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How To: Make DIY customized soap

Looking to give a personalized gift for a birthday or for the holidays? How about a personalized bar of soap, specific to your friend or family's style? In this episode of ThreadBangers's Decor It Yourself, Meg visits Bobbie Thomas, an editor for the "Today Show" and learns how to make your own soap, and how to customize it to be just about any color, shape, or size!

How To: Make a masquerade mask

Ever desired your very own masquerade mask? ThreadBanger takes us through the fun, multiple steps to acquire your very own custom-fit plaster mask! Materials needed include plaster wrap cloth, water, scissors, petroleum jelly, spray paint (in your color choice), sand paper, paint sealer spray, and decorative additions to personalize your mask! This project will need to dry overnight, so be sure to leave enough time before your party or event.

How To: Make a hip hop beat in FL Studio

In this video we learn how to make a hip hop beat in FL Studio. First, load up your drum sounds from the browser to the interface. After this, change the hits on the drums to make the beat sound different. Edit how high the volume is on the snare drum and then change the ghost kick so it's not too loud either. Once you have this figured out, add in the high hat and the shaker patterns. Once you have these added in and you like the volumes that they are at, you will have your very own hip hop ...

How To: Perform a bunny hop on a BMX bicycle

BMX: Catch Some Air If Ernest Michaux, inventor of the modern bicycle, could see what people are doing with his creation, he'd freak out. The art of creative biking has never been more challenging and rewarding than it is now. Check out the tricks for a guide to BMX mayhem. Watch this video tutorial to see how to perform a bunny hop on a BMX bicycle.

How To: Crunk dance

Find out how to do a few crunk dances with help from two pros! Crunk dance is a form of dance that can be broken down into basic hip-hop moves that have a little bit of flair added. Bliss & Zetta are professional hip-hop dancers and choreographers. Learn more dance moves from these two by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor.

How To: Do the "Ball Change" dance move

Check out this instructional hip hop video that shows you how to do the "Ball Change" dance move. Learn more footwork to add to your repertoire. Chihoe "Groove" Szeto teaches you popular, fun dance moves step by step in these tutorial videos. Remember to have fun and practice your dance skills with this hip hop tutorial video.

How To: Do a "Rock Step"

Check out this instructional hip hop video to learn how to do a "Rock Step". It's like a crunch, so keep your knees bent. Learn this basic step and how to make it funky! Chihoe "Groove" Szeto teaches you popular, fun dance moves step by step in these tutorial videos. Remember to have fun and practice your dance skills with this hip hop tutorial video.

How To: Make a tutu out of an old petticoat

Running out of costume ideas for your next Halloween? How about a tutu-clad ballerina, french maid, pirate or fairy? Or if you're brave enough, why not wear a tutu to the supermarket? ThreadBanger shows us how to make a tutu out of an old petticoat, some tool, and ribbon... This project takes a while to complete, but once done, you'll be the bell of the Halloween ball! And isn't that worth any amount of sewing?

How To: Make a duffel bag out of old umbrellas

ThreadBanger pays homage to the movie "Fame" by showing us how to make the perfect "80's-tastic" duffel bag out of old umbrellas. With this thrifty idea, you will need a few umbrellas (broken is fine), scissors, a square pattern, a sewing machine, a zipper, and anything handy that will work as a strap. Use your new custom duffel bag to carry all your leotards or dance shoes in, or make a statement on your way to the video store to rent "FAME!"

How To: Make a wine rack from scrap wood & old belts

ThreadBanger's Decor It Yourself show us how to "do it yourself" when making a wine rack using just scrap wood and old belts. At a great size, it's easy to store and great to give as a gift. Looking to fill that wine rack and don't know where to begin? In the later half of this video, the gals from ThreadBanger take us wine tasting and give advice for your next wine shopping excursion.

How To: Make a piñata with household materials

Need a pinata for Cinco De Mayo or special occasion? This week Meg of Decor It Yourself shows you how with some simple house hold materials. Piñatas are a fun Mexican tradition, and are as easy to make as any paper mache project. Check out this how-to video to get ready for your next fiesta!

How To: Make a sewing body form with Threadbanger

A customized body form will allow your sewing projects to fit you perfectly. Need a body form but dont have the cash for one? Well this video episode of Threadbanger Projects shows you how to make a replica of yourself using your old scraps,some packaging tape and an old christmas tree.You'll have to see it to believe it!

How To: Do the "Freeze Frame" dance move

Check out this instructional hip hop video to learn how to do the "Freeze Frame" dance move. This is a body control drill for dancing. Ideally, this video should be watched with the step touch video. Chihoe "Groove" Szeto teaches you popular, fun dance moves step by step in these tutorial videos. Remember to keep it fresh and practice your dance skills with this hip hop tutorial video.

How To: Do chest isolations for popping

Check out this instructional hip hop video to learn how to do chest isolations for popping. This is a drill to help you improve your body control within your chest. Chihoe "Groove" Szeto teaches you popular, fun dance moves step by step in these tutorial videos. Remember to keep it fresh and practice your dance skills with this hip hop tutorial video.

How To: Do the "Step Touch" dance move

Check out this instructional hip hop video to learn how to do the Step Touch dance move. This is the most basic step in club dance. Chihoe "Groove" Szeto teaches you popular, fun dance moves step by step in these tutorial videos. Remember to keep it fresh and practice your dance skills with this hip hop tutorial video.

How To: Freak dance, grind

Check out this instructional hip hop video to learn how to freak dance or grind. This is the Body Roll version of grinding. Learn this basic move and how to make it sexy! Chihoe "Groove" Szeto teaches you popular, fun dance moves step by step in these tutorial videos. Remember to keep it fresh and practice your dance skills with this hip hop tutorial video.

How To: Do the "Rock Step" with a partner

Check out this instructional hip hop video to learn how to do a "Rock Step" with a partner. It's like a crunch, so keep your knees bent. Learn this basic step and how to make it funky! Chihoe "Groove" Szeto teaches you popular, fun dance moves step by step in these tutorial videos. Remember to have fun and practice your dance skills with this hip hop tutorial video.

How To: Rock the cock, pussy pop

Check out this instructional hip hop video to learn how to rock the cock, or pussy pop (one or the other, you choose). Learn how to get nasty on the floor. Chihoe "Groove" Szeto teaches you popular, fun dance moves step by step in these tutorial videos. Remember to put some stank on it and practice your dance skills with this hip hop tutorial video.

How To: Do the snake heel toe transitions when c-walking

Check out this instructional dance video to learn how to do the snake heel toe transition when c-walking. This tutorial shows you a few transitions involving the Snake Heel Toe. After the Snake, hop into the Heel Hop. This is one of the transitions tutorial for c-walking. Practice your moves and show off your skills after watching this c-walking video.

How To: Do the basics of pop and lock street dance

This video pop and lock tutorial covers the basics of popping, waving, gliding, botting, tutting, and ticking. Follow along with these hip hop moves and practice, practice, practice. The talented demonstrator is completely self-taught, so really, with a little bit of patience anyone can learn these moves at home. Watch this instructional video, practice along with your favorite hip hop music, and start impressing friends with your mad skills at dance parties or a club.

How To: Make a dress from multiple Bath Poufs

One of ThreadBanger's forum members, EmilyPeace reveals a great way to recycle your Bath Poufs into a cute dress! What's a bath pouf, you ask? You know those poofy thingys that act as your wash cloth or sponge in the bathtub or shower? Those things. You'll need some spare fabric (such as an old curtain), about 6 or 7 bath poufs, scissors, a measuring tape, some pins, a zipper, and a fabric marker for this recycle fashion idea. Good luck!

How To: Make a Michael Jackson costume

This Is It... Your next Halloween costume: The King of Pop, Michael Jackson. What you'll need: A black suit and black tie, red collared button-down shirt, and a pair of white socks and black shoes. Accessorize with a black rimmed hat, a pair of aviator sunglasses, and a dust mask. Seem pretty easy? Well, with this tutorial, ThreadBanger sheds light on a few extra touches you can add to make your MJ costume more authentic than the rest.

How To: Make mid-century inspired wall art with aluminum cans

ThreadBanger's Decor It Yourself shows how to made mid-century mod inspired wall art out of your leftover aluminum cans. Talk about a great way to recycle! Be good to the environment, while creating a three-dimensional metal sculpture to decorate your wall with a little soldering, cutting, and gluing. In the second half of this tutorial, learn how to make a mid-century geometric wall installation to dress up an empty wall.