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How To: Choose the right duct tape for craft projects

In this video, we learn how to choose the right duct tape for craft projects. There are many different choices for colors of duct tape available, so you can choose this by the preference you have. There is also craft duct tape and professional duct tape. The craft duct tape is good for projects and the professional is good for making a book bag or something larger and more heavy duty. The Gorilla Tape is very thick and should be used on projects where they are not supposed to bend very much. ...

How To: Make steamed garlic mussels at home

In order to prepare Steamed Mussels, you will need to clean them well in cold water. Scrub them well. Chop a shallot into very thin slices. Dice 3 cloves of garlic. You will also need a pinch of saffron, 3-4 lbs of mussels, heavy cream, wine, olive oil, salt, white wine, crushed black pepper, and salt.

How To: Clean silver with baking soda and aluminum foil

If you've been wondering how to clean your silver, this video will show you a simple way to do it using products you have laying around. To do this, you will need baking soda, aluminum foil, hot water, and your dirty silver of course. First heat up water so it's close to boiling, not just hot water from the sink. Pour this into a large bowl to fit your silver, then grab sheets of heavy duty foil. Place the foil into the large bowl along with a few cups of baking soda. After this, place your s...

How To: Make your own chocolate truffles

In this tutorial, we learn how to make your own chocolate truffles. Start with 1.5 c of creme fraiche, which is a thick and heavy cream. Cook this in a saucepan, stirring constantly until it's melted into a liquid. Place the top on the pan while measuring out chocolate. Now, add your creme fraiche to the chocolate, then mix with a spatula until the chocolate is completely melted. Cool this by leaving it in the room overnight. Then, roll the chocolate into small balls and place on a baking tra...

How To: Make cinnamon roll bread pudding

In this tutorial, we learn how to make cinnamon roll bread pudding. First, place cubes of bread on the bottom of a baking dish until it covers the bottom. After this, chop up some nuts and scatter them over the top of it. After this, beat four eggs, then add in 2 c whole milk, 3/4 c heavy cream, 1/3 c Amaretto, and a small amount of vanilla extract. Add in some cinnamon, then 1/2 c sugar with a pinch of salt, then blend together and pour over the bread. Push down the bread into the mixture, t...

How To: Style a Japanese style high ponytail

In this tutorial, we learn how to style a Japanese style high ponytail. First, spray volumizing hair spray in your hair, then blow dry your hair upside down to create a ton of volume. Now, use a flat iron to straighten your hair thoroughly. Make sure all the hair is pin straight and there are no curly hairs left. After this, pull all the hair towards the crown of your head and bring it up high. Use a comb to smooth out any bumps, then use hair wax to smooth it out. Continue to pull the hair, ...

How To: Make simple spicy Italian sausage ragu pasta

The air is cooler, the winds nipper; cheery pumpkins congregate in majestic formations outside homes; and folks everywhere are sipping hot chocolate or apple cider to warm themselves up. It's officially fall, guys and gals, which means time to start whipping up warmer, seasonally appropriate foods.

How To: Fix common workout mistakes

There are some simple techniques to correct common workout mistakes. You should look for cues, which come in forms such as lack or form or lack of engagement. Elastic bands and be used in order to help direct someone into proper form. This will give them resistance and help them to see/feel the proper motion. You should be further pushing them in the incorrect motion with resistance. Adding a heavy chain or a weight to the lower back during pushup is also an example. Resistance may be used wi...

How To: Create a naughty dramatic purple eye makeup look

When you get tired of doing the same black and brown smokey eyes and need something new to refresh your makeup routine and look, take a gander at this makeup tutorial by MissChievous. Rather than teach you a look that'll make you blend in with the crowd at work, MissChievous shows you how to create an extremely dramatic puple makeup look that incorporates highly pigmented lavender and royal purple shadow along with heavy falsies and blue shimmer.

How To: Take fantastic scenery/landscape photos with an iPhone

There's no need to lug a big, heavy camera around all day when you have a perfectly good one already sitting in your pocket. In this tutorial, learn how to set up your iPhone so that you can capture high quality landscape shots. If you find yourself staring at a beautiful sunset with no camera in sight, just reach for your phone and follow these easy tips to get a great snap. No one will even be able to tell you used a cell phone if you do it right, so give it a try tonight!

How To: Take cool street photography using your iPhone camera

In this tutorial, learn all about how to make the most of your iPhone camera when on the street. Sometimes on vacations or trips, it is difficult (and dangerous depending where you are) to carry around a big, heavy camera all day. Did you know that you can take great photos with a pocket-sized iPhone? In this clip, Lisa will show you where to aim and how to set up your shots with an iPhone to get the best pictures possible. The best part about mobile picture taking? You can upload your images...