Gym Bag Search Results

How To: Do weighted sumo squats with a barbell

Sumo squats will help to strengthen the legs. Learn how to properly do squats in this workout video. Take Action: hold in squat position to increase difficulty, feet wider then normal squat, and keep chest and head high. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys training aspiring...

How To: Stretch the triceps

Increase flexibility and prevent injury by stretching the triceps. Learn how to do stretches and arm exercises in this video. Take action: hold stretch for 20-30 seconds, stretch when muscles are warm, and hold stretch at point of mild discomfort. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and s...

How To: Do dumbbell rear lunges

Increase muscle strength and flexibility with dumbbell rear lunges. Learn about dumbbell weight training and exercises in this video. Take action: keep chest high, shoulders back, core tight, raise knee to increase difficulty, make sure back step is big, and add hop to increase difficulty. Michelle is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting ...

How To: Do deadweight standing crunches

Increase muscle strength with dead lift exercises. Learn tips and techniques for proper weightlifting in this fitness video. Take action: keep bar close to legs, don't round the back and use proper form. Michelle is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys training aspiring female body builders as she is one herself. She focuse...

How To: Crochet a bag

Carrying a bag you crocheted yourself can be a source of pride, a conversation piece and a handy way to transport your things. Learn how to crochet your own bag, from the first chain to the finishing touches, in this free crafts video series with our crochet expert, Axis Knox.

How To: Swim a proper freestyle

New techniques may improve a swimming pool workout from Masters coach Nancy Kirkpatrick Reno. Before sticking a toe in the water, consider this advice: * Swim in a pool that's at least 20 to 25 yards long; those pools can usually be found at high schools and some gyms. A 50-meter Olympic-size pool is best, but not everyone has access to that. "If you're going to become a lap swimmer," Kirkpatrick-Reno says, "you can't go any shorter or you'll be constantly turning." An outdoor pool is prefera...

How To: Make a tea bag fly experiment at home

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a tea bag fly with a home experiment. Viewers learn how to make a tea bag fly using convection. The materials required for this experiment are: tea bags, matches, tin foil and scissors. Begin by cutting the top of the tea bag and open it. Empty out the tea. The tea bag should be a cylinder shape. Place the tea bag on top of a piece of tinfoil and use your matches to light the top of the tea bag. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy ...

How To: Make leaf size sorting bags for a kid's fall acitivity

Shelley Lovett shares a great children's fall activity to help develop math skills - leaf size sorting bags. All that is required is three paper bags and some construction paper. Use the construction paper to cut out three different-sized leaves, and to make three labels saying 'small', 'medium', and 'large'. Then simply glue the small leaf and small label on one bag, medium leaf and label on the next bag, etc. To make the loose leaves of the three different sizes they place into the bags, si...

How To: Rainproof your camcorder

To rainproof your camcorder start by purchasing a lens hood for it. This lens hood helps to rainproof the camera lens but it also prevents flaring from the sun. Take a zip lock bag and cut the corner off of the bottom so that it creates a hole that is big enough for the lens hood to fit through. Put the camera in the bag and push the lens hood through the hole in the bottom of the bag. Take a rubber band and wrap it around the outside of the plastic bag just behind the lens hood to keep water...

How To: Get paid to work out by becoming a personal trainer

For most of us, working out at the gym is a time we have to schedule outside of our other work and family commitments. But how about making exercise your job? No, we're not talking about becoming a pro athelete. Rather, if you become a personal trainer you can work out, help others work out, and get paid good money while doing it.

How To: Reduce waste from plastic bags

Here is the real answer to the question: Paper or plastic? Join your friendly neighbor for a fireside chat about plastic bags and how Americans consume 380 billion of them a year. If you don't need a bag, don't take one. You can use fabric bags and reuse them over and over again. You can also reuse plastic bags for trash can liners, doggy bags, etc.

How To: Repurpose your plastic bags into fun holiday crafts

In this video, Elizabeth Gleeson shows us how to repurpose those plastic shopping bags that pile up around the house into fun crafts that make perfect gifts for the holidays. You can use this new fabric for tons of projects including new purses, wallets, shopping bags or anything else you would use normal fabric for! So, get started and help save the Earth - one bag at a time!

How To: Make a flying tea bag

This video tutorial demonstrates how to make a flying tea bag. You only need is a cheap tea bag and a match to set it off. The tea bag remains are so light that the hot air produced from the ashes is enough to make them lift into the air. This experiment is slightly dangerous, so be careful!

How To: Prepare a subcutaneous fluids bag for your pet

In this video you are going to learn how prepare a subcutaneous fluids bag. . There are different types of fluids and different size needles. Your veterinarian will prescribe the proper setup for your pet. Dr. Mike, takes you step by step on everything you'll need to know and do to properly prepare your pets fluid bags. Remember, to always follow your vets advice and instructions.

How To: Build hot air balloon out of a garbage bag

This is a simple and easy tutorial, and anybody can build a hot air balloon out of a garbage bag by following the instructions in it. All one needs is a garbage bag, some stiff industrial wire and fire starter bars. The important thing, according to the author, is to judge how many fire starter bars will be required to make the balloon rise without melting its plastic body. First, two long wires are twisted together in the middle to make an 'X'. A smaller wire is twisted onto the middle of th...

How To: Make Wiccan New Year's spell bags

This video demonstrates how to make Wiccan New Year's spell bags or wish bags. Wiccans celebrate the New Year on the Winter Solstice. They like to stay up all night, playing drums round a bonfire. Wiccans also make a wish bag and at the New Year they whisper a wish into this bag and then pop it. This makes it an air spell. Alternatively you can whisper the wish into the bag, seal it, and then put it on the bonfire. This makes it a fire spell. Sometimes the bag is saved all year and then it is...

How To: Make a Frankenstein picnic bag

This video tutorial shows how to transform a paper bag to a picnic bag designed with Frankenstein's face on the front. The ending result of the tutorial is shown in the beginning. The materials needed are listed after the example, including the total number and color of each material needed. The tutorial starts by cutting down the paper bag and folding the top of the bag. Handles for the bag are then cut out and stapled onto the top of the bag – one on each side. To prevent the staples from a...

How To: Use the Cricut Expression to make a gift bag

Mona from Cup Cakes Creations demonstrates the use of a Cricut Expression machine to make gift bags. She starts with the smaller gift bag found on page 115 of the instruction book. It gives the option of putting holes in the bag. She sets the machine to cut two 5-1/2" bags out of 12x12" paper, and cuts it. With the bag cut out, she explains how the bag is folded and taped with Terrifically Tacky Tape, and decorated with a 2" tag. The tag is attached with a cord, and decorated with a ribbon. T...

How To: Make a tea bag rocket and blast off

3,2,1... blast off! Here's a fun little experiment you can do with a tea bag and some matches. You can try it at home and see how far up you can make your tea bag rocket go. The Tea Bag Rocket is really an adaptation of a classic science demonstration called the Ditto Paper Rocket. Each piece of Ditto paper had a sheet of tissue paper that separated the two-part form, and it was this discarded piece of paper that kids used to make the "rocket." Since Ditto paper is a thing of the past, scienc...

How To: Recycle a plastic bag into a plastic bag bracelet

You don't have to own a Cricut, several volumes of themed scrapbooking paper, pinking shears, and ribbons in each color of the rainbow to call yourself a crafter. More complicated crafts do call for this kind of deep and expensive preparation, but the craft presented in this video practically requires nothing.

How To: Fold a plastic shopping bag in on itself for easy storage

Many Americans save all of the plastic bags that they take home from stores. They get used sometimes, but mostly they just accumulate in some corner of the kitchen until there are so many that you are FORCED to throw some away. If you have this problem, watch this video to learn how to fold plastic shopping bags in on themselves into a tiny package that takes up less room and is easier to grab than a balled-up bag.