Gaga Milano Search Results

News: Lady Gaga Goes Uke

Here we are again. This time, however, it's not Britney Spears that's being uke-d, but the delightfully infamous Lady Gaga. The wicked (we-can't-help-but-look-watch-listen) Lady Gaga.

How To: Make a Lady Gaga Poker Face Costume

If you're a fan of the "Poker Face" music video, you may want to consider replicating Lady Gaga's costume from the video as your own this Halloween. This guide will show you how to build the outfit, complete with leather gloves. Now just memorize the song and you'll be ready for karaoke party too!

Tech Couture: Fluid Dress 2.0

Casual Profanity's Fluid Dress 2.0 pumps gallons of blacklight-reactive fluid through 600 feet of knitted tubing. Set to the tune of “Cherry” by Ratatat, but perhaps more fitting for Lady Gaga. Except Robyn went there first (scroll down, 13 seconds in).

News: Taylor Swift Invites You to Dance to Her Music in Augmented Reality

Facebook's camera platform is the augmented reality vehicle of choice to promote the latest musical effort from Taylor Swift. T-Swift's new album, Reputation, dropped today. To get her fans psyched, an AR effect electrifies the user with virtual lightning, while a snippet from one of her songs plays in the background. Previously, Lady Gaga opted for a Facebook filter to promote her Netflix documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two, which premiered Sept. 22. (Personally, I'm more excited about the new ...

News: Your first experience with Kinect

What was your first experience with Kinect? Mine was through my friend Robert. (He's in the blue shirt above.) I was over at his place, and he and his girlfriend had just gotten a Kinect. After much futzing with the Kinect because it kept falling off their flatscreen TV, they finally got it to stay.

News: Eat Me Dresses

Love Lady Gaga's meat dress? Then check out Sung Yeonju's series entitled "Wearable Foods". The recent graduate of Korea's Hong Ik University creates garments out of a wide variety of edibles, including "Tomato #2", which was used by H&M for an ad campaign.

HowTo: Be Justin Bieber

If you're a Bieber fan, you're likely familiar with the infamous tumblr, Lesbians Who Look Just Like Justin Bieber. Meaning, girls can be Bieber look-a-likes, too. Just wear a white t-shirt, jeans, converse, and baseball cap. And most importantly, get your Bieber-do in order. smokeypinkleopard demonstrates below. Previously, HowTo: Recreate Lady Gaga's Trippy Anime Eyes For Halloween.

News: Jewelry From Hell

California native Joji Kojima's jewelry belongs in a Freddy Krueger nightmare. Evocative of death, violence and a macabre fetishism, these accessories aren't for the soft-natured.

Coming Soon: Spy Video Glasses with Real Time Streaming to... Facebook?

Lady Gaga and Polaroid's upcoming Grey Label Camera Glasses can record video and snap pictures, but who really wants to show the world what they're up too on those mini LCD screens? It's nothing more than a fancy gimmick between a pop star and a failing company. Isn't the intention of camera glasses to capture things around you as they are? Drawing attention to yourself with clunky video-displaying eyewear kind of defeats the purpose, but that's why they're "fashion" glasses and not practical...

News: Is Google+ More of a Threat to Twitter than Facebook?

Much of the press around the launch of Google+ has pitted it squarely against Facebook. This was highlighted painfully for Facebook with their (misguidedly dubbed) "awesome" announcements yesterday. Their launch of a new design, video calling, and group chat might have been exciting, had not Google announced its Hangout feature for Google+ a week earlier (and by the way, introduced their own 1-on-1 video calling inside of Gmail way back in 2008). Hangouts took video calling a step further and...

News: The Who Owns My Heart lyrics by Miley Cyrus

Here we have a unique piece of work. Miley Cyrus, the girl that started out as a 12 year old acting on Hannah Montana, is now 17 and showing some skin. Do we care? Apparently, parents do. So it seems as if if Cyrus wasn't able to do what she wants in her music videos because of these complaints parents are making. Of course, those complaints are natural, I mean, 8 year old girls look up to her, which really pressures her being a role model.

News: 5 Ways You Can Help Japan's Tsunami Victims Right Now, From Your Couch

A devastating tragedy occurred in Japan on Friday when a monstrous 8.9-magnitude quake hit, causing a 10 meter (33 foot) tsunami to engulf the northeastern coast of the country. There are reports of over 1,000 people who have lost their lives, tens of thousands evacuated, and massive damage. Whether you have a lot or a little to give, here are five ways you can aid in the relief effort this very moment, without even leaving your couch.

News: The Amazing PVC Pipe Music of Kent Jenkins (aka Snubby J)

There's a ton of videos on the web of musicians playing homemade PVC instruments, but I just recently stumbled upon the impressive work of PVC pipe player Kent Jenkins, aka Snubby J. His most recent video features a duet with his faux-twin, playing "Wizards in Winter" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Turns out, he's been a PVC maestro for awhile now and even auditioned for his inspiration, the Blue Man Group, at the age of seventeen. Though he wasn't picked, they saw potential in him and aske...

HowTo: Screw the President (Well, Sorta)

Whether you're an Obama lover or Obama hater, here's your chance to, ahem, screw him, somewhat literally. The president starred in the recent Sex Culture Festival in the southern city of Guangzhou, China. The screen-printed blow up doll is shown photographed next to his fellow adult toy compatriots.

News: Man Spends $20,000 and 18 Months Creating Clone of Dead Lover

Sad story: a 50-year-old businessman recently lost his lover, and grief stricken, created a sex doll replica of the deceased woman. The 18-month-long painstaking process required dozens of photos to recreate an "exact" plastic copy of her face and body shape. £15,000 ($23,169) later, the clone was finished, complete with articulated joints, a titanium skeleton and lifelike skin.