Fun Loving Search Results

News: Playstation #WayofPlay Entry

First of all I am glad that I was able to find this website and become part of it. So far I love it. Recently Playstation created a competition where a person has to show how online gaming is good. Pretty simple right? You can enter with an image or a video, however I do not think that an image can really show the fun of online gaming. I have created a video which does show some of the good parts of online gaming and I also tried to keep it fun. I would really appreciate if you would have a l...

How To: Create Alice Cullen's look from the "Twilight" Saga

There's no denying that Alice Cullen, played by hottie extraordinaire Ashley Greene, is uniquely gorgeous. Like her fellow family members, she possesses marble white skin and glistening, hypnotic gold eyes, but her petite fairy-like nose and fun experimentation with her hairstyle and clothes makes her one of a kind.

How To: Create a long-lasting sexy makeup look for clubbing

Dolling yourself up for a night out on the town clubbing is probably also half the fun of the whole clubbing experience: doing the big hair to make us look like goddesses, donning the impossibly long false eyelashes, slipping on that sexy dress from Bebe, and sticking our tooties into leg lengthening pumps is just as much of a delight as dancing the night away.

How To: Photograph a pregnant mom

In this video, we learn how to photograph a pregnant mom. Try taking a shot of the woman outside, this will feature her stomach and show off the glow of her skin as well. Process it after you have taken the photo to edit it further. Drape a sheet around the woman as well, which is a really popular photo technique as well. Take fun shots with your partner, animals, other children, and around the house! The camera can focus on different things to show multiple subjects in the scene. Be creative...

How To: Attract women while looking like a mess

In this tutorial, we learn how to attract women while looking like a mess. You feel great when you are wearing new clothes and you have a new haircut. This gives you confidence because you know you look good and girls will notice you. You can feel this way without having the great clothes and hair, you just have to change your mindset. Know that you are a good looking guy and have a fun personality and girls will definitely take notice. If you feel good about yourself and feel that you are at...

How To: Create a shocking Cirque Du Soleil makeup look

Halloween is coming sooner than you think; have you decided what you're going to dress up as yet? While going with the wicked witch or sexy black cat route is always fun and unfailingly cute, the easy choice quickly becomes the dull one, especially if you're essentially worn the same costume time after time.

How To: Make a cool chalk cloth placemat for kids

I wish I was still a kid because this was a pretty cool project to perform and a cool placemat I would have used! Most of the ingredients can be obtained from your local arts and crafts store and seems pretty simple, but does require skill. So enjoy this tutorial on how to make a chalk cloth placemat. Enjoy!

How To: Tie your Converse shoes with two laces for each shoe

The simplest and most fun way of customizing your Converse sneakers to reflect your personality is to lace them all fancy-like. Whether you love pink laces or emo black ones, choose two of your favorite shoelace colors and check out this fashion DIY tutorial to learn how to tie your Converse shoe with two laces per shoe.

How To: Hack and control anyone's webcam using Google

Consider this reason 1,001 why we love the internet: Using Google, you can hack into almost any webcam or security cam, in any part of the world and even control the webcam to move around so you can get your full panoramic shot. Don't believe us? Then check out this video tutorial to learn the steps you need to take.

How To: Analyze the right hand in palm reading

In this video, Peter John analyzes the right hand in palm reading. Once you have the hand turned over, you will see lines that are underneath the middle finger. The half line means that someone is emotional because the line arcs more than usual. The person also likes to show their emotion and have the emotions shown to them. Then bait line on the side of the hands should be slightly clear, which will tell how affectionate someone is and how much they show love. Right hand palm reading can be ...

How To: Pull some easy household pranks on your spouse, child, or parent

This video made by a loving wife while her husband is at work outlines three fun, safe, easy ways for families to prank each other without risking damage, injury, or rage. She starts by taping the laser on the bottom of her husband's mouse so it won't work. Then shut puts toothpaste under the light switches in dark rooms so that her hubby will get a sticky finger when he turns on the lights. Lastly, she put flour on the inside of his beloved window fan so that it will shoot out when he turns ...

How To: Play the "Frosty the Snowman" Xmas carol on ukulele

Want to play Elvis Presley's "Love Me Tender" on your ukulele? Learn how with this free video ukulele lesson from Ukulele Mike, which presents a complete breakdown of the song and its chords. Whether you play the ukulele or bass kazoo, there is no better way to improve your chops than by learning to play your favorite songs. Not only is it more fun and much easier than running drills or memorizing a chord book by wrote, it's obviously also a wonderful way to build your repertory of songs. For...

How To: Decorate koi-shaped cupcakes with Karen Tack

Preserve the modesty of your fresh batch of Devil's food cupcakes by sheathing them in layers of icing and shaping them into fun animal shapes! While we love plain cupcakes, decorating cupcakes for special events like holidays and parties helps get your food in line with the theme and decor and will make guests smile.

How To: Get The Cascades achievement location in Stoked

If you love catching big air in the snow without the need of actual snow, then you should grab the game Stoked. This snowboarding game takes you to some of the most gnarliest and awesome mountains you've ever seen in a sports game. This tutorial will shows you how to get to The Cascades achievement location in order to sing the guestbook. It's easy to do and fun to go after. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Get the 100 Morden achievement in Metal Slug XX

The great thing about the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii is their capability to time travel. Well, kinda. Old games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Super Mario 64, take gamers back to a much more simpler time. This achievement video focuses on just that. If you've loved playing the Metal Slug games at the arcade, why not bring it to your Xbox 360? In this tutorial, you'll find out how to unlock the 100 Morden achievement in the newest game, Metal Slug XX. It's a fun side-shooter filled with stu...

How To: Dress to flatter a pear shape

Being pear shaped means your body is smaller on top and bigger around the hips. While this can seem like a difficult body type to dress, a few tips can make a pear-shaped woman look amazing. For example, start with a bright top that calls attention to your bust. Add more volume on top with layers, such as a leather jacket. Add another brightly colored scarf to draw the eye towards your face. You've created a tough chic look very quickly!

How To: Make a decorative mini magnet board

In this tutorial, Bonnie shows you how to make a super fun new craft project for use in your home or dorm room. For this video, Bonnie makes a super cute little bulletin board with a twist. This board is magnetic! No need for push pins, now you can simply display messages and important papers with magnets and avoid all the holes.

How To: Build a giant geoboard with your kids

Geoboards are fun tools to teach your child the basic concepts of shapes and how they work in math; any kid would love a gigantic one! Firstly, you need to obtain a pegboard (what they hang merchandise on in hardware and similar stores). They usually come in 4x8' sheets, so you may need to ask an employee to cut one into fourths for you. The fourth piece should have 64 holes in 8 rows of 8, which means you need 64 nuts and bolts to make the board. Assembly is a no-brainer; you and your kids s...

How To: Make a cool recycled license plate mail box

Laura and Charles are a thrifty couple to have around in this time of recession. Using old license plates, some rivets and lots of love, they will teach you how to make a license plate mailbox. A simple and easy craft project that could be fun for the whole family, imagine the look on the mailman's face when he sees your new creation sitting in the front of your house. Your mailbox will be the talk of the neighborhood and who knows you just might start a trend! A friendly video with simple in...

Repair your mountain bike: Rear derailer

This video shows you everything you need to know to repair your mountain bikes rear derailer. From dismantling, to putting it back together, position the chain, cutting the chain, releasing the cable, and giving your bike the love it needs. This is an extensive, yet easy to follow tutorial to keep your bikes maintenance up to date for an enjoyable and easy ride. You can use these instructions for any kind of bike really, but in the video we see the mountain bike. So gear up for a fun ride.