Government Search Results

News: Use Decentralized Cloud Storage to Keep the NSA from Tracking You

There has been much talk about how unsecure the cloud is because of PRISM’s newfound ability to demand all of your data without any resistance. This has spin doctors in the Cloud Storage industry losing their mind. They suddenly went from a central hub for 10GB of your files, to an easy window for Big Brother to track you through. Centralized cloud storage is no longer a safe way to keep your files, but we still need a way to access our files anywhere we go.

How To: Buy Bitcoin Anonymously — A Guide to Investing in Cryptocurrency While Maintaining Privacy

Just like cash, bitcoin is used for everything from regular day-to-day business to criminal activities. However, unlike physical cash, the blockchain is permanent and immutable, which means anyone from a teen to the US government can follow every single transaction you make without you even knowing about it. However, there are ways to add layers of anonymity to your bitcoin transactions.

How To: 8 Passcode Tips for Keeping Hackers & Law Enforcement Out of Your iPhone for Good

There has been significant debate over law enforcement's right to access our digital devices in recent years. New tools from Grayshift and Cellebrite are popping up faster than ever to help government agencies, as well as traditional hackers, break into iPhones. If you're concerned, you can take steps right now to beef up your passcode and prevent outsiders from gaining access to your device.

News: A Brief History of Hacking

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! Hacking has a long and storied history in the U.S. and around the world. It did not begin yesterday, or even at the advent of the 21st century, but rather dates back at least 40 years. Of course, once the internet migrated to commercial use in the 1990s, hacking went into hyperdrive.

Guide: Privacy Matters

Greetings all. Today I intend to append a new series to my mini-collection of posts. This series will consist of informative guides for the purpose of depicting certain aspects of the White Hat profession that I believe are of profound importance. Furthermore, I will keep this series simple for everyone to follow, regardless of your tech level. So without further ado, let's get right into it.

How To: Use Traffic Analysis to Defeat TOR

As was mentioned by the great OTW last week, TOR, aka The Onion Router, has had its integrity attacked by the NSA. In an attempt to reduce the anonymity granted by the service, the NSA has opened a great many nodes of their own. The purpose is presumably to trace the origin of a communication by compromising some entrance and exit nodes. Once both are compromised, it is much easier to correlate traffic with a particular individual.

Coinbase 101: Fees & Fine Print You Need to Know Before Trading Bitcoins & Other Cryptocurrencies

Coinbase is the primary go-to for many users when it comes to investing in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), and more, due to its user-friendly interface. But before you join them, know that the ease of use comes with a price. Coinbase charges fees for each transaction, and your bank might even add charges on top of that. Plus, there is some fine print to be aware of.