Fun' Demonstrations Search Results

How To: Origami a king's crown

This instructional origami video demonstrates how to fold an origami kings crown. An origami king's crown makes a fun gift & easy to fold! Follow this step by step demonstration on folding an origami crown.

How To: Origami a cicada

This instructional origami video demonstrates how to fold an origami cicada. An origami cicada makes a fun gift & easy to fold! Follow this step by step demonstration on folding an origami cicada.

How To: Perform an easy sleight of hand tap card trick

Learn how to perform an easy sleight of hand card trick . First, see the demonstration performance of this easy and simple card trick, then see how the magic illusion is done, showing you the whole truth of how it's done. This is a great magic trick for your friends, not to mention a fun card trick to try out. With just a little tap... and it's magic!

How To: Weave in ends when knitting

An easy, up close, demonstration of HOW TO WEAVE IN ENDS By Judy Graham, Knitter to the Stars, who's knits have appeared in movies, TV, and concerts for over 30 years and who has been hand knitting for over 50 years. Check out the web-site for more knitting tips, what it's like to make knits for the movies and fun celebrity stories. Watch this knitting tutorial to learn how to weave in ends when knitting.

How To: Make a piñata in the shape of a car

Piñatas add great fun to any party. However sometimes it is hard to find the pinata shape you want. This how to video is a demonstration of how to make a car shaped piñata. Watch and learn how easy it is to make a piñata from scratch. Create it in the shape of a car, or get creative and make your own shape.

How To: Make a Japanese paper orb

Kirigami is a variation of origami where the artist is allowed to make small cuts in the paper (from Japanese "kiru" = to cut, "gami" = paper). This allows more complex designs, such as these Japanese paper orbs! They are fast and fun to make and can be hung from your ceiling as original home decor. Learn how to fold them in this narrated video demonstration.

How To: Play flip cup

This video is a demonstration of how to play a drinking game called flip cup. You'll need a stack of 16 oz. plastic beer cups, a long table, and beer. First pick two teams of four to ten players. Teams stand on opposite sides of the table and fill the cups with beer. The lead players drink, then set the cup down so that part of it is off the edge of the table. Then they flip the cups so that they land upside down on the table. The next player on each team has to wait until their teammate has ...

How To: Perform the UND Aerodynamics Demonstration

UND Flight Instructor Anthony Bottini discussing in detail the UND Aerodynamics Demonstration. This maneuver is a must-watch for beginning pilots and old, grizzled aviators. The Aerodynamics Demonstration covers the full spectrum of the Fundamentals of Flight and various other flight principles that a pilot must master before being truly proficient in any aircraft.

How To: Make a tea bag rocket and blast off

3,2,1... blast off! Here's a fun little experiment you can do with a tea bag and some matches. You can try it at home and see how far up you can make your tea bag rocket go. The Tea Bag Rocket is really an adaptation of a classic science demonstration called the Ditto Paper Rocket. Each piece of Ditto paper had a sheet of tissue paper that separated the two-part form, and it was this discarded piece of paper that kids used to make the "rocket." Since Ditto paper is a thing of the past, scienc...

How To: Do a traditional salsa dance

Salsa dancing is great fun and a fantastic way to get your exercise in. The traditional Latin dance begins on the first count of the music, but pauses on counts four and eight. Use your hips to dance the salsa with a demonstration from a pro: Rosario Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more dance moves from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!

How To: Draw a cool graffiti design

Talented graffiti-artist-for-hire Wizard here demonstrates a user-requested drawing of a cholo figure and some very elaborate script. As will most of his demonstrations, he works in pencil and black ink on grid paper, creating small and somewhat austere designs with undeniable virtuosity and charm. His demonstration services are quite a bargain at only $5!

How To: Make a 2D paper jack-o'-lantern for Halloween

This is a fun and easy craft demonstration that shows how to make a paper jack-o-lantern with orange, green and yellow construction paper, scissors, tape, a pencil, a black Sharpie and an X-acto knife. Begin by drawing a jack-o-lantern on the orange paper. Use the knife to cut out the eyes, nose and mouth. Cut a top out of green paper and attach it with tape on the back. Cut out a piece of yellow paper and tape it to the back, to show through the holes on the front of the jack-o-lantern. Add ...

How To: Make a rooster finger puppet

In this video, SimpleKidsCrafts teaches us how to make finger puppet roosters. This video shows a list of the materials you need, which include only different colors of felt, scissors and glue (a hot glue gun is used in the video). Then, you can see a clear visual of how to make the finger puppet. Furthermore, the demonstration is done by a child, so you know that your own kids will be able to make this as well. Learn how to make a rooster finger puppet step by step by watching this video--fu...

How To: Make a garden rainbow butterfly puppet

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a garden rainbow butterfly puppet. This video describes all the materials that are required to make the butterfly puppet. The materials required include: beads (blue, red and transparent), 5 pipe cleaners (2 yellow and 3 purple), 2 googly eyes, a stick and one glue stick. This video provides a visual demonstration for viewers to easily follow along. The video is at a step-by-step pace and allows viewers to pause or rewind the video. This video...

How To: Weave the even count tubular peyote stitch

This is a video demonstration of the even count tubular peyote bead weaving stitch. This popular beading technique is used to cover round objects and make small purses. A short explanation of different types of seed beads is also given at the end. Size 8 cylinder beads are used in this demonstration.

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