Food Diet Search Results

How To: Gain weight with a fast metabolism

In this tutorial, we learn how to gain weight with a fast metabolism. If you have a high metabolism, it may be difficult for you to gain weight. Eating more just isn't enough if you want to gain weight, you want to change your habits that will change your hormones. Testosterone has an anabolic or growth effect in your body that promotes muscle strength and breakdown. Include fatty acids in your diet, which are healthy fats in avocados, fish, oils, and nuts. Also, lift heavy weights and use as...

How To: Cut 100 calories a day from your diet

In this 60-second solutions video you will learn how to cut 100 calories form your diet. If you are able to cut calories 3 times a day, you will be cutting more than 2,000 calories every week. Here are some tips to cut 300 calories a day: Flavor your coffee with cinnamon and nutmeg instead of sugar. When you snack on nuts, have one less handful. At dinnertime, leave 3 to 4 bites of your entree.

How To: Have energy without taking energy drinks

Good Housekeeping reports that despite many people believe the new drinking energy shots is healthy as it contains B vitamin, caffeine, and few calories, it might not be the case. Samantha Cassetty from Good Housekeeping Institute suggests that there is no added benefit by taking B vitamin since people are talking them from daily diet. Health experts also suggest 300 mg/day is the optimal caffeine consumption level but not all energy drinks reveal their caffeine amount on the labels. Natural ...

How To: Safely care for your kitten with Dr. Gaspar

In this Pets & Animals video tutorial you will learn how to safely care for your kitten with Dr. Gaspar. Your kitten's first year life is critically important. First make sure your home is safe for your kitten. Remove anything that you wouldn't leave about in the presence of a child. Get your kitten home over the weekend so that you have plenty of time to get acquainted with the kitten. Introduce your kitten to the litter box. The box should be roomy and uncovered. Place the box in a quiet lo...

How To: Bake a French crepe cake with chocolate filling

Crepes, like guys who go jogging without their shirts on, only exist to make us happy. They're there for us when our sweet tooth urges overpower our diet and when our PMS cravings send us autopiloting toward the nearest bakery and patisserie. And we never thought that crepes, in all their godlike perfection, could ever be improved upon until now.

News: WTF Is Gluten? Finally—A Definitive Answer

Does it seem like everybody you know is declaring that they're gluten-free? Some wonder if the number of people with celiac disease are on the rise or if it's the latest fad diet. And it even goes beyond food: now there are beauty products that tout themselves as being free of gluten.

How To: Incorporate more Selenium into your diet

It is important to maintain a diet rich in selenium. Selenium is an essential trace mineral and antioxidant that protects your cells, boosts the immune system and helps fight infection. Check out this helpful video, and discover how to add more of this great mineral into your diet.

How To: Blend greens into a nutritious smoothie

In this tutorial, we learn how to blend greens into a nutritious smoothie. The key to making a smoothie with a lot of greens is to balance it out with fruit to mask the taste of all the vegetables. A great recipe will have things in it including: spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, kale, bananas, apples, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and more. If there is a whole fruit or vegetable near you, try using it in your smoothie as you make it! This can make you feel much more healthier and live ...

How To: Make a low-carb alfredo sauce

In this tutorial, we learn how to make low-carb alfredo sauce. First, melt a package of cream cheese, then add in 3/4 c parmesan cheese and 1/2 c olive oil. Next, add in 1.5 c cream and mix everything together. After this, add in 1 tsp oregano, 1 tsp pepper, and 1 tbsp minced garlic. Continue to cook this in your pot until everything is melted together. When you are finished, you can serve it over your favorite pasta, or you can serve it over cooked or steamed vegetables. This is great for an...

How To: Get More Fiber into Your Diet

In this video our author, Candy Cumming with Sharp Healthcare describes how to add fiber into our diet. Fiber is really good for us because is is high in water content and low in calories, which lets us eat much of it before we are full. It also is really good for our regularity in our digestive tract.

How To: Use the Cool Noodle Tool to make noodles at home

In this video, we learn how to use the Cool Noodle Tool to make noodles make from thai coconut, auzzhini, jicama, daikon radish and yellow squash. First, grab a half of a coconut and your noodle tool. Take your tool and scrape the inside of the coconut and you will have coconut noodles in no time! Do this for all of your different vegetables, whichever you prefer. Place all of your vegetable noodles into a large bowl and you can now prepare these with any sauces that you prefer. This tool mak...

How To: Make your hair grow longer faster

This video discusses helping hair grow faster using daily maintenance ideas. The presenter relays that the most important part of growing out hair is keeping it healthy. To keep it healthy, use a heat protectant if any heat tools like hair dryers, straighteners or curling irons are used. She indicates that heat, when not used to excess, will push the hair follicles to work harder and grow a bit faster. Vitamins and supplements can also support hair growth. She recommends a standard daily vita...

How To: Build confidence during pregnancy

For many women, pregnancy is a very vulnerable time, especially when it comes to the health of their child. Your body is changing on a constant basis and it can be hard to find confidence in the fact things will go well. You can learn through this video that you can be proactive in the process of ensuring a healthy pregnancy. Having a diet that is full of healthful foods is key to making sure your pregnancy is on the track to good health. Exercise and reducing stress are also touted as good s...

How To: Make a raw kale & avocado salad

The raw food coach will take you through the process of making a fantastic salad made of kale and avocados perfect for any one who follows a raw vegan diet. Avocado is full of healthy oils and just tastes fantastic. Kale is chocked full of vitamins and nutrients. By adding oil and salt your kale will transform into a soft and lovely texture.

How To: Cut kiwi

Kiwi is quite the ironic fruit. It's to-die-for exotic sweetness is countered by it's very difficult exterior, which is rough and soemtimes hard to scrape off. Luckily, this food tutorial will run you through several ways to choose, peel, and slice kiwis.

How To: Get started on a macrobiotic diet

A macrobiotic diet is a healthy way of eating that promotes good digestion and weight loss. In this tutorial, learn all about this diet and why the celebrities love to follow it. If you are considering a healthier lifestyle filled with grains and veggies, this is perfect for you. Check out this clip and consider the option.

How To: Ease bloating pain

If you've ever had bloating you know this can be an uncomfortable and even painful situation. You can alleviate bloating by preventing gas or taking measures to try to reduce gas. Food, exercise and stress can all effect bloating.

How To: Make gluten-free gravy

Don't give up turkey gravy just because you're cooking for a gluten-free diet. Use these tips when preparing this Thanksgiving favorite. Gluten-free diets are proven to help digestion and ease a variety of ailments. This gravy will make your gluten-free meal savory.

How To: Get rid of cellulite

Cellulite are unattractive fat deposits found around the upper legs. You can lessen the appearance of cellulite by eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercising regularly and using a good firming cream. These tips will help you reduce or get rid of cellulite altogether.

How To: Make a lemonade for the master cleanse

In this Diet & Health how-to video our host demonstrates how to make lemonade for the Master Cleanse. The Master cleanse is a 10-40 day lemonade fast. All you need for this cleansing drink is water, lemon juice (minus the pulp), cayenne pepper and maple syrup. For a raw recipe you can use agave nectar instead.

How To: Make an Atkins low carb teriyaki stir fry

During a time when it's more important than ever to watch what you eat, more and more chefs are creating tasty dishes that are easy on the belt but full of flavor. Out of the many diets, one of the most popular is the Atkins diet. It mainly focuses on the amount of carbs you eat and how to limit them. So in this specific diet tutorial, you'll find out how to make Atkins low carb teriyaki stir fry. Ingredients are listed below, enjoy!

How To: Make your own Mentos & Diet Coke rocket

Want to make your very own diet cola & Mentos rocket? Sure, you could probably figure it out yourself with a little bit of trial and error, but why be wasteful? Especially when the project is already wasteful by design. Better to follow this video guide, which presents a complete overview on how to build your own Mentos & soda-powered bottle rockets.

How To: Make a rocket out of Mentos and Diet Coke

To make a rocket our of Mentos and diet coke, you are going to need a 2 liter of diet coke, three Mentos, a screw, and a magnet. First, thread all three Mentos on the screw and set aside. Next, open up the bottle of coke. Take the head of the screw and place it inside the bottle cap. After that, put the magnet on top of the cap to hold the screw in place. Now very carefully, screw the cap onto the bottle making sure not to prematurely drop the Mentos in. After the cap is secure, remove the ma...