Hemo Rage Search Results

How To: Make duct tape glow

If there was a way to make duct tape more desirable and distinct, would you do it? Well, what if there was a way to make duct tape glow? There is a way. Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make duct tape glow with Dr. Lithium.

How To: Unlock iPhone 3G 3.1.3

Since iPhones are only available to AT&T customers, finding a way to unlock or "jailbreak" an iPhone for use on other carriers is all the rage. This tutorial will show you how to jailbreak an iPhone with 3.1.3 firmware.

How To: Rat your hair

Who said the eighties were dead? Well, they might be, but that doesn't mean you can't still rock the hairstyles. Take your hair to new heights by ratting it, which is simply another way of saying backcombing.

News: Want to Make Your Own Live Broadcast? New Facebook App Aims to Help

Facebook, you either love it or you hate it ... or maybe you're indifferent. The point is, Facebook is everywhere, and the debate is still raging over whether or not it's actually, well, good. That debate may not exist for the various personalities of Facebook much longer, however, as Facebook announced a new app geared directly towards improving how they broadcast their content to their audiences.

How To: Truth or Dare + Spin the Bottle: Play These Classic Party Games Right on Your Android Phone

Classic party games like Spin the Bottle and Truth or Dare, immensely popular in the '80s and '90s, seem to have been long forgotten and abandoned by today's youth. Today, new forms of party games are all the rage, a prime example being Cards Against Humanity. Yes, CAH is hilarious and fun, but the classics can still be appreciated, as long as we catch them up to the times.

How To: Turn pennies into silver and gold coins with zinc

One of the most famous and repeated chemistry experiments involves money. Some would say this is more of a trick than an experiment, but you can be the judge of that. No one can just turn pennies into silver or gold coins, but someone with a few chemicals can. So, if you want to cooler cents in your pocket, try out this chemistry trick yourself. Nurd Rage (Dr. Lithium) shows you how to turn pennies into silver and gold coins using zinc.

How To: Deal with an aggressive driver

In this series of driving safety videos, our professional law officer shares his experience in dealing with road rage and similar unsafe driving situations. Corporal Shaun Appler gives you tips on how to recognize an overly aggressive driver and how to avoid confrontations with them if at all possible. If you do happen to get involved in such a situation, remain calm: never agitate the aggressive driver who is already upset. Countering someone else’s road rage with road rage of your own can l...

How To: 10 Ways to Manipulate Irrational People & Get Your Way

It may seem impossible to win an argument against an irrational person, but it turns out the tried-and-true techniques that hostage negotiators use against hostage-takers work surprisingly well in everyday situations. You may not ever deal with a real hostage situation personally, but life is full of negotiations with unreasonable people, and those conversations don't always have to end in rage or disappointment. The mental techniques that professional hostage negotiators use can help both pa...

Hack Video Games, Part 1: Introduction

Hello, fellow hackers. I'm sure we've all seen it somewhere: the undying question of "How do I hack the game so-and-so?" And the answer usually is, "Come back when you actually know how to hack!" But how does one even go about "hacking" a game? What could that even mean?