Extra Care Search Results

How To: Practice good skin care for men

It's not only women that need to worry about their skin. A couple minutes a day of proper skin care will have a men's skin looking and feeling great. In this video, learn how to take good care & maintain healthy, fresh looking skin.

How To: Take good care of multiple cats in one household

In this tutorial, pet expert Marc Morrone will tell you all about how to take care of more than one cat at once and help them get along with each other. In this clip, Marc will walk you through all the stages of cat care and offer advice on how to introduce a new kitten into your home and to your already existing cats. If you think like a cat, you will be able to better raise your cats, so check out this clip for tips on how to do so.

How To: Properly care for a pet parakeet

Parakeets are small, colorful, friendly and chatty and all of these reasons make them great pets for kids. In this clip, learn how to select and care for your little feathered friends with pet expert, Marc Morrone. You will get the 411 on these colorful critters and learn how to keep them happy, healthy and singing all day long.

How To: Take care of pet birds

In this tutorial, learn all about taking care of pet birds from Marc Morrone. Marc will offer your expert advice on choosing and loving a beautiful bird and explain why they make fantastic pets. Before you welcome a feathered friend into your home, be sure to check out this video and be prepared.

How To: Pick and care for poinsettias

Learn how to choose and care for poinsettias with Southwest Yard and Garden's John White. You will be taken through the typical height and specifications for poinsettias, as well as what to look for in the leaves and flowers. One of the most important parts of growing poinsettias is keeping to a specific schedule. Measuring the plants is also important as plants that are too tall or too short are undesirable. Remember to frequently water the plants, but be careful not to overwater. Also, keep...

How To: Practice basic cross-country ski care

NordicSkiSource.com owner Doug McSpadden illustrates basic practices for caring for your XC skis. The more wax you have the faster your skis. Do not ski through dirt; it will ruin your bases. Keep skis waxed when travelling to keep them from drying out. Don't walk across a parking lot.

How To: Make stretch beaded bracelets

In this tutorial, Kameron Kay, expert jewelry designer, demonstrates how to make a stretch bracelet using extra beads. This is a quick and easy piece of jewelery that anyone can make. Watch this video for tips on how to turn those extra beads into something unique. This bracelet makes both a great gift and a wonderful fashion accessory.

How To: Play in the high register of a harmonica

Wondering how to hit high notes on your harp? In this harmonica tutorial, you'll learn how to play using the upper register. While this tutorial is geared towards intermediate players, beginners are certain to walk away with something. For more, and to get started playing in the high register of your own harmonica, just press play!

How To: Teach your teens car care responsibility

For teens, getting a new car is so much more than passing drivers ed. A car is a chance for parents to teach their teenager responsibility. One of the ways you can do this is to ensure your child takes care of their new vehicle. Teach them how to keep their car running smoothly by checking fluids, tires and various other maintenence areas.

How To: Care for a fresh tattoo

Ever wondered how to take care of that tattoo after you've just been inked? In this video, learn from one tattoo expert his aftercare advice. There are many people who suggest different practices after a tattoo, but learn from one man who's speaks from experiece.

How To: Find extra points for a parabola (quadractic equation)

This is a mathematical educational video on how to find extra points for a parabola. In the first two examples there is no need for finding extra points as they have five points and have zeros of the parabola. In example 3 we need to find extra points. The equation is y=4xsquare-4x+4. You can take x= -1 and get the value for y. You will get a point now. Similarly you can substitute -2 for x in the same equation and get the value for y. Now you get another point. Now you can draw the parabola.

How To: Perform a cardiovascular exam on a patient

The key to being a good doctor is great patient care and thoroughness, and those are exactly the skills you will learn in this video lesson, as you learn to perform a cardiovascular examination on your patient. This is a great, step-by-step resource for the proper examination procedure. Every medical student should know these techniques, and nursing students could benefit from this knowledge, too. Every cardiovascular exam should include inspection of the pulse, blood pressure, carotid pulsat...

How To: Care for a pet Southern flying squirrel

While squirrels are wild animals, they can still make great pets. People often take in abandoned baby squirrels, that can't live properly in the wild without the care of a mother. As squirrels are wild animals, they require a certain level of care as compared to domesticated animals. You will need food and water bowls, a weasel wheel, a cage, and a home or nest for sleeping. Watch this video pet-care tutorial and learn how to care for a pet Southern flying squirrel.

How To: Care for plaenopsis orchids

They're known the world over and grow in some pretty strange places. But, as Allen Smith shows us, orchids don't have to be foreign to you. They can however be tricky to care for. Phalenopsis orchids are a great orchid for beginners. Watch this video gardening tutorial and learn how to care for orchid flowers.

How To: Care for your American Girl doll

In this video, Sarah tells us how to care for your American Girl Doll. Tip number one is to not put any product on the doll's hair. The next tip is to not wash the hair on the doll unless you absolutely have to. Don't put pressure on her hair as you brush it, use a light touch with a comb. If your doll has frizzy hair, you can clip off the frizzy area with some scissors. If you get a mark on the doll, you can use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on her without damaging the skin. If you don't have tha...

How To: Take good care of a pet canary

The canary is one of the most popular bird for people to have as pets, and not just because they'll let you know if you have a gas leak. Watch this video to learn everything you need to take care of a canary, from what size cage to get to types of food and activities.

How To: Care for your baby's first teeth

Now that your baby has grown his or her first teeth, it's important that you take good care of them. This video guide from Health Guru will help you to do just that. For details, and to get started better looking after your own baby's teeth, take a look.

How To: Use and take care of a portable band saw

Using a band saw can be really helpful when you have to cut certain metals nice and neatly. Unlike regular band saws, this tutorial covers how to use and take care of one that is portable. This is especially helpful for this hard to reach areas or projects where it's difficult to remove the metal. So check out this helpful tutorial to find out how to use, take care of, and understand a portable band saw. Enjoy!

How To: Properly take care of blueberry bushes

If you love eating blueberries, but hate paying so much for those delicious pieces of fruit, why not plant your own. Oh, and if you're worried about killing the plant, not to worry, this tutorial will show you how to properly take care of your blueberry bush. So check it out and enjoy!

How To: Take care of a bat

Bats are usually associated with negative conotations such as evil, stanic, and just plain ugly. But, these nocturnal creatures are quite fascinating and are unique creatures that are unlike any other on this plane. So if you find one, what do you do? An associate professor of biology explains what to do if you find a bat and how to take care of and rehabilitate it. Enjoy!

How To: Become a flight medic

Are you interested in flight medicine? Taking care and transporting critical care patients to and from the sight of their injury to the hospital? In this video, learn from the President of the National Flight Medic Association, Jason Hums MPH what it takes to become a flight medic: what to do after schooling to prep, how to compiete for the job in this highly competitive field, and what wesbites to ceck out for more information.