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How To: See Nearby Recommendations from Brands via Curated City Guides in iOS 14's Apple Maps

When you're in a new city or even your own neighborhood, you might not know where the best places to visit are. The number of parks, restaurants, shopping centers, and other attractions could be overwhelming, so how do you narrow down your choices? The new iOS 14 update has introduced curated city "Guides" in Apple Maps, created by trusted brands to help you find excellent places to explore.

How To: Android CyanogenMod Kernel Building: Monitor Mode on Any Android Device with a Wireless Adapter

Hi, everyone! Recently, I've been working on a pretty interesting and foolish project I had in mind, and here I'm bringing to all of you my findings. This guide's main aim is to document the process of building an Android kernel, specifically a CyanogenMod kernel and ROM, and modifying the kernel configuration to add special features, in this case, wireless adapter Alfa AWUS036H support, one of the most famous among Null Byters.

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