Feel Safer Search Results

News: Winners of Mad Science's Sugru Contest

Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas in last month's Mad Science contest. The question called for your best idea for using Sugru, a temporarily malleable silicone modeling clay that self cures for a soft-touch permanent bond. It's a marvelous product for at-home quick fixes and for even making some cool DIY bumpers and grips for your electronics. William scoured through all of the comments and chose the two winners he felt best deserved a pack of Sugru.

How To: Pack your wallet for an itnernational trip

With all the documents ready, we need to fill our wallet with money for the travel. This video discusses various ways of filling the pocket. That is how to prepare the money for international travel. Over the years credit cards have been widely used by many travelers, which is safer than carrying cash. In this case we need to contact the credit card provider well in advance and notify them about the travel. Also we need to learn about the various fees applicable to international purchases. Th...

How To: Make a light up bubble tube

Lava lamps are cool and retro, but they can be expensive and there is a risk of fire if you leave them unattended and they tip over accidentally. By using this tutorial by Shooting Eggs, you can make your own light up bubble tube using materials you might already have around the house, and it will be safer and a whole lot cheaper than the kind you'd buy. Make one of these babies, and your 1966 love den will be all ready to go.

How To: Identify aphids or whiteflies on your ash tree

County expert John White determines how to solve some pesky plant problems for the area. The first problem - cutter bees on Crepe Myrtle - is an obvious one, with the deep curved "bites" showing on most of the leaves. He suggests using an insecticide but then points out the signs of a second problem - beetle damage. Crepe Myrtle is prone to beetle infestations and he advises to get out a flashlight and look for them at night when they are at their worst. A problem with heat scorching on Euony...

How To: Burn Xbox 360 game ISOs to a dual-layer DVD

In this how-to video, you will learn how to burn game ISO's for the Xbox 360. It is important that it is only legal to back up the games that you already own. You will need the Image Burn program. Open it and click Write Image File to Disk. Next, click browse for file and look for the .DVD file. Go to tools and settings. Click the Write tab and go to sectors and make sure the number is 1913760. Check the ISO file and open it with notepad to check if the layer break number is also that number....

How To: 3 Tips to Help You Drive Safer with Waze

Because it sources a majority of its vital data from actual drivers on the road, Waze is easily one of the best navigation apps to use if you prioritize safety. Benefits such as crowd-sourced traffic data, police trap locations, and road work avoidance, when combined, help you anticipate traffic conditions with unprecedented accuracy and make adjustments accordingly.

How To: Identify Fake Ray-Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses

How can you tell if the pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses that you are about to buy online are not a fake? Follow these 9 simple steps to verify the authenticity of your purchase. Always ask the seller to use the youVerify app prior to purchase. It's Smarter Selling & Safer Shopping.

How To: Enable Dark Mode in Google Maps on iPhone & Android

Dark mode is one of the most requested features these days, but it's even more important with a navigation app. If you're using Google Maps for directions while driving at night, the default white background will shock your eyes and make it harder to see the road in front of you. Thankfully, you can now enable a dark theme to make this whole process a lot safer.

News: Sony Develops New HDR Camera Sensors for Self-Driving Cars

In the driverless race, technological advances can sometimes just add more tension to an already heated competition, if Waymo suing Uber over their allegedly stolen LiDAR technology is any indication. Now, Sony is offering a new camera sensor, one that should help self-driving cars "see" the road with much more accuracy than any other camera sensors available for vehicles currently.

News: Boring (Yet Mesmerizing) VR Experiences Could Calm Anxiety & Reduce Pain

Opioids, or narcotic painkillers, serve as our primary method for alleviating physical distress. They also happen to be a leading cause of death due to their addictive nature. AppliedVR hopes to introduce a safer alternative: virtual reality gaming. They utilize the existing Samsung Gear VR for the hardware, but provides specialized software that offers up a distracting experience that fosters greater pain ignorance.

News: HoloLens Will Be Your AR Piano Teacher in the Future

You've likely seen light-up musical keyboards that teach you how to play a song with visual cues, but few of those devices exist and have a limited number of songs you can actually learn. But Karl Baumann and his HoloLens Hackathon team figured out that in mixed reality, you can learn music with visual cues with any piano.

News: This App Shows How HoloLens Can Make Healthcare Safer

If you've been to the doctor enough, you know that the medical staff can make a variety of mistakes from time to time. They're human and that's normal, but errors in the medical field can often have significant negative impacts. At Boston's 2016 HoloHacks event, a team of developers created HoloHealth to mitigate human error in common healthcare tasks.

How To: Light Hard-to-Reach Candles & Pilot Lights Without Extra Long Matches or Lighters

One of my least favorite tasks is crouching in front of the kitchen oven or gas heater, and burning my fingers as I try to restart the pilot light with regular matches. I end up cursing the fact that I don't own extra-long matches or a stove lighter, but then I never go out and buy them, even though I know this issue will come up again. What can I say? I'm cheap. Now, instead of risking life, limb, and burned fingertips to reignite your pilot light or to kindle the wick on hard-to-reach candl...