Extremely Trendy Search Results

How To: Use an angle grinder safely in home construction projects

Angle grinders are very powerful and useful tools, but like many such power tools they are extremely dangerous if you don't know how to use them. This video goes over a variety of must-know safety precautions that you should take before using an angle grinder to grind for your own construction projects. It covers proper eyewear, fire protection, and setting up the device for use.

How To: Make linear tracks on the Technik Skater

Watch this professional cinematography video to learn how to make linear tracks on the P+S Technik SKATER Mini dolly to better utilize and maximize its performance. It's actually extremely fast to get the Skater ready to shoot. Learn how to make straight tracks inward as well as a typical linear tracking shot. View final footage of the Skater used on professional film sets.

How To: Understand depth of field while focusing a camcorder

Depth of Field (DoF) is easy to understand, but it is often extremely poorly explained. It's all about selective focus. For consumers with conveniently small camcorders, you only have two options: get your subject away from the background and then (1) zoom in or (2) get the subject close to the camera. No 35mm lens adapters, no secret techniques, no complex math: That's it!

How To: Prank wrap a gift

The Slighty Mad Scientist teaches you how to prank someone by making their gift extremely difficult to open. All you need is some styrofoam and a little chemistry. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Share other people's Playstation store downloads

In this video tutorial the maker of the video teaches us how to setup an account for a friend in order for that friend to be able to download whatever they would like from the Playstation store for absolutely free. The video is extremely detailed and even offers a word of caution as the maker begins the process of creating an account for an anonymous friend. This video is extremely informative and very quick to the point. Its not long and drug out and it is a useful video tutorial to watch. O...

How To: Make extremely simple scales with a 9v battery and cap

Watch this video tutorial to see how to make extremely simple scales. This scale is useful when you want to weigh small portions of a substance (like a few grams of powder). It is difficult to get real weight using these scales though. To make this homemade scale, you'll need a plastic bottle cap, a plastic bottle or box, a 9v battery, clear sticky tape, glue for the plastic (epoxy or fast-hardeneing), scissors and a screwdriver.

How To: Wear comfortable clothes and still look cute and trendy

Track suits and Uggs are the way to go if you're feeling lazy, and just want to stay comfortable. But don't give up on looking cute at the same time, because it's totally possible. Watch these tips for feeling crummy and crappy, but looking cozy and cute. You don't even have to style you hair! With just a few changes, you'll go from grubby to cute and trendy.

How To: Do a stretching massage to improve flexibility

If you have a partner or spouse who loves you then wrangle them in to doing this extremely relaxing stretching massage. As the name implies, this massage involves another person helping to stretch out your muscles so the tension pent up inside disappears as quickly as a Stephanie Meyer vampire.

How To: Play bar chords on your ukulele

Getting started in ukulele, or guitar, trying to make barre chords can be extremely tough, trying to hold down all those notes and THEN trying to add extra notes, fuggetta bout it right? In this video lesson you will learn how to make barre chords effectively and be able to play them along with some extra chords to play that far up.

How To: Use the Mirror Modifier tool in Blender

The Mirror Modifier can be extremely helpful in modeling objects with Symmetry. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this free video software tutorial from the folks at CG Cookie. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, and to get started using the Mirror Modifier in your own Blender projects, take a ...

How To: Keep a cut from scarring

Keep it clean, covered, and coated, and say goodbye to that scar from the get-go. You will need running water and mild soap, self adhesive bandages, antibiotic ointment, petroleum jelly, sunblock, and silicone gel sheets. Warning: See a doctor immediately if your cut is extremely deep, won't stop bleeding, or appears infected.

How To: Hack together LED candles

Ah, the alluring glow of the LED light. Whether you're looking to create a bit of romantic (albeit extremely geeky) ambiance, or you just want to have some extra emergency lighting around the house, a set of mini LED candles is a great thing to have. They also happen to be quick, easy, and cheap to make yourself. In this video, executive editor Mike Haney demonstrates how to do it.

How To: Diagnose adult dyslexia

Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to read, write, and spell - no matter what intelligence level. Dyslexia is most often charactarized by reading and writing letters backwards. Watch and learn how to recognize the characteristics of adult Dyslexia.