Gangster Rap Search Results

How To: The Number One Way to Get Moist, Juicy Chicken Breasts Every Time

Chicken breasts have gotten a bad rap. Dry, flavorless, boring... poor white meat gets no love, and dark meat gets all of the credit for being sinfully flavorful and delicious. But the truth is, even though chicken breasts are lower in fat and calories, they can also be incredibly versatile and full of flavor... if they're prepared correctly. You're probably familiar with poaching, which is a technique that gently cooks more delicate meats such as chicken or fish fully submerged in a liquid b...

How To: Get Beats Audio on Your Nexus 7 and Take Your Music to Another Level

BEATS by Dr. Dre started making their studio-style headphones and speakers over four years ago, which claim to help listeners actually "hear" music as it was intended by the artists, since commodity headphones and earbuds are known for producing lackluster results. But you can only go so far with Beats Audio headphones, since your computers and mobile devices weren't built to take advantage of high quality audio equipment.

How To: 5 Awesome DIY Christmas Gift Ideas for Beer Lovers

There's nothing better than gulping down an ice cold beer to calm the senses and ease the mind. The holiday season can be very stressful as people scramble around trying to find the best gifts for friends and family. And we all know that gifts can be very hit or miss, but it's pretty hard to go wrong giving someone a nice bottle of whiskey or a nice selection of beers.

How To: Rhyme

From nursery rhymes, to rap songs, to love poems, rhyming is an important part of the English language. If you're feeling a little shaky on your rhyming abilities, glance over some of these simple rules and you'll be off and rhyming again.

News: These Apps Know Your Age, Gender, Emotions, & More

I think it was 1986 when I first discovered my love for making computers say stupid things out loud. My older brother got a Commodore 64 for his birthday, which came bundled with software that would speak out any term you typed in—and boy, that computer sure made a fool of itself after my five-year-old imagination got a hold of the keyboard.

How To: Hip hop dance

Ebone’ Simone Johnsontake shows you in this instructional video series how to do basics of hip hop dance for beginners and those of you who are already dancing fiends but perhaps unfamiliar with the variety of styles and moves associated with rap and hip hop dancing.

How To: 12 Tofu Hacks That Even Tofu-Haters Can Appreciate

Tofu has been a staple food in Asia for over 2,000 years, but due to the health craze of recent years, it's enjoyed a surge of popularity in the Western world. Derived from the milk of soy beans and typically coagulated by calcium or magnesium salts, tofu can be found in consistencies ranging from extra-soft or silken to extra-firm. Based on which firmness you prefer, there are a myriad of ways to prepare your tofu for consumption.

Gaming: The 7 Best Paid Shooting Games for Android & iPhone

With the release of the Pixel 2 XL and the iPhone X, smartphones have hit a new high not just in price, but also raw processing power. These new flagships not only cost more than twice as much as an Xbox One or PlayStation 4, they have also become almost as powerful as far as gaming goes. Because of this, a lot of games once reserved for consoles and PCs have made their way to our smartphones.

News: The Only Cat Litter Scoop You'll Ever Need

If you have a cat, trying to get all of the little clumps out of the litter probably feels like an impossible task. It pretty much is, but we've found the best cat litter scoop that gets more of those tiny pieces out than any other scoop. Plus, it's sturdy, degradable, and ethically sourced.