Feed Address Search Results

How To: Set or Change Your Home & Work Addresses on Apple Maps

Having your home and work addresses set in Apple Maps makes them incredibly easy to navigate to no matter where you're located. If you move to a new house, stay in a hotel or resort while vacationing, report to a different office, or have multiple job sites to visit regularly, updating these addresses isn't only straightforward — there's more than one way to do it.

How To: Find your IP address with 3 different methods

In this video, we learn how to find your IP address with 3 different methods. First, go to the bottom of your screen and click on the computer icon you see. The next way is to go to WhatismyIP. When on the site, you will be given your IP address. The last way is to go to start, then run, and type in "CMD". Now, type in "ipconfig" and press enter. Once on here, you will be given your IP address. All of these will give you the same number, just use whichever option is easiest for you to use!

How To: Hack into a compuuter, the easiest way

In this Computers & Programming video tutorial you will learn how to hack into a compuuter, the easiest way. Go to start > run, type in ‘cmd’ > OK. To find the IP address of a website, type in ‘tracert myspace.com’. This example is to find IP address of myspace.com. Then all the IP addresses of the website will be displayed. If you want to shut down a computer, now you type in ‘shutdown’. A remote shutdown dialog box will open up where you put in the IP address. That’s all. The ...

How To: Setup a new e-mail account in Outlook 2003

Tool is selected, followed by email accounts and a selection is made at the "add new email account" option , the "next" button is clicked. Pop3 is selected and the next button. The required information is filled in such as name, amail address, incoming and outgoing mail server, username; which is the same as the email address and the password is entered. The "remember password" option is selected, along with the "more settings" button. Within the more settings window, the company name and a r...

How To: Find someone's IP address

In this tutorial, we learn how to find someone's IP address. First, log into What's their IP. Once you open this, enter your email and click the links that can be sent to your friends. Once they click on these links, the website will email you that person's IP address. You can now look this IP up to see the exact location of that person. There are several different options of pages that can be sent to your friends if you want to track their IP addresses. There is also a page that can be sent ...

How To: Easily change your IP address

This video discusses how to change your IP address in Windows XP. Start by clicking on the Start Button and then Run. Type in "cmd" and press enter. This will open a Command Prompt box. From here type in "ipconfig" which will show your current IP configuration, including your IP Address, Gateway, DNS Servers, etc. Next type "ipconfig /release". This will release all IP information from your current network adaptor. Next open up network connections, right click on Local Area Connection and sel...

How To: Get onto MySpace at school when it's blocked

The video provides you two easy ways to get onto MySpace at school. There is no need to install anything at all. If you have a Windows operation system, open a command prompt window and just ping MySpace. Then copy and paste the IP addresses you found directly into your browser's address bar. In case you have a Mac computer, try search 'ip address finder' on Google and tool sites such as ip-address.com can help you find the same information. Now getting onto your favorite MySpace will never b...

How To: Make homemade baby bird food

This is just a quick video on a simple way to make homemade baby bird food, preferably for wild baby birds such as sparrows, starlings, robins, etc. This is a great starter recipe. If you've rescued an orphaned chick or taken one in as a pet, can be tricky to feed, but this simple feed is easy to make from cat food. Watch this video animal care tutorial and learn how to make baby bird food at home.

How To: Get your official SAT score from College Board online

The SATs are a very valuable college entrance test and could determine if you're accepted or denied to your favorite university. So, once you've learned to ace the SATs and have already taken your test, get your scores as soon as they're out! Don't sit in dreaded anticipation— go to College Board and get your SAT test results now!

How To: Create better RSS feeds for a WordPress blog with the PuSHPress plugin

In this clip, learn how to create better RSS feeds with the PuSHPress WordPress plugin. Every version of WordPress brings with it new features, new functions and new ways of doing things. Fortunately, the very same technology that allows an open-source blog publishing application like WordPress to exist in the first place also makes it easy for its users to share information about the abovesaid things through videos like this one. Take a look.

How To: Deal with bed bugs in college

In this tutorial, we learn how to deal with bed bugs in college. There is no treatment for bed bugs, you just have to get rid of where they are living. If you suspect they are in sheets, blankets or clothes, you must wash these in extremely hot water or freeze them for 24 hours. Don't share grooming products or headphones, because these can transfer head lice from person to person. You can also get body lice that spread from clothing and feed on your skin. Pubic lice comes from sexual contact...

How To: Connect Bluetooth to Xbox Live

OK, title says it all. This video will show you how to use a bluetooth headset with an Xbox 360 controller and on xbox live, without paying the ridiculous fee for the Microsoft wireless headset that usually breaks within 2 months. Watch and see how to connect Bluetooth to Xbox live!

How To: Set up a custom RSS feed for any YouTube channel

Looking for a way to keep up with your favorite YouTube channels via RSS? This clip will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this handy home-computing how-to from the folks at Tekzilla can present a complete overview of the process in about two minutes' time. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Remove subscription link, images and widgets in Thesis

In this video, we learn how to remove the subscription link, images and widgets in Thesis. First, you need to go to the Word Press Admin, then click on the Thesis option. After this, go to the navigation menu and click on "feed link in nav menu". Now, click the box to show feed link in nav menu and make sure it's de-selected. After this, go to check out your site and refresh it. Now, to remove the boxes you will go to thesis option, then design option. Go to the multimedia box, then go to def...

How To: Unhide Mafia Wars (or any application) on Facebook

After the changes made to Facebook, some users are having a hard time trying to configure their options to their liking. If you’re a fan of Mafia Wars and want your updates to be posted on your News Feed, this video will teach you how to unhide this game or any other application. The easiest way to go about this is to log onto your Homepage. On the left-hand side, you’ll see a blue link that says “more.” Click into it and then press “links.” Now scroll down to the very end of the ...

How To: Harvest worms for shipment

In this video Christy Ruffner will show you the process involved in harvesting worms for shipment. The container used in the video is an oil changing pan. The pan is filled with worms and bedding. Simply rake your fingers on the top of the bedding and remove the worms to another pan. You need to feed and water the worms properly. Then, the worms will be congregated on the upper portion of the bedding. Once all the worms are separated, weigh them and then add an equal amount of bedding. If you...

Use Pro Tools & Reason Rewire: Aux & instrument tracks

After finally completing a rhythm section using Reason software, you may want to rewire using Protools. First decide how to feed Reason into Protools. The best, would be to re-patch individually into Protools, however the demo here shows a simpler approach that will be easier for anyone to use. First and foremost, Shut down Reason and boot a new session in Protools. Then add an AUX input and instantiate the rewire plug-in to connect to Reason. Make sure the main Reason stereo is feeding track...