Growing Search Results

How To: Grow pawpaws in your home garden

Pawpaws are a little-known American fruit. With their unusual texture and tropical flavor, pawpaws make a great addition to a lot of recipes. They're easy to grow at home, too, in almost any climate! Here is everything you need to know about growing pawpaws, plus a recipe for a delicious and healthy smoothie!

How To: Properly grow asparagus in your garden

Growing your own vegetables are a cheap alternative to going out to the grocery store and buying it. Plus, it will taste much better and you will feel better about yourself as you eat them! If you're looking to grow Asparagus but aren't really sure where to start, check out this video. In it you will learn the best environment to grow them in and what the fastest way is to get the best result.

How To: Look after and grow plants in your home

If you think that it's difficult to grow beautiful plants inside your home, you'll be happy to know that you are wrong. Growing plants inside a home can be an easy task and requires some hard work, but it pays off in the end. So check out this tutorial on how to look after and grow plants inside your home today. Enjoy!

How To: Grow potatoes in a bag

There are many benefits to growing your own vegetables and fruits. One of the most obvious is the fact you'll be saving money and preventing any harmful chemicals from entering the body. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to grow one of the most commonly eaten foods out there: potatoes. This time, it's not in a box or planter, but instead in a bag. Check it out and enjoy!

How To: Grow taller by improving your posture

You might not be able to grow anymore, but you can still take some measures to utilize your natural build in a better way. You might have stopped growing, but doing simple stretching exercises can do wonders for your posture and make you appear as much as two inches taller. It can be easy hanging off a bar or stretching down to your toes and you will see noticeable improvement and be standing up straight as an arrow.

How To: Grow cucumbers up on an A frame using concrete wire

If you plan on growing cucumbers in your garden, a smart move is to grow them up. By that, grow them on something that will lead them up. This is a smart idea, because cucumber plants can take over a garden at any time and can actually come out much better when grown on something that leads up. In this video, you'll find out how you can do that and why following this method is a good idea. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Build a greenhouse to grow flowers or vegetables

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a greenhouse to grow flowers or vegetables. A greenhouse means the growing season doesn't have to end. You should plan the greenhouse out on paper before you begin, and allow space for walkways, location, and more. Make sure you can afford one and know that it will cost more for you to keep the climate in this preferable to grow plants. You can put a number of different glasses on the greenhouse, so pick which one you can afford and prefer the most. Pla...

How To: Grow pineapples using the fruit crown

In this video Jack in the Net shows how to grow your own pineapple using just the crown. Find a nice firm, strong pineapple with no brown leaves. With a very sharp knife, cut straight through about an inch down from the crown. Then trim the flesh all the way around, leaving only the solid round core in the middle, being careful not to cut into the crown. The roots will grow off of the crown so all the fruit needs to be removed.

How To: Make your hair grow longer faster

This video discusses helping hair grow faster using daily maintenance ideas. The presenter relays that the most important part of growing out hair is keeping it healthy. To keep it healthy, use a heat protectant if any heat tools like hair dryers, straighteners or curling irons are used. She indicates that heat, when not used to excess, will push the hair follicles to work harder and grow a bit faster. Vitamins and supplements can also support hair growth. She recommends a standard daily vita...

How To: Grow potatoes in a 5 gallon bucket

In this video you will learn how to get your potato plant growing using a 5 gallon bucket. Start by taking your 5 gallon bucket and drilling a series of small holes at the bottom for draining. Next line the bottom of your bucket with about 2 inches of rocks to help with drainage and top with a layer of weed block and a couple inches of soil. Now your bucket is ready to add a budded potato. To make your potatoes bud out simply leave them in a bag and place them in the dark for about a month un...

How To: Grow tomatoes in a container

Nothing says fresh and delicious like a ripe tomato from your home garden. This horticultural how-to will walk you through the fundamentals of container tomato gardening and present you with a list of the basic materials you'll need to get started growing your very own tomatoes.

How To: Grow ivy plants

Every one knows what ivy is, but most think of it as the poisonous ivy that gives a horrible itchy rash, but poison ivy isn't the only kind out there. There's beautiful ivy that can make your home more elegant than ever. Growing the prolific ivy plant will convince you that you have a green thumb while adding fresh beauty around your house, indoors and outdoors.

How To: Grow wheatgrass

Looking to grow your own wheatgrass? Wheatgrass is equated with health benefits and contains provide chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Growing your own wheatgrass is easy and fun – even if you don't have a green thumb!

How To: Plant and grow Snapdragons

This video series with Jose Zuniga as your Snapdragon guide, covers all aspects of planting, growing and caring for Snapdragons. He discusses both keeping them in tubs and as well as in your yard or garden. The series is broken into 12 video parts that will play sequentially.

How To: Grow vegetables late in the season

Come the fall, your garden is probably going to be looking pretty spare. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are vegetables that will thrive in the fall. In this Growing Wisdom gardening tutorial, you'll learn how to grow vegetables in the cooler months.

How To: Grow your own vineyard

This video explains some important things you need to know if you are thinking about growing your own vineyard. First, think about the types of grapes you want to grow, depending on whether you want to make raisins, grape juice, jelly or wine. Talk to your extension agent to find out which grapes work best for your purpose. It's important to thin out the crop and not have too many leaves on the vines, or too many grapes, because a good balance will send the sunlight and nutrients to the plant...

How To: Grow wheatgrass in your home garden

Interested in growing your own wheatgrass? This gardener's guide will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this clip can present a complete overview of the process in just over a minute and a half minutes' time. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, watch this video.

How To: Grow soilless weatgrass

The video takes you through steps on how to grow wheatgrass without the hassle of using soil. Before using this method, prepare a batch of sprouted wheatgrass. It’s advised that you should let the seeds sprout in a jar for two to three days for best results. When the wheatgrass is ready, place two or three layers of paper napkins on a large, flat try. Moisten the paper towels but don’t over-flood it. Then take your jar of wheatgrass and evenly spread the seeds on top of the paper towels. ...

How To: Grow lavender provence in a container

We know that spring seems ions away, but if you're a gardener then it's time to begin thinking about what flowers you'll be planting to bloom during the spring. If you don't have much garden space but would love a very fragrant bloom, check out this video to learn how to grow lavendr provence in a container.