a time where you want to cut a finger off for a scene. This video will show you how to make a really realistic-looking fake severed finger prop. It isn't a severed finger technically, but a hand with part of a severed finger still attached, and it looks SO creepy. This prop will make any horror film or Halloween costume much more rea...

How To: Make a pulse or pulsating wave effect in After Effects

Making really attractive titles for your films is just one of the way that you can dramatically improve them using After Effects. This video will help you make them by showing you how to create a pulse or pulsating wave effect from whence your titles can emerge. They look great, and will make your movie (especially horror or sci-fi movie) look much more professional right from the beginning.

How To: Apply an alien inspired Toy Story 3 manicure

In this clip, learn how to recreate those adorable little aliens from Toy Story on your very own fingers! Get creative with your look by carrying around these cuties all day long. This look is great for wearing to the theatre to see Toy Story 3, on a trip to Disneyland or just around the house. Apply these guys to your little girl's nails and watch her friends scream in envy. Have fun!

How To: Make a reproduction of Freddy Krueger's clawed glove

Freddy's Alive! No, it's not the next part of the Nightmare On Elm Street series, it's the new remake coming out in a theater near you. And in celebration of the return of "A Nightmare On Elm Street", starring Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger, Indy Mogul's BFX made this great how-to video on making a cheap, but super-realistic, highly detailed replication of Freddy's iconic killer clawed glove. If you're a fan of the horror series and Freddy, this is the ultimate fan reproduction to make ...

How To: Perform the "haunted deck" card trick

Spread out three cards for the spectators to see and memorize. Then place these selected cards back in the deck. Now place the deck in the open palm your left hand. Use the fingers of your right hand to create a magic like actions on the deck of cards. The spectators shall gulp in horror because what happens is that the cards start moving itself on your left palm. First of all the deck shall move towards the right and leave a card at the right side of your hand. Then the deck shall move itsel...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C1, Dead Center - Mall

L4D2: One of the best horror video games of all time. Check out the tips and gameplay for Campaign 1: Dead Center - Mall. Restock on supplies and head out of the safehouse. Feel free to kill any zombies trying to reach in the door before you unlock it. Hang right and make your way up the giant escalator in the middle of the floor. Loop around and exit Kappel's department store. Go down the first escalator you see. Watch out for zombie attacks from the floor above. They will jump down and catc...

How To: Make a blood spurting knife wound

It's time for Halloween, maybe it's time for your ultimate independent horror movie you've been dying to make, whatever the case may be, you're going to need some blood, you're going to need some weapons... you're going to need a bloody knife wound.