Family Budget Search Results

How To: Choose the Right Water Feature for Your Garden

Adding water features to your garden can help to create an enviroment that more closely resembles nature. The sound of a trickling fountain can make your garden feel more peaceful and relax. Paul Tamate, a leading landscape designer working with water features and Asian-inspired garden designs in San Francisco says, "design spectacular water features as the centerpiece of gardens that serve as retreats from modern life."

How To: Make high-quality home music recordings on a shoestring budget

If you're a musician, but can't cover the cost of an expensive recording studio to get your song onto a playable media, then this video is what you need. It will show you how to make your own high-quality home music recording studio on a shoestring budget! If you're trying to get the attention of big music record labels, you need some hgih-quality sounds, but you don't need the high-quality costs! The setup is pretty simple— a microphone, MP3 player, sound mixer, headphones and a good-quality...

How To: Make budget summary tables that add by month in Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 642nd installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to create a budget summary table that adds by month and payee. See the benefits and drawbacks of the SUMIFS & EOMONTH functions method or the PivotTable method. Also learn about the Excel Table feature for adding dynamic ranges.

How To: Make a digital pinhole camera on a budget

In this video you learn how to make a digital pinhole camera. The video begins with an introduction addressing the main themes to be dealt with in the video - tight budgets, photography and specialized lenses. In this video, Kai modifies a photo lens cap by poking a large hole in it. After making this large hole, he makes a smaller hole in a thinner material and lines the hole up in the center. He calculates the size of the hole he needs based on the wavelength he will be photographing. He us...

How To: Light an interior space while filming on a budget

In this video from FiveSprockets we learn how to light an interior space while filming on a budget. For this you need two Chinese lanterns which he found for $2.95 each. You need 2 light bulbs which he found for $3.95 each. Make sure you get extra ones. Then get a couple of pan lights. They are day light and mood light. They were $7 and $5. You also need a multi colored gel pack which is $6.00. He uses C-stands to hold the lights up but he suggests coming up with other ways if you don't have ...

How To: Storyboard, make a shot list, line your script, and schedule a film production

Measure twice cut once applies to filmmaking as well as construction or any other complex process really, and that's why preproduction is they key to actually finishing your film on time and budget. This video will help you with several preproduction tasks, including storyboarding, making a shot list, lining / timing your script, and scheduling the actual production of the film.

How To: Shoot in a film noir setting

Film Noir, or black film, is a type of film that can easily be attributed to classics such as the Humphery Boggart films of old (Maltese Falcon, King of the Underworld, ect.). If you're looking on how to create the effect yourself without a big budget, check out this video! John Hess gives you some basic tips to creating the effect with lighting and more!

How To: Make a talking animals effect using After Effects

A LOT of movies have featured talking animals. Especially now that the technology is readily available to even low-budget filmmakers to make animals appear to be talking very realistically. If you've wanted to make your own talking-animal film, this video is here to help. It wills show you how to make animals talk using After Effects, creating and syncing mouth movements to fit your sound and leaving you with one charismatic cat, dog, fish, or marmoset.

How To: Make stencil wall art

Learn how to make wall art that will spruce up your home while keeping a low budget. Pink of Perfection has provided this great horse stencil for you to use, but be creative! The great thing about stencil art is the freedom of using different designs or making your own.

How To: Plan bathroom renovations on a budget

Times are tight, but no one deserves to stare at an old, fugly bathroom day after day. If you simply can't stand the hot pink paint the previous owners left on the walls anymore or your linoleum floor is falling apart, check out this video to learn how to plan bathroom renovations wisely and on a budget.

How To: Put together a cooking kit & canteen on a budget

In this tutorial, we learn how to put together a cooking kit and canteen on a budget. To make a cheap pouch, you can take a pair of pants and cut the leg off. Then, sew one end completely and sew the other as a drawstring. To pack your kit, make sure you have an absorbent towel to help with everyday things. Also, make sure you have a cooking kit, which can be made by an empty coffee can, water bottle, empty soup can, utensils, and water bottle. The last things to include in your pouch are a p...

How To: Create an exotic Arabian makeup look on a budget

Are you sick of all those tutorials that are packed with expensive products? Well, you're in luck! In this video, learn how to make an exotic Arabian style with budget makeup. Just because it's from a drugstore doesn't mean it isn't gorgeous! So, gather what you have and save some cash and get started with this exotic makeup style. You will definitely impress anyone you meet and no one will even tell the difference!

How To: Make a delicious alfredo sauce on a student budget

This video helps you make a delicious Alfredo sauce on a student budget. Melt the butter in a pan over low heat and add minced garlic to it. Before the garlic turns brown, add 30% cream to it and mix properly. Now, add parmesan cheese, salt and pepper to it. If your sauce gets too thick, add some more cream to it, or if the sauce is thin, add more cheese. Simmer for a while and taste test it. Add some salt and pepper if necessary. Make sure your Alfredo sauce recipe is creamy.

How To: Take a family portrait

Looking to get your family together somehow? Why not a family portrait? It's both a great keepsake and as an excuse to get everyone together. In this video, learn how to snap a great family portrait.

How To: Make vegetarian burgers cheap with Angie Ketterman

Angie makes portobello burgers for a healthy, budget vegetarian dinner. This cooking how-to video is part of Easy Meals, Good Deals show hosted by Angie Ketterman. Watch as she takes on the challenge to create dishes that save you time and money. You'll love the results, quick and budget-friendly recipes. Follow along as she shows you how to make vegetarian burgers inexpensively, no need to buy them at the grocery store.

How To: File a motion in family court

Check out this instructional legal video sequence that shows you how to file a motion in family court. This video contains important information on preparing and serving a motion in family court. The most common reasons for filing a motion are to request a court order affecting child custody, parenting time, or child support. The court has forms and instructions for the most common problems. Please remember the court is a very formal place with a set of language and rules. This is the video i...

How To: 3 Apps for Getting Your Budget & Finances Under Control in 2017

It's become a routine for many of us to ring in the New Year with pledges to finally get our budgets and finances under control. Unfortunately, it's also quite difficult to to keep those promises. Some of us will just dive into our resolutions and wing it as we move forward, which usually ends in failure. But even for those of us who plan carefully, obstacles along the way can spell doom for New Year's resolutions.

How To: Extend the life of your carpet

This video shooting taken at Pacific Home Furnishings explains the way to extend the life of your carpet. The lady presenting the video explains us the ways that can help extend your carpet's life. She says that when you go shopping for the carpet, after thinking about your budget, the next important thing to consider is the underlayment. She presents us with some samples of underlayment ranging in quality and pricing. First she about the least expensive one which she calls the after thought ...